Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 567 Dragon Egg

The way Elder Li looked at Chu Fengmian now looked as if he were looking at a nouveau riche.

Trading with king-grade spiritual stones and imperial-grade spiritual stones is simply an extremely extravagant act.

This kind of king-grade spiritual stone, if you take out the imperial-grade spiritual stone, I am afraid that it will be auctioned. It is crazy to trade it as currency like this.

Only Chu Fengmian, who now has unlimited wealth and can directly condense spiritual stones, would do such a thing.

If it can be exchanged for these king-grade spiritual stones and imperial-grade spiritual stones, it will be enough to bring great benefits to the Tianshang Guild.

"If Mr. Chu trades for king-grade spiritual stones, our Tianshang Guild can also offer the lowest price."

Afraid that Chu Fengmian would not agree, Elder Li said hurriedly.

"Well, let's go take a look first."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"Okay, let's go."

Elder Li nodded and took Chu Fengmian and Bai Xuan directly through the space.

They arrived in front of a stone chamber.

"Oh? This stone room?"

Chu Fengmian took a look at the stone chamber and discovered that the stone chamber was actually made of one of the rarest objects in the world, the Sky Rock Crystal.

Tianyan crystal is a very special kind of crystal. It is extremely strong, but it is difficult to condense.

Among all the wonders in the sky, it is considered a relatively low-level one, but being able to build a treasure house with sky rock crystals is extremely luxurious for the Tianshang Guild.

This treasure house has been built, even with Chu Fengmian's full strength, it is difficult to destroy it.

"Master Chu, please follow me."

Elder Li came to the stone chamber door and activated the restriction above.

The door to the stone chamber opened with a bang.

Elder Li took Chu Fengmian directly into it.

Entering this stone room, one glance can see countless shelves, with countless strange objects neatly placed on them.

Chu Fengmian glanced over and saw that several of them were exactly on his list.

"Bring these over here."

Chu Fengmian pointed at seven or eight of the strange objects and said.

These rare objects are all useful to Chu Fengmian in condensing his body.

Now Chu Fengmian's strength has reached its limit, but his body is still far from reaching it.

Chu Fengmian had enough to feel that the catastrophe of his life and death was no small matter. You must know that when Chu Fengmian broke through the realm of divine power, he also caused the catastrophe of the Ten Thousand Thunder Emperors.

Once it causes a catastrophe of life and death, I'm afraid it is likely to be much more terrifying than the Tribulation of the Ten Thousand Thunder Emperors.

A life-and-death catastrophe is a life-and-death disaster. If you fail to survive it, you will die on the spot. But for a genius with extremely high talent, the more dangerous you will be.

Chu Fengmian's strength has reached its limit, but his body is far from there. Chu Fengmian must reach the limit of his body before he can survive the catastrophe of life and death.


Elder Li didn't waste any time, and directly photographed the seven or eight kinds of strange objects from the air, lifted the restrictions on them, and handed them to Chu Fengmian.

"The value of these rare objects will be calculated together later. If Mr. Chu needs anything else, he can choose at will."

Chu Fengmian nodded, took the rare objects, and began to scan the treasure house with a pair of eyes.

Suddenly, his eyes looked at one of the huge eggs.

This egg is five or six meters long. It occupies a huge area in this treasure house. It contains strange patterns and exudes this essence of spiritual power.

There is even a touch of dragon power in this spiritual power.

"This is?"

The moment Chu Fengmian saw the egg, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"This is a dragon egg. It was obtained by a big shot of our Tianshang Guild. However, there is no vitality in this dragon egg, so it cannot be hatched. It is only because it still contains some spiritual power that it was put in. Into the treasure house.”

Elder Li said.

"If Mr. Chu wants this dragon egg, he only needs ten king-grade spiritual stones."

"Ten king-grade spiritual stones, the price is too high."

Chu Fengmian frowned and said.

"After all, there is no life on this dragon egg."

Elder Li opened his mouth to explain.

"There is still spiritual power left on it, so it is not impossible to hatch it. Once it can be hatched, a true dragon, as a spiritual beast, will be able to develop a strength that is comparable to a high-level powerhouse in the life and death realm."

"How is it possible for a lifeless dragon egg to hatch?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Elder Li, shook his head and said.

"A maximum of three pieces of king-grade spiritual stones. I practice dragon martial arts. From this dragon egg, I can understand the true meaning of the dragon clan. If it is more expensive, the gain will outweigh the loss."

"A lifeless dragon egg has no use other than that."

"Three king-grade spiritual stones..."

Elder Li's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about this, and then he spoke.

"If Mr. Chu settles the matter with the king-grade spiritual stone, fine."


Chu Fengmian didn't waste any time and directly put the dragon egg into the empty ring.

Then he lost interest and was looking at other strange objects. He turned his head and left the stone room.

"These rare items include a total of fifty-two king-grade spiritual stones. Mr. Chu only needs fifty king-grade spiritual stones."

Elder Li said excitedly.

Fifty king-grade spiritual stones, if replaced by ordinary low-grade spiritual stones, would be a full half a million yuan, which is definitely a big deal.

Their Tianshang Guild does not have such a big business every day, or even for several years.

This business will be of great benefit to Elder Li.


Chu Fengmian said calmly, and took out a large piece of Wang-grade spiritual stone from his hand.

This piece of king-grade spiritual stone could be cut into about fifty pieces and was handed directly to Elder Li.

Elder Li carefully took the king-grade spirit stone and put it into the empty ring, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you have something on the list that you need, you can let me know. The price is not an issue."

Chu Fengmian looked at Elder Li and said.

His current wealth is endless, which can be exchanged for countless rare items to enhance his strength.

No matter how much wealth there is, it is meaningless without strength. To survive the catastrophe of life and death, Chu Fengmian must raise his strength to the top.

"The rare items Mr. Chu wants are really of extremely high value. Our Tianshang Guild has accumulated them over thousands of years, so we only have those. But if Mr. Chu doesn't care about the price, there will be a huge auction tonight. meeting."

Elder Li said.

"In this auction, there will be many rare items recently produced by the six ancient D mansions, but the prices are extremely high. But with Mr. Chu's financial resources, naturally you don't have to worry about it and you can try your luck."

After staying up all night, it's five o'clock, and I've finally finished writing the fourth update. I'm really sleepy, so I'll wake up and continue updating.

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