Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 566: Nouveau riche

This palace is located in the center of Tian Shang Guild, but it is extremely quiet.

There are countless restrictions around it, blocking the spiritual consciousness, so that people outside cannot detect the conversations of people inside.

When doing business, many businesses naturally need to be extremely secretive, and Tian Shang Guild does this perfectly.

The restrictions around it, ordinary high-level warriors in the realm of life and death may not be able to use their spiritual consciousness to pass through it, unless they are like the Undead Demon Lord.

However, the strong people who can reach the strength of the Undead Demon Lord are all big shots, who would do such eavesdropping.

So trading in this palace is naturally the safest.

When Chu Fengmian came to the palace, he sat on one of the thrones without any courtesy, and Bai Xuan also sat next to him.

As soon as Elder Li entered the palace, he spoke to Chu Fengmian.

"You just showed mercy, I thank you in advance."

"That's nothing. In Tian Shang Guild, we must follow the rules of Tian Shang Guild. No one will be killed here."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"I came to Tian Shang Guild to do a big business. I wonder if you want to do it?"

"Big business?"

Elder Li smiled when he heard Chu Fengmian's words.

"May I know your name? It should be your first time to come to our Tian Shang Guild."

Tian Shang Guild is one of the largest forces in Hunyuan Continent. There are really not many businesses that Tian Shang Guild cannot do.

Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, he naturally thought that Chu Fengmian had never been to Tian Shang Guild and was just a newcomer.

Elder Li smiled and said.

"Many high-level strong men in the realm of life and death in our Tianshang Association will come to do business. What do you need? We have everything in our Tianshang Association, whether it is elixirs, spiritual tools, materials, rare items in the world, or even some intelligence, bounties for killing people, we can do it."

"My name is Chu Fengmian, yes, this is my first time here."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"I am going to buy a batch of rare items in the world, as well as some body-building elixirs."

When Chu Fengmian spoke, he took out a list and handed it directly to Elder Li.

Chu Fengmian?

When Elder Li heard Chu Fengmian's name, he thought about it. In his mind, there was no such name among the strong men in Beimang College.

That means that Chu Fengmian should be a newly rising genius, or an unknown disciple who suddenly rose.

Such a person who suddenly has such strength must have great opportunities. Such business is exactly what their Tianshang Association likes to do the most.

Listening to Chu Fengmian's words, Elder Li laughed.

"Rare objects in the world, body-building elixirs, our Tianshang Club has everything."

As he spoke, Elder Li took the list handed over by Chu Fengmian, and scanned the names on it with his eyes.

"Dragon King Grass? Heavenly Crystal? Earth Mother Divine Yuan? This..."

Every time he read a name on it, Elder Li's face became more and more surprised.

Each of the names on it is a very high-grade existence among the rare objects in the world, especially the name of Heavenly Crystal, which is simply a legendary name.

If Elder Li had not read a lot of books and seen this name in ancient books, I'm afraid he would not know what this Heavenly Crystal is.

Every name here, the lowest value, is probably not less than the King-grade Spirit Stone.

Elder Li spoke after a long time.

"Many of the things here, I have only heard of them, but never seen them. There are only seven or eight kinds that our Tianshang Club has."

"There are actually seven or eight kinds?"

This answer also made Chu Fengmian secretly a little shocked.

All the wonders written on his list are useful to him. With Chu Fengmian's current strength, the wonders that are really useful to him are all of extremely high quality among the wonders.

Chu Fengmian originally thought that Tian Shanghui could only have three or four kinds of wonders, but he didn't expect that there would be so many.

"This Tian Shanghui is located in the Hunyuan Continent. The Void Sea is rich in wonders, and the family background is much richer. I now need to accumulate and improve my strength to the limit of the divine power realm to prepare for the catastrophe of life and death. It will be of great use to me to get these wonders."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself, but said with a disapproving look on his face.

"Then take them all, I'll buy them all."

This disapproving attitude is like a nouveau riche.

"These things are worth a lot of money, are you sure you want to buy them?"

Elder Li hesitated for a moment and reminded.

"I'm afraid that each one is more expensive than the Dragon Blood Saint King Pill."

"Of course."

Chu Fengmian nodded, and from his hand, there was an extra king-grade spirit stone. This king-grade spirit stone was exactly what Chu Fengmian got from Yan Gulongdi D Mansion.

Each piece has been cut into the size used for trading and thrown directly to Elder Li.

"This spirit stone is Chu's gift to Elder Li."


Elder Li took the king-grade spirit stone and took a closer look. The spiritual power in it was simply refined to the extreme.

The spiritual power in this spirit stone has almost no impurities. It is a spirit stone that is so pure that it cannot be purer, surpassing the spirit stones that can be condensed by current warriors.

"King-grade spirit stone? This is a king-grade spirit stone?"

Elder Li looked at the king-grade spirit stone in his hand and said in surprise.

"This kind of king-grade spiritual stone cannot be condensed now. Unless it is in some ancient D mansions, there are king-grade spiritual stones. You actually have it?"

Chu Fengmian smiled. He was not surprised by Elder Li's surprise. In this Hunyuan Continent, the spiritual stones used in transactions were at most the highest quality spiritual stones.

For example, Wang-grade spiritual stones are extremely rare and can only appear in some ancient D mansions.

The Wang-grade Spiritual Stone itself is considered one of the wonders of heaven and earth. Who would trade the Wang-grade Spiritual Stone?

That's why Elder Li was so surprised.

"This king-grade spiritual stone is the meeting gift I gave to Elder Li. As for the traded spiritual stones, there are other ones."

When Chu Fengmian spoke, he waved his hand, and dozens of spiritual stones appeared in front of him, flashing past.

The grade of each of these dozens of spiritual stones must surpass that of the king-grade spiritual stone in Elder Li's hand.

Several of them have extremely pure spiritual power, reaching the level of imperial spiritual stones.

"Imperial spiritual stone!"

Elder Li's eyes were filled with shock, and he was stunned for a moment before he hurriedly spoke.

"Mr. Chu is indeed rich. The things you want are extremely precious. They are in the treasure house of our Tianshang Guild. Why don't I take Mr. Chu to the treasure house to see what you need and choose freely?"

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