Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 539: Kill them all

Chu Fengmian's eyes looked at the War Demon Venerable. The way he looked at him was as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Zhan Demon Venerable, kill Luo Changhen, and then it will be your turn, the devils of the Earth Demon Sect! No one of the evil obstacles left by the Nine Demon City has any need to survive!"

Chu Fengmian shouted coldly and pressed down with a palm.

There was nothing fancy about this palm, it was just a palm that Chu Fengmian gathered his spiritual power to suppress.


The weapons held by the six arms of the Hundred-War Demon God transformed by the War Demon Lord were completely shattered under the spiritual power of this palm.

Every weapon was broken.

This was not over yet. Next, the arms and body of the Hundred Wars Demon God were directly crushed under this force.

Feeling the irresistible power, the War Demon Lord roared loudly.

He had already squeezed all the potential and power in his body to the extreme, trying to compete with Chu Fengmian's power.

But the power of Chu Fengmian's palm was so huge that even the Demon God of Hundred Wars he transformed into could not compete with it.

Just like an ant, even if it exerts all its strength, it cannot compete with an elephant.


The Hundred Wars Demon God was completely shattered under this palm.

Countless spiritual powers in it were directly smashed into pieces, and the figure of the War Demon Lord was suddenly knocked out.

There were also numerous cracks on his chest, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"Don't kill me, spare me. I'm just an ant. I'm willing to surrender to you. I just ask you to spare my life!"

The War Demon Lord knelt on the ground and begged loudly for mercy.

Under Chu Fengmian's power, his mind immediately collapsed, and he no longer had any courage to resist, so he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Submit to me? You, the little devils of the Earth Demon Sect, are not worthy of me."

Chu Fengmian glanced at the War Demon Lord, and pressed hard with his palms. The War Demon Lord's body suddenly began to swell.

Like an inflated rubber ball, it was about to burst.

"No! I am the War Demon Lord! I have countless adventures and have a very high status in the Earth Demon Sect. I am a famous genius in the Northern Territory with a bright future! I don't want to die! No! Ahhh!"

The War Demon Lord roared crazily, and finally screamed in agony.

His body completely shattered and exploded under Chu Fengmian's ruthless palm.

All of Zhan Demon Venerable's vitality, all his adventures, and all kinds of wealth were all taken away by Chu Fengmian in one fell swoop.

All the spiritual powers in it were swallowed into Chu Fengmian's body, causing Chu Fengmian to condense the ancient dragon's essence and blood again to increase his strength.


The moment Canglan Ba ​​and Kuxutian saw the War Demon Lord being beaten to death by Chu Fengmian, they no longer had any will to fight.

Their hearts were full of fear, and they wished they all wanted to escape now, as far away from the fierce god as Chu Fengmian, the better.

"This person is no longer a human being, he is simply a monster. Even Beimang College's Ye Tianjun, who was called a monster, was not so scary before!"

"If we escape and spread this news, countless forces will definitely come to kill this person!"

The two of them were talking spiritually while escaping.

He had already planned to spread the news about Chu Fengmian after escaping.

There are so many enemies of Beimang Academy in the Northern Territory, and there will definitely be countless powerful people who want to kill Chu Fengmian so that Chu Fengmian cannot grow up.

What's more, Chu Fengmian also killed five Huanggu Sect disciples. Once they pass this news to the Huanggu Sect, the Huanggu Sect will send countless strong men to deal with Chu Fengmian.

But the so-called has already thought up all the plans to deal with Chu Fengmian.

"You want to escape now? It's too late. You two losers still want to deal with me and spread the news about me? It's simply ridiculous!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the surrounding space was immediately blocked.

At the same time, his two arms were also directly facing Kuxutian, and Canglanba and the others grabbed them.

"Apparition without a trace!"

Cang Lanba's figure flashed and disappeared.

Actually, a void passage was opened directly from Emperor Yan Gulong's D residence, and he escaped all of a sudden.

"No! We can't let this person leak the news! Otherwise, he will be killed. Let's chase him quickly!"

Bai Xuan shouted loudly when she saw Canglan Ba ​​running away.

She moved and immediately wanted to chase him.

"Don't worry, he can't escape! Wanlong Soul Chaser! Chase him!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly. In front of him, a burst of spiritual power condensed and turned into a dragon claw, which rushed directly into the void.

This Canglan Ba ​​had just escaped into the void, and he was overjoyed.

When he thought that as long as he leaked the news, Chu Fengmian would be endlessly hunted by countless powerful people, he was filled with excitement.

But his excitement didn't last long.

Canglan Ba's body suddenly stopped from the void, and a huge dragon claw immediately grabbed him.

Pulled him back directly from the void.

"What kind of martial arts is this! I have already escaped into the void, and I have been captured!"

Looking at the familiar face of Chu Fengmian, Cang Lanba couldn't believe it.

He had just escaped into the void while Chu Fengmian was not paying attention. He had completely escaped and ascended to heaven.

But now, Chu Fengmian was caught directly like this again.

All his methods were as ridiculous as child's play in front of Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian looked at Canglan Ba ​​and snorted coldly.

"Chu said that none of you will survive today! Just die!"

"No! I am from the Canglan family! If you dare to kill me, our Canglan family will not let you and me go! I..."

Canglan Ba ​​was about to die and wanted to make a final threat.

"So much nonsense! Die!"

Before Canglan Ba ​​could finish speaking, Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and a wave of spiritual power came down, oppressing Canglan Ba's body.

I saw Canglan Ba's body exploded under a burst of spiritual power, and all the blood in it was swallowed up by Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian dared to kill even people from the Huanggu Sect, so what did Canglan Ba ​​mean?

"And you, Kukutian, you must die too!"

After killing Canglan Ba, Chu Fengmian's eyes turned to Kuxutian.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and Kuxutian's body exploded just like Canglan Ba.

Luo Changhen, Kuxitian, Canglan Ba, and Zhan Demon Venerable, these four peerless geniuses, have now all died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

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