Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 538: Breakthrough in battle!

The energy of decay is the most domineering force in the world.

Everything in heaven and earth cannot escape decay. Even heaven, earth, and providence will one day decay and wither.

But now, this rotten energy has been directly swallowed by Chu Fengmian, and even refined.

Not only did it not affect Chu Fengmian's body, but it turned into the essence of power, helping Chu Fengmian condense the essence and blood of the ancient dragon.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Chu Fengmian's body was filled with endless spiritual energy, and his realm actually broke through again after swallowing countless amounts of decaying energy.

In one leap, he reached the fifth level of the divine power realm.

In the deepest part of his body, the phantom of the ancient war dragon had condensed 7,500 drops of the ancient war dragon's essence and blood.

"Okay! Sure enough, killing such a genius is the best way to get promoted!"

Chu Fengmian felt extremely happy.

Chu Fengmian came to Yan Gulong Emperor's D residence, first beheaded Master Baigu, then killed Guigu Shengzi, five people from Huanggu Sect, and now killed Luo Changhen.

With the power of the eight of them, coupled with the decaying aura of the withering sky, Chu Fengmian's strength was finally improved again.

What Chu Fengmian lacks now is realm. His countless martial arts, spiritual weapons, and bloodline are all top-notch.

Once the realm is promoted, the improvement in his strength is extremely terrifying. Chu Fengmian only needs to advance one step in strength.

Even when facing high-level warriors in the life and death realm, Chu Fengmian is not without the strength to fight.

He watched helplessly as Chu Fengmian swallowed up the rotten air. Not only did it have no effect, but the aura on his body was still rising steadily, and now he has made a breakthrough.

Ku Xitian's expression could almost be described as dull, and his eyes were about to fall off.

His decaying aura was only condensed after decades of practice in the art of decay.

Just that wisp of decaying energy was already half of his strength.

Even if a powerful man with a high level of life and death realm comes, he may not be able to resist it.

Not to mention swallowing it, even resisting it is extremely difficult. The power of the decaying path is something that even powerful warriors should be afraid of.

But now Chu Fengmian directly swallowed up all the decaying energy and transformed all the spiritual power in it into his own power.

"This, this is no longer a human! It's a demon! No, even a demon can't do it. Decay and decay are something that neither heaven nor earth can escape. How could he escape!"

Kuxutian couldn't even think of how Chu Fengmian could do all this.

This was the first time that he had been cracked by someone since he had condensed the Withered Way. The Invincible Withered Way in his heart was devoured by others. This stimulation drove him directly into madness.

"Ku Xutian, don't be in a daze, take action quickly, while this kid has just broken through, his realm is unstable, and he is still extremely weak, kill him, and all his adventures will be ours!"

The War Demon Lord let out a long roar, directly activating the power of the Hundred Wars Demon God and the six weapons in his six arms.

Knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, spears!

The six weapons all contained sharp spiritual power and bombarded them at the same time.

Chu Fengmian's breakthrough made the War Demon Lord aware of a glimmer of an opportunity. He seized this opportunity and made a sudden move.

A warrior is at his weakest when he has just made a breakthrough.

Because once a breakthrough has just been made, all the spiritual power in the body will definitely be used for the breakthrough. When the spiritual power is lacking, it will be the weakest moment.

At such times, it is the easiest moment to defeat.

"Chu Fengmian, you are so greedy! Breaking through in front of us! It just gave us a chance! Your death today was also due to your greed. Please perish. People like you will not It should exist in the Northern Territory!”

Canglan Ba ​​also roared, and suddenly gathered his spiritual power, turned it into a punch, and hit him.

"Seventh Style of God of War!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Cang Lanba punched seven times in a row, punching in the air. The power of each punch seemed to be as dazzling as a sun. The power contained in it was enough to tear apart countless warriors present.

The shadow of the God of War behind Canglan Ba ​​also followed his movements and punched seven times in a row.

A total of fourteen dazzling suns appeared in the sky.

Following Canglan Ba's order, the countless fist power contained in it bombarded Chu Fengmian.

Each of these suns represents the power of Canglan Ba. There are fourteen suns, which is fourteen times the power of Canglan Ba's punch.

With such power, it is simply easy to kill warriors of the same realm.

After seeing Chu Fengmian's breakthrough, Zhan Mo Zun and Cang Lan Ba ​​did not stay behind and used all their trump cards in order to completely kill Chu Fengmian.

He wanted to take advantage of Chu Fengmian's weak moment to break through and kill Chu Fengmian.

"Weak period? Do you think that if Chu breaks through, you will have a chance? Unfortunately, my breakthrough can only mean that you will never have any chance again!"

Facing the countless martial arts bombardment, Chu Fengmian's expression was extremely relaxed.

"Break it all for me!"

He waved his hand, and a burst of spiritual power suddenly shot out. This burst of spiritual power turned into a rainbow.

A rainbow of spiritual power swept across the sky. The fourteen suns shattered in front of this rainbow of spiritual power and fell on the spot.

What was broken was Canglan Ba's martial arts. His martial arts was completely shattered by this spiritual power.

The whole person was knocked out, with a "pop" sound in his mouth, and countless blood was spat out.

"How can he have such terrifying power! Didn't he just break through? Why is he not weak at all, but his strength is even more terrifying!"

Seeing Canglan Ba ​​defeated like this, the War Demon Lord's martial arts was shattered, and his mind began to collapse.

He originally thought that Chu Fengmian's breakthrough now gave them an opportunity. Taking advantage of their weak period, they joined forces and exploded with power, enough to completely kill Chu Fengmian.

But now, there is no trace of weakness in Chu Fengmian's power. This terrifying and irresistible power is simply countless times stronger than just now.


Chu Fengmian sneered again and again.

Lord Zhan Demon would never have imagined that Chu Fengmian had divine veins in his body.

When an ordinary warrior breaks through, he will indeed fall into a period of weakness, and it will take at least a few days to fully recover.

Therefore, the moment of breakthrough is the most dangerous moment.

But Chu Fengmian was different.

Chu Fengmian has divine veins, and the spiritual energy consumed in his breakthrough was instantly replenished by the divine veins. It can be said that Chu Fengmian has no concept of a period of weakness.

Once you break through, the next moment will be the most perfect state.

The two of them planned to use Chu Fengmian's newly broken weakness to deal with Chu Fengmian, which was definitely the most stupid behavior.

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