Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 508 There is another world

"Brother Chu, thank you for your hard work."

Sikong Xuan watched Chu Fengmian fly back and rushed forward to greet him, smiling.

"These void tigers are not easy to deal with. Let's attack them together. I'm afraid we won't be able to kill them all."

"What's the matter? Any monster is vulnerable to me."

Chu Fengmian laughed deliberately and pretended not to care.

However, the spiritual power in Chu Fengmian's body was already extremely unstable, and it seemed that he was struggling to hold on due to excessive consumption.

Naturally, Chu Fengmian was pretending to look like this just to paralyze Sikong Xuan and others.

Once Chu Fengmian consumed most of his spiritual power, he naturally seemed to be no threat.

When he arrived at Emperor Yan Gulong's D residence, Chu Fengmian was better able to stand out.

"Brother Chu is really powerful. I'm afraid it's just around the corner to return to Beimang Academy and be promoted to a seed disciple."

Sikong Xuan deliberately flattered him and then said directly.

"Seeing as Brother Chu hasn't wasted much energy, let's just go on our way."

Sikong Xuan spoke so deliberately now just to not give Chu Fengmian any time to rest and recover his spiritual power.


Chu Fengmian's face pretended to be extremely embarrassed, but he still spoke like a strong-willed person.

"It doesn't matter, let's leave now."


Several other people secretly communicated a few times, seeming to be talking about something. Their eyes flickered and they looked at Chu Fengmian as if they were looking at a fool.

A group of people continue flying.

After a while, there were a lot more things in the surrounding void, and huge rocks appeared.

There are many D-caves among these rocks, but they are all extremely dilapidated and do not contain any spiritual power.

"This is the Mass Burial Sea. These rocks are all ancient D mansions that have been discovered, but they have all been explored."

Sikong Xuan said.

"Keep walking, Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion is at the deep edge of the Mass Burial Sea."

A group of people continue to fly this.

Bai Xuan took a look at Chu Fengmian and saw that Chu Fengmian deliberately pretended to be strong on the outside but weak on the inside. She quietly handed over a pill and handed it to Chu Fengmian.

"These elixirs are enough to restore some of your spiritual power. Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion is extremely dangerous, so you should swallow all these elixirs."


Seeing Bai Xuan's actions, Chu Fengmian was still a little surprised.

He and Bai Xuan also had a cooperative relationship, but Bai Xuan did not know Sikong Xuan and others and came to trick Chu Fengmian, but instead gave Chu Fengmian the pill.

It seems that Bai Xuan really wants to cooperate with Chu Fengmian to explore Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion.

"It doesn't matter, senior sister should keep these pills for herself."

Chu Fengmian also said quietly, and at the same time, he secretly gathered a spiritual power and poured it directly into Bai Xuan's body.

Bai Xuan only felt that Chu Fengmian's spiritual power was extremely strong, as long as the mountains, and extremely powerful.

Bai Xuan said in shock.

"You actually still have such power to kill those void beasts and have no effect at all?"

After killing so many void beasts, even if Bai Xuan were to do it herself, she would not have much strength left.

So she never thought about Chu Fengmian's appearance, it was just a disguise, but now Chu Fengmian's strong strength shocked her extremely.

Chu Fengmian quietly spoke to Bai Xuan and rejected the pill that Bai Xuan handed over.

"I just have some means. I will listen to them first and wait until Emperor Yan Gulong's D residence."

Sikong Xuan knew the most about the affairs of Emperor Yan Gulong's D house, so he was the leader.

Chu Fengmian deliberately showed weakness and was just taking advantage of Sikong Xuan. Once he actually entered the D residence of Emperor Yan Gulong, Sikong Xuan would no longer have any effect.

It was not too late for Chu Fengmian to deal with them.

"These people are all going to die!"

The murderous intention in Chu Fengmian's heart was so strong that if he dared to plot against him, Chu Fengmian would die.

Seeing Chu Fengmian rejecting Bai Xuan's elixir, the disdain in Sikong Xuan's eyes became even greater.

"As expected, he is a loser who wants to save face. He can't hold on anymore, so he still has to hold on."

"It doesn't matter anyway, just let this person lure those monsters."

Chu Fengmian's behavior was even more in line with the appearance of being strong on the outside but capable on the inside. Sikong Xuan deliberately flew extremely fast, making Chu Fengmian follow him out of breath and extremely difficult.

Finally, three hours later, under the leadership of Sikong Xuan, they suddenly arrived at the edge of the mass burial sea.

In front of this, there is nothing, only endless emptiness.

"This is the D residence of Emperor Yan Gulong, right here?"

Seeing Sikong Xuan stop, Chu Fengmian thought to himself. He turned on his spiritual consciousness and scanned the surroundings, but he could not find any trace of Yangu Longdi's D mansion.

While Chu Fengmian was thinking, Sikong Xuan walked out in one step.

She was reciting something silently. Chu Fengmian could tell that it was an extremely ancient language, but she couldn't understand it.

Then, in the void in front of him, a door suddenly appeared, tearing apart the surrounding space.

"The D Mansion of Emperor Yan Gulong is really secretive to the extreme. I'm afraid it would be impossible to find it without a chance encounter."

Chu Fengmian watched the door appear and thought to himself.

Although he could have killed Sikong Xuan early on, it was indeed useful to keep him alive.

Without Sikong Xuan's leadership, even Chu Fengmian would not be able to find Yan Gulong Emperor's D mansion.

"Is this the D residence of Emperor Yan Gulong?"

"The rumors are actually true. Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion is hidden and cannot be opened without an adventure."

Mr. Yun, Lin Mu and others were extremely surprised when they saw the appearance of this gate.

"Everyone, let's go in first."

Sikong Xuan chuckled lightly, moved his feet, and was the first to step into the door.

Seeing Sikong Xuan enter first, several other people also stepped in one after another.

Chu Fengmian stood in front of the gate and used his spiritual sense to explore it. After feeling that there was no danger, Chu Fengmian finally entered it.

As soon as he entered the D residence of Emperor Yan Gulong, he was immediately faced with a completely different world.

All the laws here are completely different from those in the Void Sea.

Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion is surprisingly a small world like Beimang College.

Figures like Emperor Yan Gulong are indeed at the pinnacle of the Nine Realms, enough to open up such a small world in the void.

Although this small world is not as good as Beimang College, it is still huge and contains dense jungles.

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