Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 507: They are all supplements

The group of people gradually approached the area of ​​the Mass Burial Sea.

There are more and more void beasts encountered.

Chu Fengmian volunteered to kill all the countless void beasts along the way.

This made Sikong Xuan sneer in his heart.

These void beasts themselves are difficult to deal with, although killing them can also bring considerable benefits.

But their purpose this time was to go to Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion. Compared with the endless opportunities in Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion, these void beasts were nothing.

Originally, they were all conserving their spiritual power one by one, preparing to show off their talents in Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion.

When they met someone like Chu Fengmian who was willing to take the initiative to kill the void beast, they naturally flattered him in every way and let Chu Fengmian continue to kill the void beast. Almost all the void beasts along the way were killed by Chu Fengmian. kill.

Chu Fengmian's face looked very calm, but secretly, he pretended to have swallowed a lot of pills to restore his spiritual power.

But this consumption of spiritual energy, which could be quickly replenished by pills, obviously placed a great burden on Chu Fengmian.

In their opinion, Chu Fengmian was just trying to maintain his reputation by being external, but only Chu Fengmian knew all this in his heart.

He has divine veins and endless spiritual power, allowing him to kill ten thousand void beasts without Chu Fengmian being tired at all.

What's more, killing the void beast is enough to bring huge benefits to Chu Fengmian. It swallows the spiritual power of the void beast and condenses the essence and blood of the ancient dragon. Chu Fengmian has already condensed more than a hundred drops of the essence and blood of the ancient dragon. .

Since these people wanted to plot against Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian just took advantage of it.

Deliberately showing weakness, he waited until he entered Yan Gulong Emperor's D residence to show his true strength.

"There is another group of void tigers ahead, about two to three hundred of them. I wonder if Brother Chu can deal with them?"

Sikong Xuan looked at the group of void tigers that appeared, and quietly spoke to Chu Fengmian.

"If Brother Chu is difficult to deal with alone, then we should take a detour. This void tiger is not easy to deal with."

"Brother Chu has killed many void beasts. This void tiger is difficult to deal with. Let's take a detour."

Lin Mu also said deliberately on the side, saying he was trying to persuade, but the meaning behind it was to provoke Chu Fengmian.

"Hmph, they're just a few empty white tigers. I'm going to kill them all right now!"

Chu Fengmian's face deliberately showed a bit of anger, and he immediately moved his body and rushed forward.

This made these people look overjoyed.

"Each of these empty white tigers has the strength of a peak saint. It is extremely troublesome to kill them. This kid actually went in and killed them by himself. It is really stupid."

Luo Chen looked at Chu Fengmian and mocked coldly.

"Use your spiritual power here and wait until you reach Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion to see where he still has strength."

"Yes, he is a stupid boy. Bringing him here saves a lot of trouble. Anyway, there is someone to help us deal with the void beast, so why not do it."

Lin Mu also sneered repeatedly.

"He thought we were flattering him, but in fact we were just using him. When he arrived in Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion, he was of no use and we kicked him away."

"You can't say that. After all, he is still somewhat useful. We can let him deal with other monsters."

Mr. Yun's eyes flashed and he laughed.

"There are also countless traps in Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion. You can use him as a shield to explore."

"Bai Xuan, where did you find such a fool?"

Sikong Xuan looked at Bai Xuan and sneered.

"I think your helper is about to be unable to hold on any longer. Why don't you ask us to help you save him?"


Listening to Sikong Xuan's words, Bai Xuan's face turned extremely cold and she didn't say a word.

However, she was also extremely worried. These people were obviously dealing with Chu Fengmian.

She also quietly sent a message to Chu Fengmian, but Chu Fengmian told her not to take any action, which left her with no other choice but to wait aside.

During the conversation, Chu Fengmian had already rushed directly into the void tiger.

"These people all thought that I was trying to save face. In fact, they never imagined that I would have divine veins. My spiritual power is infinite. No matter how many void beasts I kill, it doesn't matter."

"Without these people fighting for it, all the power of these void tigers belongs to me!"

Chu Fengmian was extremely excited, gathered his spiritual power, and suddenly struck one of the empty white tigers with his palm.


This void tiger was immediately pierced through the head under this palm, and the countless spiritual energy in it was swallowed up by Chu Fengmian. All of this was done smoothly.

"Okay, the spiritual power of this void white tiger is enough to condense a tenth drop of the ancient dragon's essence and blood. Ten void white tigers are enough to help me condense a complete drop of the ancient dragon's essence and blood."

"Killing all these void white tigers can condense at least a dozen drops of ancient dragon dragon essence and blood!"

Chu Fengmian calculated this in his mind and was also ecstatic.

The Void Sea is indeed a good place. This void beast that everyone fears and finds troublesome is a tonic in front of Chu Fengmian.

Ordinary warriors, no matter how powerful they are, no one dares to come to the Void Sea to kill and hunt void beasts.

Because dealing with a void beast requires a lot of spiritual energy. Even if it is beheaded, it will kill one thousand enemies and cause eight hundred losses.

But Chu Fengmian was different. With his divine veins, the spiritual power he consumed could be restored at any time, so each of these void beasts were like pills and tonics in front of Chu Fengmian.

"Behead them all!"

Chu Fengmian continuously activated his power, killing the void tigers around him and absorbing their power.

When beheading, Chu Fengmian deliberately slowed down his speed, creating the appearance of someone who was already strong on the outside but weak on the outside, without much strength, and was just struggling to hold on.

Chu Fengmian also deliberately swallowed a lot of valuable elixirs, which seemed to be restoring his spiritual power, but in fact they were just refined by Chu Fengmian and used to condense the essence and blood of ancient dragons.

"This kid is really holding on. He even took out the Shangyuan Spiritual Restoration Pill."

Sikong Xuan looked at the pill that Chu Fengmian swallowed and said with a smile.

"This is really generous."

"Swallowing such a valuable elixir is just to deal with a few void tigers. It seems that this kid also has a lot of wealth in his hands."

Luo Chen looked at Chu Fengmian and thought to himself.

"When we enter Yan Gulong Emperor's D mansion, we must find an opportunity to kill him and seize his wealth and his bloodline."

Nearly an hour passed before Chu Fengmian slowly flew back.

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