Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 504 Mass Burial Sea

"The power of this holy seed bursts out, and it is said that it can enhance the realm of two levels. Luo Chen's strength is already higher than that of Chu Fengmian, but now with the power of this holy seed, Chu Fengmian will definitely lose. "

"Luo Chen is ranked first among the inner sects of Beimang College, and he is definitely not a weakling."

"Let's see, this kid is about to be defeated. This Chaos Divine Fist is extremely powerful. Coupled with the power of the Holy Seed, it will be easy to defeat this kid."

Everyone present couldn't help but frowned when they saw Luo Chen's move, especially this Chaos Divine Fist.

Just let them fight Luo Chen. When facing the Chaos Divine Fist, it would not be easy to resist.

"Chaos Divine Fist? The Chaos Divine Fist of the real Chaos Divine Body is indeed extremely powerful, but is it just a sideshow like yours? Break it for me!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Na Luo Chen with disdain.

All of Luo Chen's strength comes from the holy seeds in his body. Although this is a shortcut, he can improve his strength in a short time.

But in fact, in Chu Fengmian's opinion, it was an extremely stupid approach.

If it is not your own strength, even if you are strong, you will not be able to perform to your best.

If Lord Ye Tian comes, Chu Fengmian will of course have no choice but to run away, but as for Luo Chen, Chu Fengmian will not take him seriously.

"Dance of the Dragons! Dragon Age!"


Next to Chu Fengmian, dragon roars resounded loudly. Around Chu Fengmian, countless spiritual powers suddenly turned into real dragons, soaring in the sky.

The space between heaven and earth is filled with soaring dragons.

The power of this Chaos Divine Fist was actually trembling under the soaring power of countless real dragons. It seemed that it was somewhat unable to resist and was easily resolved.

"What? The Divine Fist of Chaos was dissolved like this?"

"Is this person really a warrior at the fourth level of divine power?"

"An outer disciple, a newcomer from Beimang Academy, can actually achieve this step, how is it possible!"

Bai Xuan's eyes were filled with shock.

She had naturally guessed how far Chu Fengmian's strength had reached, but she could not imagine it.

Chu Fengmian's strength actually surpassed that of Luo Chen.

Luo Chen activated the Holy Seed and condensed the Divine Fist of Chaos, which was already his strongest method, but now in front of Chu Fengmian, it was easily resolved.

It doesn't seem to be affected much at all.

"If you want to deal with me, you should let Ye Tianjun do it by yourself. I am a lackey of Ye Tianjun. Today I will take half of your saint's essence and blood to teach you a lesson!"

Chu Fengmian suddenly gathered his spiritual power, and with a sudden palm, he grabbed Luo Chen.

"You two, please stop!"

Two figures suddenly flew out. Bai Xuan and Lin Mu stopped Chu Fengmian and Luo Chen respectively.

"We are all disciples of Beimang Academy. Don't let this little quarrel hurt the harmony. What's more, Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion is more important. We don't want to fight among ourselves now."

As Bai Xuan spoke, she quietly sent a message to Chu Fengmian to persuade him.

"Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion is important, now is not the time to quarrel."


After listening to Bai Xuan's words, Chu Fengmian's expression gradually calmed down.

But as long as Chu Fengmian has murderous intentions in his heart, he must kill Luo Chen. Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion is important. When the exploration is over, Chu Fengmian will kill him.

"I'll give you a living for a few days."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Luo Chen, and the murderous intent in his eyes made people shudder.

Now among everyone present, no one dared to look down on Chu Fengmian. Luo Chen was defeated by Chu Fengmian.

Several of them fought against Chu Fengmian, and although the outcome was mostly 50-50, no one was willing to provoke such an enemy.

"It's getting late. You should prepare to leave immediately. Don't let others take advantage of Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion."

Mr. Yun smiled and said.


Everyone else nodded and agreed with Mr. Yun's words.

Nowadays, even if there are huge grievances, they can't compare with the D mansion of Emperor Yan Gulong. Emperor Yan Gulong was an invincible creature fifty thousand years ago.

Many people would never dare to imagine how many opportunities there would be in his D mansion.

But the only thing that is certain is that as long as you get some harvest, it will be a huge opportunity.

In the face of such an opportunity, the only option was to stop, and so did Chu Fengmian.

Compared with killing Luo Chen, the affairs of Emperor Yan Gulong's D house are of course more important. After all this is over, Chu Fengmian can find an opportunity to kill Luo Chen.


Six figures turned into escaping light at the same time, and suddenly left the tea house and flew into the void sea.

"The area we are going to this time is the Mass Burial Sea, one of the three restricted areas in the Void Sea. Although there are no extremely dangerous space storms in it, it is still extremely dangerous. There are many dangerous void beasts. Please be careful."

While flying, Sikong Xuan reminded him loudly.

Everyone nodded, they were all aware of the dangers of the Void Sea.

No one dares to be careless.

While Chu Fengmian was flying with the crowd, he also learned some things about the Void Sea from Bai Xuan.

In fact, the first one is the danger in the void sea.

The Void Sea is an extremely strange space that seems to be the end of endless void.

The most dangerous thing here is the turbulence of the void. Only the peak saints can deal with this turbulence of the void.

Therefore, warriors whose strength is lower than that of the peak saint are simply not qualified to enter the Void Sea.

But these void turbulences are actually not dangerous to warriors of Chu Fengmian's level.

However, the turbulence in the void is very likely to cause a space storm.

This space storm is different from the ordinary void. The space storm in the void sea is so terrifying that it can sweep thousands of miles with one move.

Even if you hide, you can't avoid it. The powerful force is enough to involve the warriors in the life and death realm and forcefully tear them into pieces.

This is the greatest danger in the void sea.

Fortunately, the mass burial sea where Chu Fengmian and his party were about to go was relatively stable and there would not be too big a space storm.

But as one of the three restricted areas in the Void Sea, there is also a very special danger in the Mass Burial Sea.

That is the Void Beast.

Many of these void beasts are born from the depths of the void, and are creatures condensed with extremely refined spiritual power.

The power of each void beast is no worse than that of ordinary saints. The more powerful void beasts are enough to destroy high-level experts in the realm of life and death.

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