Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 503 Holy Party Luo Chen

Luo Chen suddenly spoke, glanced at everyone, and suddenly focused his attention on Chu Fengmian.

Luo Chen stretched out his hand, pointed at Chu Fengmian and snorted coldly.

"All of you here are talented disciples from the same side. There is no harm in working together."

"But this person is just a small outer disciple, a waste at the fourth level of the divine power realm. How can he be qualified to sit on an equal footing with us and explore Yan Gulong Emperor's D mansion?"

Luo Chen looked at Chu Fengmian and said contemptuously.

"Boy, I will give you a chance today. I will not let you run away in vain. Now kneel down and accept me as your master. I can take you to explore the D mansion of Emperor Yan Gulong. If you behave better, I will take advantage of the opportunity. How about sharing some points with you?"

After hearing Luo Chen's words, everyone present had a playful smile on their faces.

Lin Mu and Bai Xuan from Beimang College knew exactly what was behind this.

Lin Mu, in particular, seemed to have anticipated all this and was looking at Chu Fengmian with the mentality of watching a good show.

"You are so arrogant. Your master hasn't even said a word. You, a dog, dare to provoke me?"

Chu Fengmian's face became much colder. Since Luo Chen dared to provoke Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian would not be afraid of anything.

However, Chu Fengmian would never be afraid of showing off his face. Let alone a mere inner disciple, Chu Fengmian would not be afraid even if a seed disciple from Beimang Academy came.

"Seeking death? How dare a small outer disciple resist in front of me!"

Luo Chen snorted coldly, stood up all of a sudden, his aura completely locked onto Chu Fengmian, and with a sudden grab, he grabbed Chu Fengmian.

This grasp contains extremely powerful chaotic power.

As soon as he grabbed it and punched it out, the world was about to turn into chaos. The power of chaos immediately formed a huge cage.

Suddenly, it swept towards Chu Fengmian, trying to completely suppress Chu Fengmian.

"As a little outer disciple, if you dare to contradict me, I will punish you by being locked up in this chaotic cage for hundreds of years. That will be your punishment!"

There was a somewhat mocking smile on Luo Chen's face, and the look in his eyes seemed to have convinced Chu Fengmian.

"Chaos Cage!"

"As soon as Luo Chen took action, he used his power of chaos!"

"It seems that we plan to suppress this person in one fell swoop!"

"This person's strength is meaningless even if he is ranked among the top ten on the Earth Ranking. Luo Chen is number one on the Earth Ranking. Suppressing him is simply a piece of cake."

Lin Mu, Mr. Yun, and Sikong Xuan all talked to each other and shook their heads.

When Luo Chen took action, he used all his strength to knock down the chaotic cage in one fell swoop. It was extremely difficult for the three of them to deal with it.

How could a boy at the fourth level of the divine power realm compete with Luo Chen.

Only Chu Fengmian's expression was a sneer.

"You got a little bit of chaos power and you want to suppress me? It's a joke. You can't even let Ye Tianjun come. Do you think you can? The little cage is broken!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly. Facing the pressure of the chaotic cage, Chu Fengmian did not dodge or evade. He moved his feet and faced him directly.

The blood of the fighting dragon condensed in Chu Fengmian's body, and suddenly turned into the claws of the fighting dragon on his arm, and struck down with one claw.


Under Chu Fengmian's claw, the chaotic cage was directly torn into pieces, and the countless forces within it were completely shattered under the power of the fighting dragon.

"You dare to take action against me? Want to keep me closed for a hundred years? Well, I'll take 50% of your blood essence and blood to see how you dare to be arrogant in the future!"

Defeating the enemy with one move, Chu Fengmian did not hesitate and moved again. After the war dragon's claws tore through the chaotic cage, he blasted out again and suddenly grabbed Luo Chen's chest. past.

This claw suddenly struck out, almost instantly, hitting Luo Chen's chest. The huge pressure suppressed Luo Chen's body, leaving him with no way to retreat.

"What kind of martial skill is this? How exquisite? It is different from ordinary dragon martial arts. This claw of his is exactly the same as that used by a real dragon!"

Sikong Xuan looked at Chu Fengmian's sudden claw, and the look of contempt on his face was wiped away, and he was extremely surprised.

It is not impossible for warriors to learn dragon martial arts, but even if many people learn it, they only imitate it, which looks extremely clumsy.

Only some warriors with true dragon bloodline can truly exert their power by performing dragon martial arts, but they are only similar in appearance but different in meaning.

The claw that Chu Fengmian struck out, when Sikong Xuan saw it for the first time, seemed to be struck by a real dragon clan strongman.

It's not like a warrior can fight it.

Sikong Xuan thought about it, but he couldn't figure out what kind of martial skill Chu Fengmian's claw was.

Only Chu Fengmian himself knew that the Dragon Claw was actually not a martial skill at all, but was created by Chu Fengmian himself.

Chu Fengmian has the blood of a fighting dragon, and when he practices the fighting dragon technique, he is actually no different from the ancient fighting dragon.

The Claw of the War Dragon is a claw that Chu Fengmian uses the instinct in his blood to strike out at will.

But the ancient war dragon is extremely powerful, fights crazily, and has extremely strong combat experience. Even the instincts in its blood are much more refined than countless martial arts.

This move, Dragon Claw, is simply the most perfect move, suitable for Chu Fengmian.


This claw of the war dragon has suddenly put Luo Chen into a desperate situation.

Luo Chen also didn't expect that Chu Fengmian's strength would actually reach this level, tearing apart his chaotic cage easily, leaving him a little sluggish for a moment.

But facing the threat of the War Dragon's Claw, he quickly came to his senses.

At this critical moment, Luo Chen began to show his strength as the number one in the earth rankings.

"The power of the Holy Seed! Chaos the world!"

In Luo Chen's body, the power of the Chaos Seed was directly stimulated, causing his spiritual power to begin to rise crazily.

Suddenly, countless chaotic forces erupted from Luo Chen's body. These forces were condensed into one point and concentrated on his fist style.

"Chaos Divine Fist!"

In one punch, Luo Chen suddenly exploded out. This move was extremely ferocious and contained incomparable chaotic power. It made people feel it and made them go crazy.

"Holy Seed, this Holy Party's unique secret technique, Luo Chen finally activated it."

Seeing the changes in Luo Chen, everyone present was not too surprised.

Everyone in this Holy Party has a unique secret technique that can activate the Holy Seed and increase their strength. Naturally, they know it.

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