Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 473: Earth Demon Realm

This Earth Demon Realm is the home of the Earth Demon Sect. It is an independent space just like Beimang College.

The Earth Demon Sect is one of the largest sects in the Northern Territory. Although it is hidden underground, no one in the Northern Territory has ever heard of the existence of the Earth Demon Sect.

Beimang Academy is one of the mortal enemies of the Earth Demon Sect. The two sides compete with each other openly and secretly.

Now this mission actually went to the old lair of the Demon Sect.

If some powerful people from the Earth Demon Sect find out, Chu Fengmian and his party will definitely be killed directly.

Every year, many disciples die in the hands of the other party.

After all, Bei Mang College and the Earth Demon Sect can be said to be unrelenting enemies.

"Shut up!"

Lei Jue glared at Hua Xin and said with a cold snort.

"Follow me and nothing will happen. This is just the outskirts of the Earth Demon Realm and sparsely populated. Our mission this time is to go to a D cave and destroy an altar in it."

"Come with me."

With that said, Lei Jue's figure moved and once again turned into a ray of light and flew away.

Chu Fengmian and his party hurriedly followed. It looked like this was no longer Beimang Academy. In the Earth Demon Realm, there were many dangers, so we had to follow Lei Jue all the way.

Along the way, everyone was cautious, and everyone was extremely nervous, for fear of being discovered.

Finally, two hours later, everyone landed in front of a D cave.

This D cave contains endless demonic intent, and waves of demonic intent are emanating from this D cave.

These demonic intentions are so intense that even a saint who enters them will be corroded and demonized by the demonic intentions.

The entire earth demon world is like a demon territory. For the demon cultivators of the earth demon sect, it is absolutely a treasure land and a paradise.

But for warriors like Chu Fengmian, this kind of demonic intention is extremely fatal. Once it is eroded into the body, it is possible to be affected by the demonic intention.

At least they may have deep inner demons, but at worst they may be directly controlled by their demonic nature and degenerate into demons, becoming demons who only know how to kill.

Seeing the countless demonic intentions emerging from Cave D, everyone's faces showed a bit of fear. This demonic intention was enough to invade the warrior's body, making everyone want to escape from here.

But no one dares to really escape. This is the Earth Demon Realm. Even if they escape, there is nowhere to escape. Without Lei Jue's guidance, they may not even be able to find the way back.

If you don't escape, there is still a way to survive. Once you escape, even if you return to Beimang College, you will be guilty of escaping in battle and will be killed directly.

So even if there are many dangers now, no one dares to escape.


Lei Jue glanced at Cave D, stepped out, and walked directly in.

"Come in quickly. If you provoke the devil from the Earth Demon Sect, you will all die together!"

The moment Lei Jue entered it, he did not forget to threaten him coldly.

"Whoever escapes! Whoever dies!"

"Let's go in."

Although Qin Mang's face looked frightened, he could only go in bravely. Indeed, at this time, there was no way to escape.

"It's okay. As long as we complete the task, we can leave directly."

Chu Fengmian chuckled and walked directly into it.

Although Cave D looked dangerous, Chu Fengmian was not afraid at all.

If you are afraid of this little danger, why should you practice martial arts? That strong man is not transformed after countless majesties.


The other three people looked at each other, and with determination, they all stepped into Cave D.

At a glance, this D cave is bottomless. There are countless branches in it and it looks extremely complicated. I don't know how big it is inside.

"People from the Earth Demon Sect like to dig this kind of D-cave to cultivate their demonic will and practice. This should be a branch of the Earth Demon Sect."

Chu Fengmian walked into Cave D and thought to himself.

Chu Fengmian probably already understood the mission this time. There should be an altar in Cave D.

The task of Chu Fengmian and his party was to destroy the altar there.

Chu Fengmian opened his spiritual consciousness and discovered that there was indeed a huge spiritual power fluctuation in the deepest part of Cave D. However, Chu Fengmian could not see clearly what it was.

His spiritual consciousness was also greatly affected by this demonic intention, but it should be where the altar was.

"The demonic intention in Cave D is extremely difficult."

Chu Fengmian followed Lei Jue and walked deep into Cave D.

Although the demonic intent on the edge of Cave D is terrifying, it can still be easily dealt with based on their strength.

But as Chu Fengmian and his party walked deeper and deeper into Cave D, the demonic intention emanating from it became more and more powerful.

It has almost reached a point where it has to consume spiritual energy to resist.

"The evil spirit here must be resisted with spiritual power."

Lei Jue suddenly spoke out and pointed at the Mang Passage.

"You, walk at the front and use your spiritual power to resist the evil will!"

"What? Let me resist alone?"

Mang Tong's expression changed when he heard Lei Jue's words.

The demonic intention here is simply eroding the warrior's heart every moment.

It was not a problem for Mang Tong to resist the demonic intentions of one person, but now Lei Jue actually asked him to be responsible for resisting the demonic intentions of five people, which made his expression change.

If you resist the evil intentions of five people, your spiritual power will soon be consumed. But in such a dangerous environment, without spiritual power, you may die at any time.

Lei Jue's intention was to use Mang Tong as cannon fodder and let him lead the way.

"What? You don't want to?"

Lei Jue looked at Mang Tong's reaction and said with a bit of coldness on his face.

"Trash, do whatever I ask you to do. If you don't resist the devil's will, I will kill you now!"

As he spoke, Lei Jue's eyes showed dissatisfaction and murderous intent.

The threat in these words is not false, I am afraid that he may take action at any time.

No one expected that Lei Jue would turn against him at this moment.

Mang Tong looked a little panicked and stammered.

"You, you are a disciple of Beimang Academy. If you kill me, you will be punished by the academy."

After listening to Mang Tong's words, Lei Jue said with a bit of disdain on his face.

"If I kill you losers, the academy won't be able to punish me, let alone who in this demon world can know."

"Boy, hurry up and resist the evil intention. I have completed the task and I can still give you some benefits. If you don't understand, I will kill you now!"

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