Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 472: Outer Sect Mission

"Although you people have now passed the examination and become the outer disciples of our Beimang College, in order to prove your loyalty, you must complete a task assigned by the college."

Elder Su Ling stood in the air with his hands behind his hands and spoke coldly.

"After completing this mission, you will be considered the true disciples of our Beimang Academy."

"These inner disciples will lead you to complete the mission. Now, start assigning your teams."

"You, you, you, come with me."

Those inner disciples walked into the crowd and selected each one. Each person selected at least a few people or as many as dozens of people.

The outer sect's assessment figures are led by inner sect disciples, firstly to ensure safety, and secondly for a surveillance function.

Forces like Beimang Academy have countless enemies, and they often mix in some spies and come to Beimang Academy.

This outer sect assessment is to test the loyalty of the outer sect disciples.

"You, follow me."

A stern-looking inner disciple picked Chu Fengmian away.

In addition to Chu Fengmian, there were three others, a total of four people, who were transferred away by this inner disciple.

"This person's strength is not weak. He is a bit stronger than Tuoba Ding."

Chu Fengmian looked at the inner disciple in front of him and thought to himself.

This person's strength should have a strength index of four, and he is considered a decent warrior among the inner sect.

In fact, none of this group of inner disciples are strong, and as for the warriors on the Earth Ranking, there is none. After all, these powerful warriors are all practicing, so how can they have time to help complete the task.

A fine warrior, one of the selected outer disciples, spoke.

"My name is Mang Tong, what do you call me brothers?"

"It's fate for everyone to get together this time and complete the characters. It's better to make friends."

"My name is Hua Xin."

A warrior spoke, but his tone was extremely normal.

"Qu Mu."

When it was Chu Fengmian's turn at last, before Chu Fengmian could speak, Na Mangtong smiled and said.

"Brother Chu, needless to say, no one knows the new king of this year."


Qu Mu and Hua Xin next to him nodded. They all knew Chu Fengmian.

After all, on the first day Chu Fengmian came to the outer sect, he destroyed two newcomers, and then destroyed the Fengyun Society. Even Wu Fengyun, who was ranked eleventh on the list, was defeated by Chu Fengmian. .

How could they not know about such a famous figure?

Mang Tong said nervously.

"I don't know if this mission will be completed successfully. It is said that in every new class, someone will fall into the assessment mission."

Hua Xin said coldly.

"The assessment of Beimang College is not that easy. Without strength, even if you sneak in, you will fall."

Chu Fengmian said.

"Don't worry, since we are completing this task together, we naturally have to work together."

After listening to Chu Fengmian's words, Mang Tong's face finally became less nervous.

"Brother Chu is right. Together with Brother Chu, we will definitely be able to complete it."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Come here quickly."

Pick the perfect person.

The inner disciple said coldly.

"You have been favored by me and are my people. This time, you must obey my words. Do you understand?"

"I wonder what your senior brother's name is?"

After being selected to leave, Mangtong suddenly asked.

"And what is our mission this time."

"That's a lot of nonsense. My name is Lei Jue. This time I'm on a mission, and I'm responsible for destroying an altar of the Earth Demon Sect. I'm telling you you don't understand the specifics, so just obey my instructions."

Lei said impatiently.

"If you are disobedient, clumsy, and dare to hinder me, you may die in this mission."

"I'll tell you the specifics when the time comes. Follow me."

With that said, Lei Jue left with a ray of light.

The four of them, Chu Fengmian, looked at each other, turned into escaping light, and chased after them.

Lei Jue led the flight and flew continuously for three hours before stopping.

Except for Chu Fengmian, the other three people were panting when they stopped flying. They sat on the ground and took a rest.

With their strength, after flying for three consecutive hours, they were almost exhausted of their spiritual power, so they all took a rest on the ground regardless of everything.

Only Chu Fengmian seemed extremely calm. Although he didn't look relaxed, he wasn't so out of breath.

But this is just a show Chu Fengmian deliberately put on.

"Hmph, they are a bunch of trash. They have consumed so much spiritual power in just three hours of flying. How will they fight against the enemy in the future?"

Lei Jue glanced at it, snorted coldly, and glanced at Chu Fengmian. The disdain in his eyes became much more contemptuous, and he did not say anything to Chu Fengmian.

After resting for half an hour, everyone set off again. After resting like this three or four times, they finally followed Lei Jue to the edge of Beimang College.

At the edge of Beimang College, there is another extremely weird space.

Lei Jue glanced around, then moved his feet and stepped directly into this strange space.

Everyone seemed to hesitate slightly as they looked at the space in front of them.


Lei Jue cursed loudly.

"You losers, why don't you hurry up and follow us!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at this strange space, his eyes flickered for a while, and then he stepped directly in.

"Let's go."

Seeing Chu Fengmian walking in, the remaining three people moved their feet together and strode in.

Entering this space, Chu Fengmian felt that the aura around him was completely different from that in Beimang Academy.

The spiritual energy here is indeed extremely rich, but it is not like the spiritual energy in Beimang Academy, which is extremely pure and can be directly swallowed and refined.

The aura here is extremely turbid. The aura is filled with countless evil spirits, so it appears extremely turbid.

Looking around, there wasn't much life around. It looked like this place was a demonic realm.

Hua Xin glanced around, his eyes showing a bit of nervousness.

"Where is this place? We have left Beimang College?"

"This is the Earth Demon Realm, not in Beimang College anymore."

Lei Jue replied coldly.

"This Earth Demon Realm is the home of the Earth Demon Sect. You must be careful, otherwise I will not save you if you offend the big devil of the Earth Demon Sect."

"Earth Demon Realm, Earth Demon Gate."

Hearing these two names, there was a bit of nervousness in the eyes of several other people.

This place is actually the home of the Earth Demon Sect.

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