Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 461: Fengyun Meeting

Ma Yun is the best among the newcomers this year. He is extremely powerful and has the hope of being promoted to an inner disciple.

No one could have expected that Ma Yun would suddenly take action and attack Chu Fengmian while Chu Fengmian was fighting with Niu Feng.

Like this Ma Yun, such a powerful man who is already somewhat famous, actually chooses to attack secretly, which makes many warriors feel a little ashamed.


"It's two against one, but it's actually a sneak attack."

Many of the onlookers couldn't help but secretly curse. Although they didn't dare to say it out loud, their eyes revealed all their thoughts.

Seeing the looks in the eyes of these many warriors, Ma Yun didn't take it seriously at all. So what about a sneak attack?

Chu Fengmian's strength was obviously much stronger than it looked. He was able to suppress Niu Feng. Instead of confronting him head-on, it was better to sneak attack directly.

Now Chu Fengmian is in the stage of contending with Niu Feng and has no time to be distracted. At this time, a sneak attack is definitely the best choice.

"Boy! I'll cut off both of your arms first! Let's see how you fight with us!"

In Beimang Academy, it is still a great sin to kill other disciples rashly, so Ma Yun killed them with one sword.

The target of these three thousand blades is Chu Fengmian's arms. Cutting off the warrior's arms is enough to make them lose 90% of their strength.

It's not always the case that they are left to their own devices.

"Sneak attack?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes moved and he also saw Ma Yun's movements.

The moment these three thousand blades arrived in front of Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian's mouth slowly moved.


Chu Fengmian's mouth moved slightly, but what came out was a dragon's roar.

The real Tianlong Bayin was revealed from Chu Fengmian's mouth. This Tianlong Bayin was originally a martial art created based on the dragon's chant.

Now that Chu Fengmian has the blood of a fighting dragon, it is easy to use this move. It not only roars but also has the power of a dragon.


A dragon roar resounded through the entire mountain range, and the three thousand blades were all shattered and completely destroyed under this dragon roar.

No one could have expected that Chu Fengmian, who originally seemed to be in a dead end, would make such a shocking reversal.

He didn't take any action at all, he just shouted one word in his mouth, which was to destroy Ma Yun's strongest move, Three Thousand Blades.

Chu Fengmian's strength far exceeded everyone's imagination. With one against two, under Ma Yun's sneak attack, Chu Fengmian did not threaten Chu Fengmian at all. Instead, Chu Fengmian retreated directly.


Under this dragon roar, Ma Yun suddenly let out a scream.

Following Ma Yun's screams, everyone looked over and saw a huge crack in Ma Yun's chest, as if it had exploded.

It turned out that Chu Fengmian's dragon roar actually broke Ma Yun's chest.

It was rumored that the roar of a fierce tiger would frighten anyone to death. Now Chu Fengmian's dragon roar caused Ma Yun's chest to be blown open, and countless blood Ys remained in it.

The eight tones of the Heavenly Dragon contain supreme mysteries. According to legend, they were shouted out by a truly strong man. In one roar, no one could survive within a hundred miles. Although Chu Fengmian was still far from reaching this level.

But it is more than enough to deal with this Ma Yun.

"Two losers? Don't you want to seize my D mansion? Do you want to sneak attack me? Cut off my arms? Take away my blood?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes were extremely cold. He looked at Niu Feng and Ma Yun and shouted coldly.

"Today I will drain half of the saint's essence and blood from you two! Let you know that there are some people you cannot afford to offend!"

Chu Fengmian's words were extremely cruel. Now that he comes to Beimang College, if he doesn't show his strength, these people will really regard Chu Fengmian as a soft persimmon.

"Chu Fengmian, do you dare to extract blood from the two of us?"

Hearing Chu Fengmian's threat, Niu Feng was not afraid at all and shouted loudly.

"The two of us have already joined the Fengyun Society! We have defected to Senior Brother Wu Fengyun. If you dare to extract our blood essence, Senior Brother Wu Fengyun will not let you go!"

"What? Fengyunhui?"

"This is not one of the forces in the outer sect. Wu Fengyun, who is said to have founded the Fengyun Society, is a super genius who is ranked eleventh on the list. His status in the outer sect is close to the top ten!"

"For a person like this, if he wants to be promoted to the inner sect, he only has a little chance. As long as he gets a little chance, he will be directly invited to enter the inner sect."

"These two people have actually joined the Fengyun Club. Who among the new members of this generation would dare to provoke them."

Hearing the words Fengyunhui, the eyes of many onlookers could not help but change.

There was also a bit of envy in the eyes of countless people. They had just joined Beimang Academy and could be attached to such a force.

Unexpectedly, Niu Feng and Ma Yun, who had just joined Beimang College, would actually climb such a big tree.

In Beimang College, there are also countless forces, which are all small groups. This Fengyun Society is one of the small groups in the outer sect.

Among the countless forces in the outer sect, the Fengyun Society is already considered to be in the middle and upper reaches. Some veteran outer sect disciples have to weigh their own weight if they want to provoke them.

Among this generation of newcomers, such a force is definitely a behemoth.

With their backs against a big tree, they could enjoy the shade. Now that these two people have joined the Fengyun Club, they truly have a backer by hugging this person.

This is also the reason why these two people dare to be so arrogant now. They don't believe that Chu Fengmian dares to become an enemy of Feng Yunhui.

Only the top ten disciples in Beimang College's outer disciple list are qualified to ignore Fengyunhui.

But obviously, Chu Fengmian today does not have such strength.

"Boy, now that you know that we are members of the Fengyun Society, you should know what to do."

Niu Feng watched Chu Fengmian remain silent, and the expression on his face became arrogant again.

"This House D was personally assigned to us by Senior Brother Wu Fengyun. You'd better hand it over obediently. Otherwise, when Senior Brother Wu Fengyun takes action personally, you won't be so lucky."

"Feng Yunhui? Wu Fengyun? What is this!"

Chu Fengmian showed a bit of ridicule on his face, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said.

"You two, still dare to threaten me? It seems that the lesson given to you is not enough! Today Chu is just trying to establish authority in this outer sect. If I don't give you a lesson, you really think that some cat or dog dares to threaten me. "

Chu Fengmian's words were extremely arrogant. He actually ignored Fengyunhui and even put Wu Fengyun, who was number 11 on the list, in his eyes.

This is the second update today, and I will try to update more in the next two days.

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