Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 460: Fiery King Kong

Buddhism is a mysterious sect from ancient times that has long since disappeared.

A powerful Buddhist cultivator can incarnate into the Buddha and God of heaven and earth. Now the Niu Feng is incarnated into a powerful figure in ancient Buddhist cultivators, the Vajra of Fire.

"I've long heard that this Niu Feng has had quite an adventure, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be a Buddhist practice that has been lost for a long time."

"It is said that once this Fiery Vajra Body is cultivated, it will be invulnerable to attacks from spiritual weapons. The flames on its body are enough to burn everything, far exceeding ordinary flames."

"Among warriors of the same realm, this person is almost invincible. Given such a great opportunity, he is born to be both extraordinary and ordinary."

Countless warriors gathered around and looked at Niu Feng with fear in their eyes.

After all, there are countless battles among the outer disciples themselves, and they need to compete with each other for many resources.

Such a powerful figure, placed at the outer gate, is like a king and hegemon.

"Hmph, this kid is done for today. If he offends Niu Feng, he won't be able to survive in Beimang College."

Ma Yun stood aside and looked at Chu Fengmian with a sneer on his expression.

Niu Feng's character was such that his flaws would be repaid. This time Chu Fengmian provoked Niu Feng. In the future, Chu Fengmian would not be able to survive well in Beimang College.

"Boy, it is your glory that you were defeated by my Fiery Vajra Body. I originally planned to hide some of this Fiery Vajra Body, but now that you have exposed it, you have to pay the price!"

Niu Feng looked at Chu Fengmian and looked him up and down, his eyes full of greed.

"Your bloodline is very special. I detect a bit of the dragon's aura in your power. Your bloodline should have the bloodline of a true dragon, so you have such power!"

"I will draw out your bloodline! Prevent this true dragon bloodline from being buried by you!"

When Niu Feng spoke, his body also moved.

He took a big step, and the rocks under his feet were burned, leaving a footprint of fire.

Like a real Fiery Vajra, he suddenly strode towards Chu Fengmian. Every move he made was no different from an angry Fiery Vajra.

"Fire Vajra Body? In ancient Buddhism, it can only be regarded as a minor skill. How dare you act arrogantly in front of me?"

Chu Fengmian glanced at the Niu Feng with disdain and snorted coldly.

At this moment, Chu Fengmian moved. The War Dragon bloodline in his body stirred slightly, and the breath burst out from Chu Fengmian's body.

This battle dragon bloodline was mostly suppressed by Chu Fengmian, and it looked like an ordinary true dragon bloodline.

Endless dragon power condensed in Chu Fengmian's hand, causing Chu Fengmian's right hand to directly turn into a dragon claw, distributing this overwhelming spiritual power.

"What a Fiery Vajra Body! Break it into pieces! In front of the real dragon, the Fiery Vajra is nothing!"

Chu Fengmian laughed loudly and grabbed it with one claw.

This claw directly grabbed Niu Feng's body. Seeing Chu Fengmian take action, Niu Feng said with a somewhat proud smile on his face.

"Boy, you are really stupid. My Fiery Vajra has Buddha's fire on it. If you dare to catch it, be careful not to get into trouble!"

Niu Feng's words were full of ridicule.

The most powerful thing about the Agni Vajra Body is the toughness of the body, but the countless golden Buddha fires blessed on it.

Once it is slightly contaminated with this Buddha's fire, it can never be extinguished and must be completely burned out.

If you dare to deal with this Fiery Vajra Body with your bare hands, you are simply asking for death.

"Do you think that this little flame can hurt me? That's ridiculous!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, and turned his right hand into a dragon's claw, clawing directly at it. The countless Buddha fires surrounding the Raging Fire Vajra immediately swept towards the dragon's claw.

Seeing this scene, Niu Feng's face was filled with a disdainful smile.

But the next moment, the expression on Niu Feng's face was completely frozen.

These Buddha fires burned on the dragon's claws, but they were completely unable to cause any damage to the dragon's claws.

Countless flames burned over Chu Fengmian's dragon claws, which were not even as good as tickling Chu Fengmian's dragon claws.

"This little Buddha Fire is not as good as the Purple Yang True Fire, the weakest in the Nine Heavens. The Purple Yang True Fire can't even burn my body. How can this little Buddha Fire be delusional?"

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and another surge of spiritual power suddenly erupted from the dragon's claws, sweeping through it like crazy.


These countless Buddha fires were completely extinguished in an instant, completely extinguished by Chu Fengmian's power.

Now the Niufeng's Fiery Vajra Body has lost the Buddha's fire in it. It looks bare and ridiculous.

"This! What kind of strength do you have! How could you break my Buddha Fire! A person like you should have been selected by the elders to become his disciple. How could you be unknown among the outer sects?"

The Buddhist fire on Niu Feng's body was extinguished by Chu Fengmian, and he screamed in disbelief.

"Elder's disciple? Is that elder qualified to be my master? I didn't want to take action. Since you and I take action, I will extract half of the saint's essence and blood from you as compensation for your arrogance!"

Chu Fengmian sneered, and used the dragon claw of his right hand to strike Niu Feng's body again. The Fiery Vajra Body on his body immediately began to shatter, and countless cracks suddenly appeared.

This Fire Vajra Body, which was said to be invincible in defense, was actually smashed to pieces by Chu Fengmian with one claw.

This is simply beyond anyone's cognition. Niu Feng, who everyone thought was close to invincible, could actually be defeated so miserably in the hands of one person?

"Damn it! You're just so arrogant because your bloodline is stronger? The gap in realm is not something your bloodline can make up for!"

Ma Yun, who was standing nearby, couldn't hold it any longer. Seeing Niu Feng being suppressed and beaten so hard, he suddenly took action.

He suddenly roared, and a long knife suddenly appeared in his hand. The moment this long knife appeared, the surrounding space seemed to be filled with countless blades in an instant.

"Three thousand blades!"

"This Ma Yun actually performed this move. This is the realm that countless sword cultivators dream of. His sword intention has actually reached this level."

Three Thousand Blades is close to the realm of a thousand-weight sword cultivator. With one use of the sword, it is like three thousand blades, killing at the same time.

This sword is said to be difficult to guard against. All the blades have the same target, which is Chu Fengmian.

Especially Ma Yun, who took action quietly and silently.

Without any defense, who can resist?

No one could have imagined that Ma Yun would actually choose to attack by surprise.

Thanks to Li Youyu for the tip.

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