Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 422: Purchasing the Essence and Blood of the Saint

"This batch of saints' essence and blood can be given to them. Aren't our ancestors condensing this heaven-level spiritual weapon? We happen to be short of a large number of pills. These two tens of billions of Nine Cauldron Pills can be sent there just right."

Xu Jin talked eloquently.

"What's more, this batch of saint blood essence and blood will not increase their strength in their hands."

"Isn't our Xu family's best skill the art of blood refining?"

Xu Jin's face showed a bit of sinisterness.

"We can blend the blood essence of those saints into the demon blood condensed by our Xu family. In this way, they have refined the blood essence of the saint, but the demon blood has been integrated into their blood. We We can also use this opportunity to control those three people."

"These three people are quite capable. Let them serve as our Xu family's slaves and serve our Xu family."

"Oh? That's good. If the demon blood is blended into the blood essence of those saints, it will be impossible for warriors in the realm of life and death to see through it."

The Xu family sneered again and again, he glanced at Na Hua Rui and said.

"Hua Rui, go and take out the saint's essence and blood from the warehouse, which is worth 20 billion Jiuding Dan, and give it to them. This batch of saint's essence and blood has been blended with demon blood. It was originally given to us. My disciples prepared it, go find a batch and give it to them."


Hua Rui nodded, went out and left.

At the same time, on the other side, Tuoba Ding was already resting in the next room.

Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli set up many restrictions and sat facing each other. A stream of fighting dragon blood was drawn out by Chu Fengmian and introduced into Han Yueli's body.

The mysterious cold power in Han Yueli's body had not been completely drawn out yet, so Chu Fengmian slowly guided it out bit by bit.

If there are too many to be guided in one go, Han Yueli may not be able to control them yet, and must do it step by step.

The Duohua Master who was defeated alone made Han Yueli take another step forward in controlling Xuanhan's power, and now he can draw out more Xuanhan's power.

Having an innate divine body means that Han Yueli now has a huge treasure house in his body.

She doesn't need to practice, just drawing out the power in her body and completely controlling it is enough to support her into the realm of life and death.

This Beimang Academy is not as good as a martial arts country. A small place like Qinhuang's country has geniuses gathered together. If they don't increase their strength, there are countless people who can trample them to death.

If you don't increase your own strength, you will become someone else's prey and be slaughtered by others.

"War dragon bloodline! Blending! Drawing out!"

On Chu Fengmian's body, the power of the ancient war dragon's bloodline was fully activated, all pouring into Han Yueli's body.

This stream of ancient war dragon bloodline is to completely draw out the mysterious cold power from Han Yueli's body.

The Xuanhan power in Han Yueli's body was far from being drawn to its limit by Chu Fengmian.

Inspired by Chu Fengmian's ancient war dragon bloodline, more Xuanhan power was awakened.

Waves of cold air appeared on the bodies of the two of them. If an ordinary saint dared to enter this room rashly, he would be frozen to death by the cold air.

"The power of Xuanhan! Lead!"


In Han Yueli's body, another large amount of Xuanhan's power was awakened, causing her strength to rise steadily. Now, in one step, she suddenly reached the ninth level of the divine power realm.

This was far from the limit that Han Yueli could reach now, but Chu Fengmian forcibly suppressed the other Xuanhan powers, preventing Han Yueli from breaking through again.

Once one reaches the peak of divine power, a catastrophe of life and death will occur at any time.

Nowadays, Han Yueli's accumulation is far from reaching the limit of a saint. The catastrophe of life and death is one of the most important means to improve strength.

The most perfect choice must be to reach the limit of the power that the saint can accumulate, to induce the catastrophe of life and death in one fell swoop, and to step into the realm of life and death.

Therefore, many geniuses choose to suppress their strength to the ninth level of the divine power realm and accumulate it.

Only those who cannot be suppressed will choose to step into the peak of life and death.

However, throughout the Nine Realms, there are countless secret techniques that can cover up the catastrophe of life and death, but they are too troublesome and get in the way.

Chu Fengmian has now suppressed Han Yueli's realm to the ninth level of the divine power realm, which is the most perfect state.

Han Yueli naturally knew this. She opened her eyes, regained consciousness, and spoke.

"My strength has improved a bit. It is several times stronger than when I fought against Master Duhua. If I meet her, I can kill him with one move."

Han Yueli said confidently.

What this means is not blind confidence, but the truth.

Now Han Yueli's strength, converted into a strength index, may have exceeded twenty points.

In terms of realm alone, she is twice as powerful as the former Master Duohua. What's more, Han Yueli has a mysterious cold body, and her true combat power far exceeds her strength.

With such strength, if you join Beimang Academy, you will soon become a seed disciple, or even a rising star, a genius master among the seed disciples.

"My strength has reached a bottleneck, and I have to look for other adventures before I can break through. However, my killing swordsmanship is about to reach perfection. As long as I practice the killing swordsmanship to perfection, my strength can be further improved. "

Chu Fengmian looked at Han Yueli and said.

"With your current strength, even if you join Beimang Academy, you won't be an unknown person. At least you will be a genius. With a famous status, it will be much easier to do things."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

Beimang College is the place with the most brutal competition. In it, strength is also respected. Without strength, it is original sin and evil.

Only with strength can you make everyone surrender and obtain countless resources.

Chu Fengmian naturally knows this. It is the same among the seven major sects. Everything is done according to strength.

The stronger the person, the higher the status.

"Is Mr. Chu here?"

There was a sudden knock on the door, and it was the voice of the housekeeper Hua Rui.

Now the two of them have been practicing for an entire afternoon, and it is now getting dark.

"What's up?"

Chu Fengmian opened the door, walked out, and saw Hua Rui.

Hua Rui held a red invitation in his hand. When he saw Chu Fengmian coming out, he took the initiative to greet Chu Fengmian and handed the invitation over.

"This is tonight's invitation. The dinner will open in two hours. Please come as soon as possible."


Chu Fengmian nodded and took the invitation.

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