Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 421: It’s easy to ask God but hard to send him away

The conversation between Xu Jin and the head of the Xu family took place in a palace full of restrictions.

But how could such a small restriction be hidden from Chu Fengmian's ears? Chu Fengmian could hear everything clearly.

"Sure enough, Xu Jin's purpose is not that simple. Are you not going to give me a place in Beimang College's qualification assessment?"

Chu Fengmian sneered again and again.

It's not up to them whether they want to give it or not. Since they have invited Chu Fengmian, it is easier to invite a god than to send him away, so Chu Fengmian will naturally want to get his goal.

"Chu Fengmian, this Xu Jin doesn't seem to have any good ideas. It seems like she doesn't want to give us the qualification quota for Beimang College."

Han Yueli was at the side and whispered to Chu Fengmian.

"It doesn't matter, I've known for a long time that Xu Jin will not obediently hand over the qualification quota for Beimang College's assessment, but since he is here, naturally he cannot leave empty-handed."

Chu Fengmian replied with a smile, his words were extremely calm.

If you want to plot against Chu Fengmian, you have to find out who is plotting against him.

"Mr. Chu, this is the best guest room in our Xu family. Please take a rest. The master of the house will arrange a dinner in the evening, but I am here to invite you."

The housekeeper Hua Rui brought Chu Fengmian and his party to a palace and said.

The strength of this butler Hua Rui is extremely high. He has reached the fifth level of divine power. In some small countries, he is enough to be regarded as a king and hegemon.

In this Xu family, he is just a key, but also an extremely high butler.

Hua Rui said calmly.

"If you need anything, just ask. You are Miss Sumire's distinguished guests. We will naturally take care of everything."

"Oh? Chu really needs something, so I need to trouble Butler Hua Rui."

Just when Hua Rui was about to leave, Chu Fengmian suddenly spoke.

This made Hua Rui's face twitch slightly, his eyes full of disdain.

Sure enough, he is a bumpkin from a remote place, and he wants to take advantage of even this little advantage.

Chu Fengmian and his party were originally from a remote country. In Hua Rui's view, they were simply people from a small place, and he was extremely disdainful of them.

What he just said was just polite, but now Chu Fengmian actually didn't care and spoke directly.

It made him feel extremely disdainful.

However, Hua Rui's expression was extremely calm. He turned around and spoke to Chu Fengmian.

"I wonder what Mr. Chu needs?"

"I need a batch of saint blood or demon god blood. Butler Hua Rui is wondering if he can buy some for Chu?"

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"Of course, Butler Hua Rui doesn't need to pay for it, I will pay for it myself."

The moment Chu Fengmian spoke, he waved his hand, and a total of 20 billion Nine Cauldron Pills flew out at once.

These two tens of billions of Nine Cauldron Pills were directly transformed into a long river of elixir.

Hua Rui's expression was originally extremely disdainful and impatient.

But the moment he saw these two tens of billions of Jiuding Pills, his eyes almost dropped.

This is not 200 million, 2 billion, a full 20 billion Jiuding Dan.

Although the Xu family can bring out wealth like 20 billion Jiuding Pills, it is impossible to take it out all at once with a wave of the hand. Judging from Chu Fengmian's appearance, he looks extremely relaxed.

For example, as the steward of the Xu Mansion, he may not be able to get 100 million Nine Cauldron Pills in a year, but 211 is his two hundred years of savings.

The head of the Xu family would not dare to take out so much wealth at once.

"Where did these bumpkins come from so much wealth?"

Hua Rui's face twitched slightly, but quickly returned to normal.

"Our Xu family also has many business partners in Douxuan City. We can do this business directly with our Xu family, and we can also give you a preferential price."

Hua Rui stretched out his hand, grabbed all the 20 billion Jiuding Pills, and turned around to leave.

"I will come to invite you all during the dinner. I will give this saint's essence and blood to you when the time comes."

After saying that, Hua Rui turned around and left.

Chu Fengmian was the only three people left in the room.

"Young Master, I see that the Xu family has no good intentions. If we stay here, we are afraid that we will encounter danger."

Tuoba Ding stood aside and said secretly.

"A qualification quota from Beimang College is extremely valuable. I'm afraid the Xu family won't hand it over obediently like this."

Tuoba Ding could naturally see the attitude of the Xu family.

"I'm afraid that there will be danger at today's dinner. The people of the Xu family must have bad intentions by setting up the dinner with such a big fanfare."

"It's nothing. Now I've already known the plans of the people of the Xu family. If they want to plot against me, I can also take this opportunity to plot against them."

Chu Fengmian smiled and said, his words full of ease.

"Now my killing swordsmanship is only one step away from being perfected. It just requires a lot of saint blood. Once it is successfully practiced, I can kill this little Xu family with just a wave of my hand."

"Now that you've arrived, settle down and have a good rest first. Then go to the dinner party in the evening."

After Chu Fengmian finished speaking, he sat on the ground and began to rest.

When his spiritual consciousness spread out, he saw that the housekeeper Hua Rui did not directly buy the saint's essence and blood, but went to the palace to report.

"What? You said those three people gave you 20 billion Nine Cauldron Pills and asked you to buy the saint's blood essence?"

The head of the Xu family was also surprised after hearing Hua Rui's words.

Twenty billion Nine Cauldron Pills is really not a small amount. Chu Fengmian has plundered half of the Qin Emperor's kingdom, and now he can come up with such a huge amount with a wave of his hand.

Although the Xu family is huge, its expenses are also huge. With the expenses of hundreds of thousands of disciples, the Xu family has always been unable to make ends meet. Even the head of the Xu family cannot afford these two billion Nine Cauldron Pills.

How could the Xu Family Patriarch not be shocked? His eyes were greedy and he wanted to snatch away these two tens of billions of Nine Cauldron Pills.

"I have seen this Dabi wealth before, but I didn't expect that he actually took out the wealth of 20 billion Jiuding Dan in one breath. It seems that this person's wealth is more than I imagined."

Xu Jin stood aside and said in a deep voice.

"They need the saint's essence and blood now, which should be used to improve their own realm and strength."

"Our Xu family happens to be engaged in foreign wars, and we have a batch of saint blood and demon god blood that can be sold to them."

"But Jin'er, didn't you say that woman is extremely powerful? If they get the blood of the saint and their strength increases, I'm afraid it will be more difficult for us to deal with them."

The head of the Xu family frowned and said.

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