Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 411 Armistice

Chu Fengmian didn't want to cause trouble, but he also wouldn't be bullied by anyone.

"In that case, Chu will teach you a lesson! Break it for me!"

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and a burst of spiritual power burst out. This burst of spiritual power was overwhelming and full of dragon power.

Those long blood whips were completely shattered under the power of the dragon.

The fighting dragon's power can restrain all evil things, not to mention this little blood energy. The blood energy whip whipped by the woman in blue is far inferior to Chu Fengmian's killing swordsmanship.

Easily, it was all resolved.

Chu Fengmian stood on the spot, and with just a wave of his hand, a burst of spiritual power was able to dissolve all the numerous blood whips of the woman in blue.

This seemed to the countless onlookers to be extremely unbelievable.

Even Mr. Zheng couldn't withstand this blood-energy whip, but Chu Fengmian stood on the spot and easily defused so many blood-energy whips.

This is far beyond what a wind-controlling warrior can do.

"This person is hiding his strength."

"This person's strength actually surpasses that of the woman in blue. He is not a genius from any country or family."

"No matter what, I might as well kill the arrogance of this woman in blue."

It’s not too big a deal to watch the excitement, countless onlookers commented.

Hidden strength?

In the eyes of the woman in blue, she could tell that Chu Fengmian was indeed at the peak of the Wind Control Realm.

It's just that this dragon martial skill is too restrained for her, making all her methods ineffective.

Dragon clan martial arts are indeed capable of restraining such evil martial arts.

However, she is a person in the divine power realm. She can't even deal with an ant in the wind control realm. Instead, he is easily defeated. How can she endure this?

"Boy, do you really think you can compete with me with this dragon martial arts? Today I want you to understand what will happen if you dare to provoke me!"

The woman in blue screamed, the sound was extremely harsh, like a roar.

On her body, streams of spiritual power suddenly condensed out. The strength just now was actually not her full strength.

With a wave of her big hand, countless warriors around her suddenly screamed in agony, and countless amounts of essence and blood were extracted from them, all of which condensed into her hand and turned into a blood-red claw.

Several warriors beside the woman in blue fell down one after another. Their essence and blood were not drained, and they all became extremely weak.

The woman in blue's method is extremely ruthless, she actually directly extracts other people's blood essence to fill her power.

This is simply the style of a demon.


Several saints around them couldn't help but become furious when they saw the behavior of the woman in blue. They all stood up and glared at the woman in blue.

The fight between the two also affected other unrelated people, which has caused public outrage.

"What? Do you also want to come and be sucked dry of your blood by me?"

The woman in blue glanced disdainfully at the saints, waved her hand, and suddenly a long river of pills appeared, containing hundreds of millions of Jiuding pills.

"Take these pills as compensation for you, get out of here!"


The saints took the elixir, hesitated for a moment, and left with the warriors who had been drained of their essence and blood.

This woman in blue is indeed powerful and difficult to deal with. Now that she has the elixir, these saints are not willing to make an enemy of her.

"Boy, let's see if your dragon martial arts can compete with my bloody hands this time!"

The woman in blue looked at Chu Fengmian and shouted angrily,

A pair of bloody hands aimed directly at Chu Fengmian, bombarding him and trying to kill Chu Fengmian.


A scream suddenly sounded out of thin air.

I saw a figure flying out from the city lord's palace immediately. This person was a middle-aged man with a majestic appearance and extraordinary temperament. He was obviously a strong man.

As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, he immediately waved his hand and scattered the bloody hands formed by the woman in blue.

"It's Lord Nangong City!"

"The master of the Quancheng Kingdom was actually alarmed!"

"But the strength of this woman in blue is already comparable to that of many peak saints. If Nangong City Lord doesn't take action, I'm afraid no one can shock her."

A series of discussions rang out.

"Nangong City Lord?"

Chu Fengmian also looked at the Lord of Nangong City with his eyes. This person was the master of the Quan City Kingdom.

"The realm of life and death."

The realm of Nangong City Lord is that of an out-and-out powerhouse in the life and death realm, and his strength far exceeds that of Zhao Wudi.

According to the strength index, there are at least twenty points.

In terms of pure strength, he is even stronger than Chu Fengmian.

However, Chu Fengmian has countless adventures, and is blessed by the bloodline of the ancient war dragon and the power of creation. When it comes to real fighting, Chu Fengmian can not only defeat the Nangong City Lord, but also be able to compete with him.

"A strong person in the realm of life and death."

When the woman in blue saw the appearance of Nangong City Lord and realized the power of Nangong City Lord, her arrogant expression became much calmer.

She still needs to be extremely wary of those who are strong in the life and death realm. Although her strength far exceeds that of ordinary peak saints, a strong person in the life and death realm, no matter how weak, can easily defeat her.

In the Nine Realms, strength is status, and one can only be in awe when facing the strong.

Even though she was so arrogant, she had to restrain herself now.

"You are all young talents, and you are all preparing to take the examination at Beimang College. Maybe you are from the same sect. There is no need to fight to the death here now."

Nangong City Lord smiled lightly on his face and said.

"There are regulations in the Quancheng Kingdom. You can discuss them, but you must follow them to the end. If you want to fight a life and death battle, you can leave the Quancheng Kingdom at will."

Nangong City Lord spoke, and although his words were relatively calm, the meaning behind them was clear.

Over there, in the Quancheng Kingdom, life and death battles were not allowed. He came forward to calm the battle.


The woman in blue couldn't help but snorted when she heard Nangong City Lord's words, glanced at Chu Fengmian, and sneered.

"In that case, I will let you live this time!"

After saying that, the woman in blue strode directly to the teleportation circle and left.

She also understood that there was no need to offend a powerful person in the life and death realm for nothing, so she just chose to leave.

"Let's go too."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Han Yueli and Tuoba Ding beside him and said.

He was too lazy to argue with the woman in blue, so he just called the two of them and prepared to leave.

When he came to the teleportation circle, Chu Fengmian paid one thousand ninety-nine cauldron pills and was teleported directly.

In an instant, the world in front of Chu Fengmian was spinning, and in an instant, he was traveling to a country thousands of miles away.

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