Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 410: Domineering

"You guys, all get out!"

After defeating Mr. Zheng with one move, the woman in blue's expression became even more proud. She glanced around the crowd and suddenly waved her hand.

Several warriors were captured directly from the crowd.

These people are all the warriors we were just discussing.

"You guys, you losers, dare to talk about me?"

The woman in blue sneered, and when she moved her hand, all the warriors screamed, and then spit out countless blood from their mouths.

Among the blood, there were other things that were spit out all at once.


The tongues of these warriors were all torn out by the woman in blue, and the method could be described as extremely vicious.

Moreover, the wound on the tongue was directly burned by her spiritual power, and even if she took elixir, it could not be restored.

These warriors just had their tongues cut off after just a few minutes of discussion. This can no longer be described as ruthless, but simply vicious.

But this time, no one dared to speak after seeing the behavior of the woman in blue.

Mr. Zheng was defeated by the woman in blue with one move. Mr. Zheng was considered a well-known and powerful person among the younger generation of the Quancheng Kingdom.

Now that Mr. Zheng has been defeated in one move, none of them dares to compete with the woman in blue.

"Whatever you are looking at, get out of my way!"

The woman in blue yelled in a sharp voice and walked directly towards the crowd.

The crowd couldn't help but make way for her to pass.

The woman in blue came over, looked at Chu Fengmian and his group who were standing motionless, and suddenly pointed at Chu Fengmian and said suddenly.

"Don't you guys have ears? I told you to get out of here, do you hear me?"

"Damn it!"

When Tuobading heard what the woman in blue said, he shouted angrily.

Now that he has planted the seals of life and death in his center, he has surrendered to Chu Fengmian wholeheartedly. When he heard that the woman in blue actually scolded Chu Fengmian directly, he became furious.

"What, another standout? Do you want to end up like that loser?"

The woman in blue sneered after hearing Tuoba Ding's words.

"It seems that there are really reckless people who dare to block my way!"

The woman in blue looked at Chu Fengmian, suddenly gathered her spiritual power, and took action again.

He could tell that Chu Fengmian was the leader among the three. His eyes flickered and he hit Chu Fengmian directly.

"Get out of my way!"

In the palm of her hand, a burst of spiritual power turned into the bloody whip and struck Chu Fengmian suddenly.

This whip condenses almost silently. Once it hits a person, the skin and flesh will be torn apart, and even the spiritual veins will be directly cracked.

This sudden whip was definitely extremely vicious, and a disagreement could directly hurt someone, which could be said to be extremely arrogant.

"Hahaha, I'll give you a whip and let you know what will happen if you dare to block my way!"

Watching the whip strike, the woman in blue laughed.

Chu Fengmian's face was expressionless, but his eyes showed a bit of boredom.

He has no interest in arguing with the woman in blue. Even if the woman in blue is arrogant and domineering, she has nothing to do with Chu Fengmian.

But now, the woman in blue actually went directly to Chu Fengmian's head, took action directly, and hit Chu Fengmian with a whip.

If Chu Fengmian was really at the peak of the Wind Control Realm, this blood-energy whip would probably be enough to beat Chu Fengmian half to death.

I won't offend others unless they offend me, but Chu Fengmian is not someone who will be bullied casually.


Chu Fengmian snorted coldly and uttered one word immediately.

This word contains the might of a fighting dragon, the roar of an ancient dragon!

A dragon roar erupted in the street, and the blood energy in the long whip whipped by the woman in blue was instantly dissolved.

It was broken directly, and the endless blood was immediately dispersed.

This dragon's roar restrains all the evil things in the world. This kind of blood energy is restrained by the dragon's roar and is expelled at once.

This dragon roar went straight towards the woman in blue, knocking her back a few steps.

Although it didn't hurt her, it made her aura suddenly weaken.

"What? How dare you resist? Dare you destroy my martial arts?"

The woman in blue came back to her senses, looked at Chu Fengmian, and shouted angrily.

"You actually pushed me back! Damn it! You have sinned so much! Anyone who dares to be my enemy will die!"

While shouting angrily, the woman in blue condensed her endless spiritual power, turned it into countless blood energy, condensed several long blood energy whips, and struck Chu Fengmian again.

Her eyes were full of murderous intent, and every move she made was full of killing moves, as if she wanted to kill Chu Fengmian directly.

If they disagree, they plan to kill someone in the street!

When the woman in blue saw Chu Fengmian's state clearly, her expression became even more angry.

Like an angry lion.

"A little ant in the Wind Control Realm thinks he has some adventure, so he wants to compete with me? Dragon martial arts? Even if you are a real dragon today, I will kill you!"

The woman in blue had an angry expression on her face, and her murderous intent was undisguised.

She is a saint at the seventh level of the Divine Power Realm, and she is a genius capable of fighting across realms. Now she is forced to retreat by a Wind Control Realm warrior, which is even more humiliating for her.

Several bloody whips were struck directly at Chu Fengmian at the same time.

"I'll destroy your cultivation first! Then I'll take you away and torture you! The consequences for you for daring to go against me!"

The woman in blue struck out these bloody long whips, not hitting anything else, but hitting Chu Fengmian's spiritual veins directly.

He wanted to directly smash Chu Fengmian's spiritual veins and destroy Chu Fengmian's cultivation.

"It's over."

"A boy in the Wind Control Realm dares to contend with this fierce man. He is simply looking for death."

"To be able to defeat this woman in blue with one move, this person's strength is far from that of a warrior in the wind control realm."

"So what? Mr. Zheng has been defeated, how can this kid still contend?"

"This boy is considered a genius. It's a pity that he will die in the hands of the woman in blue today."

Some of the warriors watching couldn't help but shake their heads.

When the woman in blue takes action, the outcome is already doomed.

They did not believe that a wind-controlling warrior could compete with the woman in blue who had defeated Mr. Zheng.

"Destroying my cultivation?"

Murderous intent emerged in Chu Fengmian's eyes. There was no enmity between him and the woman in blue.

Chu Fengmian didn't laugh at her just now. The woman in blue just hit Chu Fengmian with a direct move.

Now he wants to directly destroy Chu Fengmian's cultivation. This kind of arrogant character is simply disgusting.

Chu Fengmian had no interest in fighting with the woman in blue, but she refused to let him go.

Eight updates today, and more updates tomorrow.

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