Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 285 Millennium Dragon Blood Grass

Chu Fengmian spoke and waved his hand, and one billion Nine Cauldron Pills flew out directly and fell into the hands of Pavilion Master Mu.

This Pavilion Master Mu plays the role of witness and is responsible for taking care of the wealth worth a total of two billion Jiuding Dan.

Whoever wins the bet will give the wealth to him.

Master Mu did not hesitate and handed over countless rare objects to Pavilion Master Mu. At this moment, he put all his assets in.

"The rules of this gambling battle are very simple. The time limit is five minutes. Whoever sees what this strange object is can send me his name and then explain the purpose of this strange object. Whoever is right will win. Even if you win.”

Pavilion Master Mu said aloud.

This kind of gambling is the simplest method of gambling in Qibao Pavilion, which is to determine the origin and name of this strange object.

Whoever is right wins.

Although it was just the simplest gambling battle, this gambling battle now attracted countless people to watch.

Many people who were not in Qibao Pavilion came here to watch this unique gambling battle, a crazy gambling battle in which one person had one billion Nine Cauldron Pills and a total of two billion Nine Cauldron Pills.

Two billion Jiuding Pills were something they had never seen in their lifetimes, and now they actually won or lost in a bet.

Countless people came to watch, and everyone looked at it excitedly.


With the voice of Pavilion Master Mu, the five-minute countdown begins.

Master Mu walked over in a dignified manner, facing the rock that was as tall as a person, and kept exploring and observing it very carefully. He did have the demeanor of a master appraiser.

Chu Fengmian on the other side looked extremely strange. Chu Fengmian just stood there, glanced at the tall stone, and then quietly closed his eyes, as if he was resting.

Just by taking a glance at it from a distance, can we know the origin of this strange object?

Seeing that Chu Fengmian didn't even take the initiative to take a look, the crowd below began to talk about it.

"What is the origin of this kid? He dared to raise a bet of one billion Nine Cauldron Pills, but now he is standing still."

"Could it be that this kid just wanted to scare Master Mu, but now he is in trouble. He doesn't understand appraisal at all."

"Probably not. I saw that he had fought with Master Mu several times just now, and he won them all."

"Huh, that's probably because Master Mu doesn't want to argue with the juniors. How can a little guy beat Master Mu in appraisals?"

Countless people were talking to each other and looking at Chu Fengmian with jealousy, disdain, and sneers.

But among everyone's discussions, no one believed that Chu Fengmian could win against Master Mu.

The way of identification is not martial arts. You can take shortcuts if you have talent and chance encounters.

If you want to learn the art of appraisal, you must first read a lot of documents. Now Chu Fengmian is disguised as a middle-aged man, who is only thirty or forty years old at most. How many books can he read?

Master Mu is a semi-saint figure who has lived for two to three hundred years. Their knowledge is not at the same level at all.

So no one thought that Chu Fengmian would win.

After all, they could not have guessed that in Chu Fengmian's young body, there was an old antique who had lived for nearly a thousand years.

When it comes to experience and knowledge, Chu Fengmian is really not afraid of anyone.

"time up!"

Five minutes passed quickly.

During these five minutes, Chu Fengmian just stood there with his hands behind his back, motionless, as if he had voluntarily admitted defeat.

"Gonna win!"

The most excited person present was none other than Zhao Duanqiao. Now that Master Mu had won, he could also get a share of the 500 million Nine Cauldron Pills.

And it can even slap Chu Fengmian's face severely.

Let Chu Fengmian target him everywhere in this Qibao Pavilion. Now is the time to slap Chu Fengmian in the face.

"Huh, little guy, you're a little too young to fight with me."

Master Mu also walked back from the boulder that was as tall as a person. He looked at Chu Fengmian and said something disdainfully, his expression full of confidence.

Chu Fengmian, on the other hand, always looked indifferent. Even when faced with Master Mu's provocation, Chu Fengmian remained as calm as ever.

From Master Mu's point of view, this was Chu Fengmian's willingness to admit defeat.

With the character Chu Fengmian showed just now, how could he be so quiet? There is only one possibility, that is, Chu Fengmian is destined to lose. Chu Fengmian does not have any self-confidence, so he is quiet now.

"You two, you quietly told me the name of this strange object through your spiritual consciousness."

Pavilion Master Mu said aloud.

Chu Fengmian and Master Mu communicated at the same time and told Pavilion Master Mu their two names.


Hearing these two completely different names, Pavilion Master Mu was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but look at Master Mu.

This move convinced countless people present that Master Mu would definitely win.

"This boy is really here to give you wealth. It's a pity why he didn't bet with me. If he bet with me, I would have to bet with him even if I have to spend all my wealth."

One of the onlookers said with greed on his face.

It would be great if he could get one billion Nine Cauldron Pills. One billion Nine Cauldron Pills would be enough to create a sect outside.

"Stop dreaming. Even if I bet with you, do you think you can come up with one billion Nine Cauldron Pills if you spend all your family property?"

A warrior was ordered to snort coldly.

"Let's watch the gambling fight first."

"What's interesting? Master Mu will definitely win. Is there any suspense?"

"Two of you, who will tell you first what this strange object is?"

Pavilion Master Mu looked at Chu Fengmian and Master Mu and asked.

The content of this gambling battle is not only to tell the name of this strange object, but also to tell the origin and function of this strange object. Otherwise, it is not considered a win.

Master Mu laughed confidently and spoke to Chu Fengmian.

"Let the juniors speak, so as not to say that I am bullying the younger ones."

"It's better for you to speak first, lest you won't even be qualified to speak after a while."

Chu Fengmian looked at Master Mu and shook his head, as if what Master Mu said must be wrong.

Countless people saw this scene and couldn't help laughing.

"This kid probably can't even tell the truth."

"Even if you can't say it, can you make up a few sentences? Why bother trying to save face."

"Forget it, there's no point in asking him to say it. Let's just listen to Master Mu."

This stone, which is as tall as a person, has been placed in Qibao Pavilion for countless years, and no one can figure out its origin.

Many people present now also want to see what this stone is.

"This stone is called Chunyang Dragon Stone."

Master Mu glanced at everyone, walked to the boulder that was as tall as a person, and explained slowly.

The fifth update today! ! ! One more update! ! !

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