Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 284 A Billion Gambling

"Just let you be arrogant for a while, and if you lose the bet, one billion Nine Cauldron Pills will all belong to me!"

Master Mu thought excitedly, his eyes becoming more greedy.

The wealth of one billion Jiuding Dan is now easily accessible to Master Mu, which makes him excited.

"What, are you done with the things?"

Seeing Master Mu stop, Chu Fengmian couldn't help but curled his lips.

"If I have enough of these rare items, I'll give you 700 million Nine Cauldron Pills. I'm still short of 300 million."

"It's only a billion Nine Cauldron Pills, Master Mu can't get it, right?"

"Boy, don't be arrogant! Of course I can get one billion Nine Cauldron Pills!"

Hearing Chu Fengmian's ridicule, Master Mu became even more anxious. This was the best opportunity for him to get one billion Nine Cauldron Pills at once.

If he were to fly like this today, he would truly be in tears.

It is necessary to collect 300 million Jiuding Dan.

"Mr. Zhao, you can't lend me three hundred million Nine Cauldron Pills first."

In desperation, the only person Master Mu could think of was Zhao Duanqiao standing next to him.

"As long as you lend me 300 million Nine Cauldron Pills, after I win, I will return double to Mr. Zhao. How about 600 million Nine Cauldron Pills?"


After hearing Master Mu's words, Zhao Duanqiao's expression suddenly became silent.

He didn't speak for a long time, which made Master Mu even more anxious.

"Could it be that Mr. Zhao can't trust me? I promise that even if I lose today, I will return everything to Mr. Zhao."

Master Mu said anxiously that his most urgent task now was to collect one billion Nine Cauldron Pills to make a big bet with Chu Fengmian.

Now Zhao Duanqiao's hesitation made Master Mu even more anxious.

"Master Mu, it's not that I won't lend it to you, it's that I don't have 300 million Nine Cauldron Pills."

Zhao Duanqiao hesitated for a while before he could only speak helplessly.

"I don't have anything valuable on me, so even if I want to lend it to Master Mu, there is nothing I can do."

Borrowing 300 million and paying back 600 million was definitely a piece of cake for Zhao Duanqiao.

He still has great trust in Master Mu's treasure appraisal ability, otherwise he would not spend a lot of money to invite Master Mu to come out, but now he can't get the remaining 300 million Nine Cauldron Pills.

After hearing Zhao Duanqiao's words, Master Mu turned pale for a moment, but soon he thought of something again and whispered to Zhao Duanqiao.

"Master Zhao, doesn't he have the Millennium Dragon's Blood Grass in his hand? As long as he takes out the Thousand-Year Dragon's Blood Grass, it will be worth three hundred million Nine Cauldron Pills."

Master Mu said excitedly.

On Zhao Duanqiao's body was the Thousand-Year Dragon Blood Grass bought from Twilight Pavilion.

"However, this thousand-year dragon's blood grass is what my father wants. I only asked my father to go to Twilight Pavilion to buy it once. If I can't get this thousand-year dragon's blood grass back, I will be doomed."

Zhao Duanqiao said hesitantly.

Despite his arrogance, in front of his father Zhao Wudi, he was just like a little chicken, never daring to speak out.

Zhao Wudi asked him to buy the Thousand-Year Dragon Blood Grass by name. If he didn't buy it back, Zhao Duanqiao couldn't even think about the punishment.

"Young Master Zhao, don't worry. I am sure of victory. This Thousand-Year Dragon Blood Grass is just pressing on me, but I will eventually get it back. When the matter is accomplished, how about I give 500 million Nine Cauldron Pills to Young Master Zhao?" "

Master Mu said hurriedly.

"Five Hundred Million Nine Cauldron Pills..."

Zhao Duanqiao was silent for a while, and finally spoke.

"Okay, then I will trust Master Mu this time."

I saw Zhao Duanqiao carefully taking out a red elixir from the sky ring. This red elixir didn't look very eye-catching, but the faint dragon power exuding from it was enough to tell that it was extraordinary.

"It is indeed the Millennium Dragon Blood Grass."

Seeing the thousand-year dragon's blood grass, Chu Fengmian's eyes lit up. What he needed most was the thousand-year dragon's blood grass.

In this gambling fight, Chu Fengmian's plan and coercion were just to force out the thousand-year-old dragon blood grass. Now it seems that Chu Fengmian succeeded.

As expected, Zhao Duanqiao took out the Millennium Dragon Blood Grass.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

Master Mu took the thousand-year dragon's blood grass, thanked him quickly, walked directly in front of Chu Fengmian, and pressed the thousand-year dragon's blood grass up.

"Boy, this time it's enough."

Master Mu roared angrily. He was almost driven crazy by Chu Fengmian, and now he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thousand-year-old dragon blood grass is worth about 250 million Jiuding Dan, but Master Mu can't come up with anything valuable, so we just have to give it up. The half a hundred million Jiuding Dan, Chu I don’t care anymore.”

Chu Fengmian glanced at the thousand-year dragon blood grass and said calmly.

This sentence made Master Mu almost gasp, as if Chu Fengmian had given him a gift.

"Boy, let's see how long you can continue to be arrogant! Let's see how ugly you will cry if you lose!"

Master Mu roared crazily in his heart, but his face pretended to be extremely calm.

"Now that the stakes are below, the bet is about to begin, but someone should be a witness."

Master Mu looked at Chu Fengmian and said coldly.

"I think, how about letting Young Master Zhao be a witness? As the Second Young Master, General Zhao, the Marshal of the Army, there is no problem in being such a witness."

"Zhao Duanqiao testifies? He is not worthy yet. Chu cannot trust him. What if he runs away at the wrong time."

After hearing Master Mu's words, Chu Fengmian curled his lips and said disdainfully.

Chu Fengmian's eyes were seen scanning the surrounding people, and he suddenly spoke to the crowd.

"Why don't you let Pavilion Master Mu bear witness now?"

"Oh? Do you want me to be this witness?"

A generation of old people laughed, and Pavilion Master Mu suddenly walked out of the crowd.

"That's okay. It's a great honor for me to be the witness of this billion-dollar bet."

A billion-dollar bet was something that would only happen once in a hundred years in the entire Qin Emperor's kingdom. Pavilion Master Mu now wanted to join in the fun.

"Okay, Pavilion Master Mu will bear witness, and I agree."

Master Mu nodded. As the master of Pavilion Mu, he was indeed qualified to bear witness.

"Boy, this condition has been made clear now. The two of us will guess the true identity of this strange object. That's right. Even if whoever wins, the one billion Nine Cauldron Pills will belong to him."

Master Mu looked at Chu Fengmian and said with a fierce expression.

"Don't lose when someone loses. It would be bad if you don't admit it."

"One billion Nine Cauldron Pills is not a big sum for Chu. If you lose, you lose. It doesn't matter. Chu will naturally not regret it."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"Let's get started, no need to waste time."

The fourth update today.

Thanks to him, half the city is full of fireworks and half is half the city is sad for the reward.

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