Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 275 Jiuding Ancient City

However, if you want to do things from this Twilight Pavilion, you need countless wealth.

For example, some critical information may even require millions or tens of millions of Qi Gathering Pills to purchase.

As for buying a murderer, the price is astronomical.

When Chu Fengmian came to the Qin Emperor's kingdom, he was poor and without any elixirs, so his plan now was to get a fortune by selling the spiritual weapons in the Emperor's treasure.

"I wonder what senior needs to buy or sell?"

The warriors watched Chu Fengmian walk into the shop, and each of them hurried over and said attentively.

As long as Chu Fengmian has transactions in Twilight Pavilion, they will get a share. That is why they are willing to work as servants in Twilight Pavilion in order to earn a little bit of pills.

"I have a big business to do with your Twilight Pavilion. You go to your Pavilion Master to talk to me."

Chu Fengmian looked at the warriors and said coldly.

As a warrior in the wind control realm, he is considered a senior in front of these warriors, so he naturally needs to be extremely cold and arrogant. If Chu Fengmian looks too ordinary, it will be easy for others to see clearly.

Chu Fengmian still knows this truth.

"You want to find our Pavilion Master? We can't be the master of this."

The warriors looked at each other, all hesitant.

The master of Twilight Pavilion is not something they can see, and what is the identity of the master of Twilight Pavilion? He is also considered a figure in this Jiuding Ancient City.

Although Chu Fengmian's realm is not low, it is impossible for a person in the Wind Control Realm to meet the master of the Twilight Pavilion unless he has some great background.

While the warriors were hesitating, a woman suddenly walked out of the shop and looked towards Chu Fengmian.

"I don't know what to call this Excellency. Is there any big business that requires an interview with the master of our Twilight Pavilion?"

When this woman came out, she had a smile on her face, which made people feel good about her.

This woman's realm has reached the fifth level of the Wind Control Realm, and she is obviously a high-ranking figure in the Twilight Pavilion.

"My name is Chu Han, and I plan to sell a batch of spiritual weapons in the Twilight Pavilion. I'm just afraid that if I don't meet your pavilion master, you won't be able to decide."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"It turns out to be Mr. Chu."

The woman smiled and said.

"My name is Qianya, and I'm pretty well spoken in Twilight Pavilion. If Mr. Chu has any business, just talk to me."

Qian Ya opened her mouth with a smile that was extremely confident.

Although the price of a spiritual weapon has risen due to the war in the Six Kingdoms, it is still affordable for her.

And judging from Chu Fengmian's appearance, he was not a wealthy person, so he could have a lot of business.

However, in Twilight Pavilion, no matter who they do business with, they always pay attention to courtesy, so when she heard Chu Fengmian's words, she was not angry and just wanted to make this deal happen.

"Okay then, let's go in and talk."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Na Qianya, moved his feet, and walked into the Twilight Pavilion.

Under the leadership of Qian Ya, they came to a secret room.

There are countless restrictions around this secret room to prevent anyone from eavesdropping or peeking.

The people who do business in Twilight Pavilion are not only doing serious business, but many businesses are shady, so the contents of the transactions are extremely hidden and no one can know.

However, when Chu Fengmian came to the secret room, he found that there was a strong man watching every move in the secret room.

This concealment is also for others. For some strong people, this restriction is nothing.

But Chu Fengmian didn't care. The people observing were the senior officials in Twilight Pavilion. They could watch whatever they wanted.

"In this secret room, no one can explore. Mr. Chu can sell whatever he wants. Even if the business fails, our Twilight Pavilion will not leak the secret."

Qianya stood aside and said with a smile.

"I have a batch of spiritual weapons that I plan to sell. Let Miss Qianya appraise them and find out what the price is."

Chu Fengmian didn't talk nonsense. With a thought, a scimitar appeared in Chu Fengmian's hand.

The moment the scimitar appeared, a sharp sword energy swept out and was broken by Chu Fengmian's palm.

Qianya's expression suddenly changed color.

As soon as the scimitar came out, the sword energy swept across it. It was clearly an almost earth-level spiritual weapon.

The confidence on her face also became much lessened, and her eyes became much more serious. She originally thought that the big business Chu Fengmian mentioned was nothing.

But now it looks like this is a really big deal.

"This scimitar is a top-grade spiritual weapon, but the refining method is extremely mysterious. Its power is even close to that of an earth-level spiritual weapon. It is much more powerful than ordinary top-grade spiritual weapons!"

"On it, there are five lines engraved on it. Holding such a spiritual weapon, a warrior of the same realm is almost invincible."

"Which strong man refined this? He was willing to spend so much effort."

Qian Ya looked at the scimitar that Chu Fengmian took out in his hand and whispered to herself.

"The price of this spiritual weapon is enough to be worth millions of Jiuding Dan."

Jiuding Pill is a popular pill in the Qin Emperor's kingdom. It is refined by the Jiuding Sect, the largest force in the ancient city of Jiuding. It is very popular in the entire Nine Regions. The power of one pill is worth ten Qi Gathering Pills. Dan.

Although it is not as good as the Golden Spirit Pill, it is still considered to be of excellent quality in the Nine Realms. It can be freely circulated in dozens of countries within a radius, and its circulation is extremely wide.

Millions of Jiuding Pills means tens of millions of Qi Gathering Pills. The price is higher than Chu Fengmian imagined.

"It seems that with the start of the Six Kingdoms Campaign, the price of these spiritual weapons has indeed increased a lot. From the treasures of Emperor Fengrao, there are dozens of such top-grade Xuan-level spiritual weapons, including middle-grade Xuanji and low-grade spiritual weapons. With hundreds of pieces, it seems to be a huge treasure.”

Chu Fengmian secretly thought in his heart that Emperor Fengfeng was a master of weapon refining. Judging from the fact that he could refine the Fengfeng Monument, his weapon refining skills were absolutely extremely high.

These spiritual weapons were all left to Chu Fengmian by Emperor Fenggrao. The Xuan-level spiritual weapons no longer meant much to Chu Fengmian.

As for the earth-level spiritual weapons among them, Chu Fengmian also gave them all to Han Yueli so that she could increase her own strength.

As for Chu Fengmian himself, the two spiritual weapons, the Monument of Fertility and the Red Flame Sword, were enough. No matter how many spiritual weapons Chu Fengmian was given, he would not be able to master them and it would be meaningless.

"We at Twilight Pavilion can offer eight million Jiuding Dan to purchase this scimitar."

Qianya thought for a moment and said.

This price is about 50% higher than usual, but now that the Six Kingdoms Campaign is about to begin, the prices of spiritual weapons are skyrocketing.

Especially such a high-grade spiritual weapon can be sold for five times or ten times the usual price. It is definitely not a loss to buy it at such a price.

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