Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 274 The Kingdom of Qin Emperor

But once the national boundary is broken, even if it is a provocation to one country, it will be hunted down by endless powerful people from the other country.

"It seems that both parties are ready."

Chu Fengmian looked at the troops stationed beside the border and sighed secretly in his heart.

When the Six Kingdoms Campaign begins, it will not only be a battle between strong men, but also warriors from the Body Forging Realm and even the Bone Tempering Realm will also participate.

After all, there are only a few strong people, and those who really fight are ordinary warriors.

"The national boundary barrier of the Qin Emperor's Kingdom is several times stronger than that of the Wu Sheng Kingdom."

Chu Fengmian stood at the edge of the national border, observing.

National borders are the most straightforward symbol of a country's power. The gap in power between the Wusheng Kingdom and the Qin Emperor's Kingdom is clear just by looking at the national borders.

If ordinary people want to cross the border and enter another country, they must find the guardian of the other country and hand over countless benefits.

But now is the time when the Six Kingdoms Campaign is about to begin, and all the countries have been closed. Even if Chu Fengmian wants to find someone to enter, it is impossible now.

What's more, instead of being brutally ripped off, Chu Fengmian had a better way to enter the Qin Emperor's kingdom.

This national border cannot stop Chu Fengmian.

At best, this national boundary is equivalent to a huge restriction. Although it is powerful, it is extremely rough. After all, such a huge national boundary cannot be extremely delicate.

With a movement of Chu Fengmian's figure, he dived towards the border. A sword intent suddenly burst out from his body, transforming into a heaven-swallowing divine python and darting towards the border.

This heaven-swallowing divine python was said to be capable of swallowing the heaven and the earth. It was condensed with Chu Fengmian's sword intent and swallowed up a gap in the country's border.

This devouring was done silently, and even people from the Qin Emperor's kingdom couldn't detect it.

Chu Fengmian's body flashed, and he suddenly got in through the gap, used magic to block the aura, and began to enter the Qin Emperor's kingdom.

The kingdom of Emperor Qin has arrived.

Chu Fengmian walked through the Qin Emperor's kingdom and soon saw countless cities. These cities were countless times larger than those in the Wu Sheng Kingdom.

The countless warriors in Emperor Qin's kingdom are all high-spirited and eager to fight. Everyone wants to become a strong person.

The Qin Emperor's country is enough to be ranked at the top of the Six Kingdoms, and it's not without reason. The martial arts culture is much better than that of the Wusheng Kingdom.

"This should be the Jiuding Ancient City of Emperor Qin's kingdom."

Chu Fengmian shuttled back and forth and stopped in front of a huge city.

The entire city in front of Chu Fengmian is dozens of times larger than the Jijing City in the Wusheng Kingdom. This is the famous Jiuding Ancient City in the Qin Emperor's Kingdom.

Jiuding Ancient City is not like the cities in the Kingdom of Wusheng. This is an ancient city that has stood for thousands of years in the Nine Domains. There are almost tens of millions of people in the city, and countless forces are involved in it, which is intricate.

It is a very famous city in the Qin Emperor's kingdom.

Chu Fengmian came to Qinhuang's kingdom to investigate the situation. The Jiuding Ancient City was a good choice. The Jiuding Ancient City was mainly about commerce. As long as there were enough pills, any information could be obtained.

He transformed into a middle-aged man, landed on the ground, and swaggered into the city.

A strong man in the wind control realm who is less than twenty years old is extremely eye-catching even in the Qin Emperor's kingdom, not to mention what Chu Fengmian has done has already spread to the other five countries.

A warrior in the wind control realm who is less than twenty years old is strong enough to rival a saint. This is a big deal in the entire Nine Realms.

Although no one in the Qin Emperor's kingdom should have seen Chu Fengmian, they wanted to be on the safe side.

Chu Fengmian now transformed into a middle-aged man, making it impossible to find out Chu Fengmian's true identity.

The Jiuding Ancient City was busy with business and there were many outsiders. Chu Fengmian did not accept any questioning and simply stepped into it.

As soon as he stepped into Jiuding Ancient City, Chu Fengmian saw shops one after another, as if they were a huge market.

This Jiuding Ancient City is the trading capital of the entire Six Kingdoms. Now, although the Six Kingdoms war is approaching, the business is not sluggish, but has become much more prosperous.

For example, the major chambers of commerce actually have branches in countless countries. Even if the six countries fight, they will not be affected. After all, these chambers of commerce are pure businessmen.

The approaching war of the Six Kingdoms has prompted countless warriors to frantically purchase elixirs and spiritual weapons to enhance their strength.

After all, once you participate in the Six Nations Campaign, every bit of strength you have may help you survive.

So at this time, countless people are no longer stingy with any wealth, and can only add all their wealth to their own strength.

At a glance, Chu Fengmian saw that there were already warriors standing in front of countless shops. These warriors were competing with each other for this, but no one dared to take action.

There are always disagreements between warriors, and fighting and killing are commonplace, but in this Jiuding Ancient City, no one dares to take action no matter how loud the quarrel is.

Because there are strict regulations set in Jiuding Ancient City, once you take action, it will be a death penalty.

But this rule is only for ordinary warriors. Chu Fengmian knows that if a saint comes to make a big move, he may not die, but he will definitely be severely punished.

"Senior, are you here to buy and sell spiritual weapons and elixirs? Our Twilight Pavilion has all kinds of spiritual weapons, elixirs, and materials. If you need it, senior, you can come into the store to have a look."

Chu Fengmian was walking on the street, and several warriors came out to win over this guest.

Each of these warriors also has the strength of the body forging realm. If they were placed in some remote places in the martial arts kingdom, they would probably be strong.

But in this ancient city of Jiuding, everyone is like a waiter in a restaurant, coming to win over customers.

"Go in and have a look."

When Chu Fengmian heard the words of those warriors, he stopped and walked towards the Twilight Pavilion.

Chu Fengmian had also heard of Twilight Pavilion. Although it was only a third-rate chamber of commerce in the entire Nine Regions, it was much more powerful than remote countries such as Wusheng Kingdom.

There are branches in every major country.

Even the royal family of Emperor Qin's kingdom did not dare to offend Twilight Pavilion too much.

This Twilight Pavilion not only allows you to buy and sell elixirs, spiritual weapons, materials, etc., it also has an auction where you can auction treasures and even buy and sell information. As long as you have enough wealth, everything you want can be obtained from this Twilight Pavilion. Possessed in Guang Pavilion.

It's even possible to pay someone to kill someone.

Second update today.

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