Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 241 The final trump card

Seeing the huge Monument of Fertility, Saint Chu Heng's face was filled with fear.

The power of the Monument of Fertility made him feel a sense of fear. Here was the terrifying power of a heaven-level spiritual weapon.

But in an instant, Saint Chu Heng's expression changed again and became much calmer.

"It turns out that you don't have the power to activate the Monument of Fertility. You just use the power of burning elixirs to force it. You can't show the power of the Monument of Fertility at all. You can't activate it even with one-tenth of the power."

After all, Saint Chu Heng is also a figure in the realm of divine power, called a saint. He has extremely broad knowledge and can see the truth at a glance.

Chu Fengmian activated the Fertility Monument not because he had the power to activate it, but with the help of the power of the elixir.

The power of such a barely activated Fertility Monument is not even one-tenth of its true power. This kind of power has not yet reached the power to destroy everything.

Saint Chu Heng's body moved, and an awe-inspiring spiritual power burst out, making his punch even more powerful.

"So what if it's not the Monument of Fertility at full strength? It's enough to deal with you!"

Chu Fengmian sneered again and again. The reason why he dared to fight the Saint Chu Heng was because of the Fertility Monument. Even if the Fertility Monument was not at full strength, its power was equally terrifying.


Chu Fengmian's word "annihilation" immediately spread throughout the entire domain, and endless power suddenly fell from the Monument of Fertility.


The entire field seemed to be shaking. This was still the power of the Monument of Fertility. The result of not falling down was just a prelude, which was enough to shake the entire field.

And then, endless rumbling sounds sounded like crazy, and the power of the Monument of Fertility completely hit the body of Saint Chu Heng.

The punch that Saint Chu Heng concentrated with all his strength was wiped out in an instant by the power of the Monument of Fertility.

The continuous roaring sound echoed throughout the entire field for almost a minute.

The space around Chu Fengmian actually had cracks, and with a bang, everything shattered.

The domain of Saint Chu Heng was directly broken by the power of the Fertility Monument.

"what happened?"

"What a powerful spiritual wave!"

In Wusheng Academy, countless onlookers are still waiting for the final result. They know that this battle is not over, and is still going on in the domain of Saint Chu Heng.

But at this moment, where Saint Chu Heng's domain was just now, a huge wave of spiritual power suddenly burst out. The impact of the spiritual power suddenly knocked countless people around him away.

"The realm is broken!"

"Could it be that Chu Fengmian is not dead yet?"

Countless warriors looked at the two figures reappearing in the sky and were shocked.

The opponent Chu Fengmian faced this time was the peerless saint Chu Heng. Couldn't even a saint be able to deal with Chu Fengmian?

Now the domain of Saint Chu Heng was actually destroyed by Chu Fengmian.

In an instant, Chu Fengmian also noticed the changes around him, and he understood that he had returned to Wusheng Academy.

The blow from the Fertility Monument just now had already broken the domain of Saint Chu Heng.

"The realm has been broken, what about Saint Chu Heng?"

Chu Fengmian's face was still extremely nervous. Even if a saint had such terrifying power just now, Chu Fengmian did not believe that he could kill the saint Chu Heng.

Sure enough, almost at the moment when this realm was shattered, a crazy roar sounded.

"Damn it! How dare you destroy this holy realm!"

The figure of Saint Chu Heng suddenly escaped from the endless explosion. Chu Fengmian looked at this Saint Chu Heng. This Saint Chu Heng actually did not receive much damage.

All the power of the Monument of Fertility hit the domain, shattering it, but Saint Chu Heng escaped and now only suffered minor injuries.

"Did you spend 10,000 gold elixirs to only seriously injure Saint Chu Heng?"

Seeing the current state of Saint Chu Heng, Chu Fengmian was extremely horrified. This was already his strongest method, but it actually prevented Saint Chu Heng from being seriously injured.

"Little beast, I want you to die!"

When Saint Chu Heng saw Chu Fengmian, he was furious. He was a saint, a peerless expert in the realm of divine power. Let alone a little Chu Fengmian, he would not let go of anyone under the saint. in the eyes.

Now that the domain was blown to pieces by Chu Fengmian, Saint Chu Heng was extremely angry.

When the saint became angry, the entire surrounding space changed color.

Above the sky, countless flames were lit, burning the sky, symbolizing the anger of Saint Chu Heng.

"Sage Chu Heng, you still dare to come and kill me, aren't you afraid that I am stimulating the power of the Monument of Fertility?"

Seeing Saint Chu Heng speak out, Chu Fengmian shouted loudly.

"Little beast, I don't believe you have so many pills for you to burn!"

When Saint Chu Heng heard Chu Fengmian's words, he roared angrily.

He also understood that every time the Fertility Monument was activated, the number of pills burned was definitely an astronomical figure. Just that blow just now burned the spiritual power of millions of Qi Gathering Pills.

He didn't believe that Chu Fengmian still had so many pills that he could let him squander it like this.

After all, it only takes one million Qi Gathering Pills to activate the power just now. How many Qi Gathering Pills can a little guy in the Divine Sea Realm have?

Wealth needs to be accumulated slowly. As Chu Fengmian is so young, he will definitely not have too much wealth.


Hearing the words of Saint Chu Heng, Chu Fengmian sneered again and again.

He obtained the treasure of Emperor Fengfeng, which was a huge fortune. Although every time he activated the full power of Fengfeng Monument, it still made Chu Fengmian extremely painful.

But now when it's time to squander, Chu Fengmian also wants to squander.

"Burn! Put it out!"

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and another ten thousand golden elixirs were directly waved out, burning in the air. At the same time, the power of the Fertility Monument fell again, and blasted away at Saint Chu Heng.


"The power of the God of War!"

Saint Chu Heng's body condensed into a golden body, shaped into the appearance of the ancient god of war. It competed with Chu Fengmian and withstood the power of the fertility monument.

But even so, Saint Chu Heng's figure still retreated more than a hundred steps, and a wisp of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

"Little beast, let's see how many pills you still have...!"

Before Saint Chu Heng finished speaking, Chu Fengmian waved his hand again, and suddenly another ten thousand Qi Gathering Pills flew out and began to burn.

When it comes to elixirs, there is probably no one in this martial arts kingdom who can compete with Chu Fengmian in terms of quantity. At least it is impossible for a saint to come up with as many elixirs as Chu Fengmian.

After all, Chu Fengmian not only received the inheritance from Emperor Fengrao, but also inherited Emperor Fengrao's treasures.

The power of the Monument of Fertility was once again activated, and it blasted towards Saint Chu Heng again.


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