Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 240 The Terror of the Saint!

"Sage Chu Heng, aren't you afraid of the Monument of Fertility?"

Chu Fengmian suddenly spoke up.

"If you really want me to surrender, be careful that I fight you to the death!"

In this domain, there is another different space. In this space, there are only Chu Fengmian and Saint Chu Heng, so Chu Fengmian naturally did not have any scruples and directly told the story about the Monument of Fertility. .

The news about the Monument of Fertility itself was obtained by people from the Chu family and the Cheng family, and now Saint Chu Heng naturally knows it.

"I know that the reason why your Chu family has always wanted to kill me is because you want to get the treasures on me and the inheritance of Emperor Fengrao. Now this time I fall into your hands, but if you really want to If you want me to surrender, be careful as I summon the Fertility Monument, and you and I will die."

Chu Fengmian shouted loudly, and at the same time, he was constantly thinking about the next sentence in his mind.

In such a critical moment, Chu Fengmian must remain calm.


After hearing the words "Monument of Fertility", the spiritual power in Saint Chu Heng's hands obviously became weaker, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Sage Chu Heng was obviously still a little wary of the Heavenly Spiritual Weapon Fengfu Monument, which was personally refined by Emperor Fengfeng.

If other people said such things, he would naturally not believe it, but it was different when Chu Fengmian said it.

Chu Fengmian not only owns this Monument of Fertility, but also has the inheritance from Emperor Fertility. From this look, maybe Chu Fengmian really has the qualifications to fight him to the death.

"What do you want, spare your life?"

Saint Chu Heng looked at Chu Fengmian with interest and sneered.

"Although I don't believe that you, a little guy from the Divine Sea Realm, have the qualifications to fight this Saint to the death, but this Emperor of Fertility is indeed not something I can calculate. Maybe he really has some tricks left behind. possible."

"Now if you hand over the Fengfeng Monument, the inheritance of Fengfeng Emperor, and the Beimang Holy Tablet left by Saint Xuanbei, I can consider sparing your life."

Saint Chu Heng's voice contained endless killing intent, almost threatening.

"Giving up resistance and handing over all the treasures is your only chance now. Otherwise, I will kill you even if I choose to fight to the death!"

"Sage Chu Heng, neither you nor I are fools. Do you think it is possible?"

After hearing the words of Saint Chu Heng, Chu Fengmian laughed disdainfully and said.

"If Mr. Chu hands over all the treasures, I'm afraid you will kill Mr. Chu directly. There is no chance of sparing my life."

"I won't believe what you Chu family says!"

"Don't believe it? It's a pity that you have no choice now."

Sage Chu Heng said with a smile on his face.

"You want to live now. This is your only chance. If you don't know how to cherish it, you will die here today."

"Then give it a try. Changing the life of a saint is worth it!"

Chu Fengmian faced off and said unceremoniously.

"Even if you surrender me, it is far less important to you than the Monument of Fertility, the inheritance of Emperor Fertility, and the Beimang Holy Tablet. All Chu wants is to survive."

"What do you want?"

Saint Chu Heng thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

Indeed, as Chu Fengmian said, Saint Chu Heng took action, that is, he wanted to get the treasures on Chu Fengmian's body, the Monument of Fertility, the inheritance of Emperor Fertility, and the Beimang Holy Tablet. These three treasures were the most important to him. .

As for Chu Fengmian himself, he actually just thought of it accidentally. Compared with these three treasures, Chu Fengmian himself is indeed not that important.

"It's not that I can't consider sparing your life, I just want to see how sincere you are."

Saint Chu Heng sneered, waiting for Chu Fengmian's answer.

The treasures on Chu Fengmian's body were the most important to him. As for the others, Saint Chu Heng didn't particularly care.

Chu Fengmian's life was not important.

"Sage Chu Heng, I can hand over all the treasures I have to you, but you must open the realm and let me out before I will give you the treasures."

Chu Fengmian shouted loudly, and at the same time he was secretly condensing his spiritual power. The Monument of Fertility had quietly appeared in Chu Fengmian's palm, and a full 10,000 Golden Spirit Pills were ready to be completed.

Ten thousand golden elixirs were already the limit for burning the Fertility Monument. If more were burned, the power of the Fertility Monument would be beyond Chu Fengmian's control.

But this is equivalent to ten times the normal consumption of activating the Fertility Monument, which is enough to make the Fertility Monument ten times more powerful.

"Let you out? And then you give me the treasure?"

Saint Chu Heng frowned, as if he was thinking about something. After a while, his expression suddenly changed and became extremely cold.

"Boy, it seems that you really treat me as a fool! The Monument of Fertility is a heaven-level spiritual weapon. Even if I ask the saint myself, I may not be able to use it. How can you, a boy from the Divine Sea Realm, be able to activate Fertility? monument."

"What's more, with your qualifications, letting you go is tantamount to letting the tiger return to the mountain. Sooner or later, it will be a serious problem for our Chu family. Today, I will place a ban on you first! To prevent you from raising a tiger in the future. Trouble!”

Sage Chu Heng suddenly shouted angrily, and all his spiritual power surged wildly. The Demon Realm Soul Suppressing Seal in his palm also showed all his power, and pressed Chu Fengmian away with a palm.

"Give me control! Surrender!"

"Tianlong Bayin!"

There was a dragon roar in Chu Fengmian's mouth. Under this ancient dragon roar, the Demon Realm Soul Suppressing Seal was instantly broken and turned invisible.


The Demon Realm Soul Suppressing Seal was broken, and Saint Chu Heng's expression also changed suddenly. Then a spiritual power condensed in his palm, turned into a punch, and struck at Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian cannot be made to surrender, so Chu Fengmian must be killed today.

But the moment he punched, an extremely strong spiritual power suddenly burst out from Chu Fengmian's palm.

"Old guy, aren't you Chu who can't use the power of the Monument of Fertility? Then take a look and see what this is!"

Chu Fengmian roared, and the Fertility Monument grew crazily in the palm of his hand, becoming five or six meters tall. Behind the Fertility Monument, blazing flames burned.

This raging flame was the spiritual power that Chu Fengmian condensed by burning ten thousand golden elixirs, all of which was used to activate the Fertility Monument.

"The Monument of Fertility! You can actually activate the Monument of Fertility!"

Saint Chu Heng shouted in disbelief. He had always felt that Chu Fengmian was bluffing. After all, the Monument of Fertility was a terrifying spiritual weapon that even he could hardly activate.

But Chu Fengmian actually had the ability to activate the Monument of Fertility, and all his calculations were wrong.

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