Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 144 Making things difficult

"What spiritual weapon?"

After hearing the words of the mission hall elder, Chu Fengmian frowned and said.

When he accepted this task, he didn't mention any spiritual weapons.

In the jade slips, there was never any mention of any spiritual weapon. It just said that it would be enough to bring back Mu Yuanhuo's body.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, I'm talking about the spiritual weapon on Mu Yuanhuo."

The elder of the mission hall glanced at Chu Fengmian and said with a sneer.

"This devil betrayed the Zhu Yan Sect for a spiritual weapon. Without that spiritual weapon, you will not be considered as completing this task. At most, half of the contribution points will be given to you."


Hearing the words of the mission hall elder, Chu Fengmian's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Only give half of the contribution points? This is obviously looking for trouble.

In that mission, there was no mention of spiritual weapons at all. Now the elder of the mission hall is just looking for trouble.

"There's no such thing as this on this mission."

Chu Fengmian frowned and said, this mission hall elder was looking for trouble for no reason, which also made him a little unclear.

This mission hall elder was, after all, an outer elder. For no reason, Chu Fengmian didn't want to conflict with him.

"Oh? Really? That was my negligence for a moment. Now I will add this one."

The elder of the mission hall looked at Chu Fengmian with a half-smile.

"Half the reward, a total of one thousand contribution points, do you want to complete this task?"


Chu Fengmian said coldly.

One thousand contribution points is actually nothing to Chu Fengmian. Now that Chu Fengmian has obtained the wealth of one million Qi Gathering Pills, contribution points are no longer needed.

But Chu Fengmian must not take this loss. If he takes it, Chu Fengmian will be targeted everywhere in Wusheng Academy in the future.

Chu Fengmian still knows that good people can be bullied. Chu Fengmian must get the two thousand contribution points today, no matter what.

"Elder, don't go too far."

Chu Fengmian said with a hint of coldness in his words.

Chu Fengmian didn't want to take action at first, but if the mission hall elder was too coercive and oppressive, Chu Fengmian didn't mind taking action.

From Chu Fengmian's point of view, defeating a warrior at the second level of the Divine Sea Realm was as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

"Too much? I am the elder of the mission hall. I can directly modify most of these missions. I can give you a thousand contribution points. Are you not satisfied?"

The elder of the mission hall said with a bit of ridicule in his words.

"In that case, then you can keep this task slowly for three to five years. Maybe I am in a good mood and can give you a few hundred more contribution points."

"But you have to be clear that you can only accept one mission from Wusheng Academy at the same time. If you don't hand it in, you won't be able to accept other missions within three to five years."

The words of the elder of the mission hall can be said to be extremely insidious.

Executing tasks is one of the fastest ways to earn contribution points. Even some powerful people from the inner sect will accept tasks, and Chu Fengmian will naturally do the same when he needs contribution points.

If Chu Fengmian is not allowed to accept the mission for three to five years, it will definitely be a painful blow to Chu Fengmian. He forced Chu Fengmian to bow his head today.

"You have offended the Chu family and yet you dare to come to the mission hall."

"It seems that this kid is going to be taught a lesson today. Doesn't he know that this mission hall is the territory of the Chu family?"

"When this kid came to the academy, he was arrogant and ruthless. He first offended the Chu family, the Cheng family, and then the prince and the law enforcement team. But he didn't understand how influential these forces were in Wusheng Academy."

"The days of suffering are still to come. This is just a prelude."

Some of the onlookers who were watching the warriors were not surprised when they heard the words of the mission hall elder. Instead, they had a sneer attitude.

Many people even spoke in a mocking tone.

"Chu family?"

Chu Fengmian suddenly understood after hearing everyone's discussion.

The elder of the mission hall was indeed looking for trouble, because the mission hall itself was a place managed by the Chu family.

This mission hall elder is also an elder who has a good relationship with the Chu family. Chu Fengmian once defeated Chu Beige in the Ark assessment, making Chu Beige unable to take the assessment.

Chu Fengmian has already formed this grudge with the Chu family. Now, in order to please the Chu family, the elder of the mission hall wants to embarrass Chu Fengmian for a while.

Since there was already a grudge, Chu Fengmian didn't have to worry about anything.

"Are you sure the elder wants to make things difficult for Mr. Chu?"

Chu Fengmian frowned, and a bit of coldness flashed in his eyes.

The spiritual power in his body had quietly started to circulate, and a powerful pressure was directed at the elder of the mission hall.

This was the last chance he gave to the elder of the mission hall.

"Embarrassed? Hahaha, so what if I embarrass you? How can an inner disciple turn the world upside down?"

The elder of the mission hall laughed.

"I know you are amazingly powerful, but this is the mission hall. According to the rules, anyone who dares to take action in the mission hall will be imprisoned for ten years! If you dare to take action, you will spend the next ten years in the black waters. !”

"I'm here now. I want to see if you dare to fight!"

The elder of the mission hall looked at the burst of spiritual power on Chu Fengmian's body and laughed arrogantly.


Before his laughter lasted long, a crisp sound suddenly sounded.

On the face of the mission hall elder, a slap mark was clearly visible.

"So what if I hit you?"

There was a hint of ridicule in Chu Fengmian's eyes, as if he was laughing at the stupidity of the mission hall elder.

He just hit him today, so what?

Chu Fengmian had never cared about the sect rules of Wusheng Academy. Ever since the prince dared to attack him during the assessment, Chu Fengmian no longer believed in the sect rules.

The sect rules of Wusheng Academy are all useful to waste without strength. For example, the prince never cares about the sect rules. He attacked Chu Fengmian and defeated the hall master without receiving any punishment.

Today, Chu Fengmian doesn't care about the so-called rules of Wusheng Academy.

" dare to hit me?"

The elder of the mission hall looked at Chu Fengmian and said blankly.

This slap definitely knocked him silly.

As the elder of the Mission Hall, he has always made things difficult for anyone, and no one dares to retaliate against him. Because of his status as the elder of the Mission Hall, no one dares to take action against him.

But now, Chu Fengmian was showing no mercy and slapped him.

"Why, isn't one slap enough?"

Chu Fengmian's mouth moved.


He raised his hand again and slapped the mission hall elder on the face again.

This second slap not only woke him up, it seemed to wake up everyone present.

Today's fourth update will follow. Although it is a bit late, it will be as complete as possible.

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