Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 143 Mission Hall

"Are you all immersed in practicing? You don't even know about it?"

Some outer disciples who recognized Chu Fengmian spoke angrily to the outer disciples next to them.

Now in Wusheng Academy, if you don't know Chu Fengmian, you will really be a little ignorant.

"He is the new king of this year, and you can't even recognize him?"

"The new king of this year? Could it be that Chu Fengmian?"

After hearing the words of the outer disciple, countless people realized who Chu Fengmian was in front of them.

The newcomer kings of Wusheng Academy over the years are actually not very famous. A newcomer, even if he is strong, can only start from the bottom when he enters the inner sect.

But this time's new king is completely different. He broke the record of three levels up to Lingtian, reached the 70th floor of Tongtian Road, and was accepted as a disciple by the Xuanbei Sage.

These three points, no matter which one, are enough for Chu Fengmian to stand proudly in Wusheng Academy.

"Mission Hall, this Chu Fengmian has actually come to the Mission Hall."

"What mission did he take? It seems that I have never seen him come to the mission hall."

Looking at Chu Fengmian, countless warriors were curious. As the most eye-catching newcomer in Wusheng Academy, his every move is being noticed by countless disciples.

Chu Fengmian walked to the mission hall and saw at a glance that there were jade talismans on one side of the wall. Each jade talisman represented one of the tasks. On the jade talisman, The different stars in the depiction represent the intensity of the mission.

Under the jade talisman, there are countless jade slips. There is no limit on the number of people who can take on the mission of Wusheng Academy, but only one person can complete it.

As for others, it is very likely that they have a busy schedule, but this is the rule of Wusheng Academy.

Survival of the fittest, only the strong can gain a foothold in Wusheng Academy.

"Three-star intermediate mission."

"Chu Fengmian actually completed the three-star intermediate task?"

Seeing Chu Fengmian take one of the jade talismans, many people around him were surprised.

This three-star intermediate level represents a task that requires at least a warrior above the fourth level of the Divine Sea Realm to complete.

With Chu Fengmian's current seventh level of the Body Forging Realm, he was actually enough to complete the task of the three-star intermediate level.

"It's the mission of the desert thieves in the northwest desert!"

"What? It's actually the mission of a traitor from the Zhu Yan Sect!"

Some disciples got curious and leaned over, took a look at the jade slips below, and screamed in surprise.

"It is said that even Senior Brother Feng, who is among the top ten in the inner sect, has not completed this task."

"This task was actually completed by Chu Fengmian?"

The matter of Mu Yuanhuo was also widely spread in Wusheng Academy. This task was something that no one wanted to get involved with.

Mu Yuanhuo's strength is already extremely powerful, coupled with his magic skills and cautious character.

The top ten disciples of the inner sect once went there, and in the end they tried hard to pursue one person, but all returned without success.

So even though this task has a lot of contribution point rewards, for most people, it is still a task that they would never consider.

I didn't expect it to be completed today.

"I'll hand over this task."

Chu Fengmian walked to a counter and spoke to one of the elders of the mission hall.

In this mission hall, the outer sect elders are responsible for everything, not the disciples. This is also for the fairness of the mission hall.

"Oh? What kind of mission?"

The mission hall elder has white hair and looks extremely old. His strength is only around the second level of the Divine Sea Realm. His qualifications are not high, so he can only get the position of an outer sect elder.

But after all, he was an outer sect elder and treated his disciples with great contempt. When he heard Chu Fengmian's words, he only said them softly.

"Bring the jade talisman over here."

Chu Fengmian moved his hand and threw the jade talisman over. The elder of the mission hall took the jade talisman and injected a spiritual power into it, and his eyes suddenly changed.

"Have you completed this mission?"

The voice of the elder of the mission hall was almost shouting, and it attracted many disciples from the mission hall at once.

"What kind of mission is it that makes the elders of the mission hall so surprised?"

Some warriors gathered around and when they saw the jade talisman handed over by Chu Fengmian, their expressions were no better than those of the elders of the Mission Hall.


Chu Fengmian nodded softly, then took out a storage bag and put it out.

Mu Yuanhuo's body suddenly appeared in the mission hall.

"He is actually a traitor!"

"This guy actually has scales all over his body. He is really possessed by a demon. Was such a demon actually killed by him today?"

Everyone looked at Chu Fengmian, and most of them had disbelief in their eyes.

When Mu Yuanhuo rebelled from the Zhu Yan Sect, his strength reached the third level of the Divine Sea Realm. Now that he has become a demon, his strength is even stronger than before.

Chu Fengmian's realm was only at the seventh level of the body forging realm, so how could he possibly defeat Mu Yuanhuo.

"Could it be that this kid got lucky and happened to encounter the traitor and was seriously injured, so let's kill him."

"How is it possible? That traitor is so cunning. Even Senior Brother Feng went there and searched for him for a month with no results. How could he be seriously injured?"

"Could it be that someone helped this kid and allowed him to complete this task?"

"It's possible. You should think about this kid's master..."

"You mean? Saint Xuanbei? Will Saint Xuanbei help this kid complete his mission?"

"That's impossible, but it's possible that Saint Xuanbei saw the devil doing all kinds of evil, so he killed the devil. The body was obtained by this kid in exchange for contribution points."

Everyone talked about it, but no one believed that this Mu Yuanhuo was really killed by Chu Fengmian.

Mu Yuanhuo, who could not be killed by even the top ten disciples in Wusheng Academy, would die in the hands of Chu Fengmian. None of them could believe it, and they were wildly speculating on the reasons for this. .

After hearing these comments, Chu Fengmian only had a sneer on his face.

Naturally, Chu Fengmian never paid attention to these rumors. All he needed now was to complete this task.

"It is indeed the body of Mu Yuanhuo."

The elder of the mission hall looked at Mu Yuanhuo's body and said softly.

This sentence has already proved one thing, that is, Mu Yuanhuo is indeed dead, and this mission has indeed been completed.

"Now that the elder has confirmed it, let's give Chu the reward for this task."

Chu Fengmian didn't waste any time, just took out his identity card and handed it to the elder of the Mission Hall.


The elder of the mission hall suddenly raised his head, his eyes flickering, and a sly smile appeared on his face.

"Where is the spiritual weapon on this demon? Where is it?"

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