Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 214: Shadow duel (below)

Marvin’s words completely angered the shadow prince!

He has always believed that he is the person in the world who knows the most about the shadow field. ┅E┠┇┠┇ says ┄┡┅-```1``-`-`----`-

In fact, before Marvin appeared, he did.

But after Marvin appeared, he was no longer!

In the past life, Marvin was dominated by the night, without the help of a high-level virtual godhead. In the heads-up of the shadow plane, he smashed the shadow prince, then killed him in the main material world, and finally captured his field and successfully sealed it. God!

In this world, Marvin is more confident!

In the shadow plane, most of the power of the gods is greatly limited.

Only the shadow field will get a great bonus.

The law of the gods of Glanes is ineffective against Marvin, which means that the two sides can only come to a hard battle!

There are no fancy skills, no extras, no competition, just pure strength!


The two collided together and the fire was shining.

The blade of Sodoma is on the dusk and does not suffer at all.

Neither of them had any extra nonsense because they all knew that only one of them could survive today after the battle!

In the vortex of the shadow plane, the figures of the two people continually jumped and twirled.

Both of them are very familiar with the world, and the transition between their offense and defense is also very easy.

I have to say that the Shadow Prince’s play is very good.

Marvin’s machete was actually a little restrained in front of him.

But one thing, Marvin holds the sword of desperation.

Desperate Knife is a very exquisite martial arts skill. In his hands, the Desperate Knife has changed a lot, successfully resisting the fierce attack of the Shadow Prince.

Both sides frequently performed close combat, but the results made both parties very dissatisfied.

The match is quite!

After stealing the power of the ancient gods, the biggest shortcoming of the Shadow Prince - the lack of stamina is also made up.

Marvin and he have not been able to fight for a long time, and they have begun to prepare to change their strategies.

"It seems that it is difficult to kill him by blindly competing with technology."

Ma Wen’s heart moved. Suddenly a retreat disappeared in front of Glanes.

Glanes smiled coldly and immediately followed.

In fact, in the shadow of the shadow prince, such a result of the engagement is also unacceptable to him.

A mortal knife. How can this be compared to how many years he has practiced?

Why can he still feel that the proficiency of Marvin's movement is higher than himself?

He is only a few years old! ?

How can there be such a wealth of practical experience?

But no matter what, he has to catch up with his scalp.

Because he also knows that this is his first battle to return to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Although most of the gods' attention is still on the star beast. But they will definitely notice this alternative battlefield.

If you lose, the latter will retreat, then on the stage of the Kingdom of Heaven, there will never be a place for yourself!

"A small mortal! You must die today!"

Glanes screamed and rushed into the whirlpool!


The shadow vortex is essentially a wormhole in the shadow plane itself. The connection point between the spaces, through a shadow vortex, is likely to reach far away.

Glanes watched as Marvin crossed the shadow vortex, but when he passed through, he suddenly appeared, and Marvin was gone!

It is impossible to leave the shadow plane!

If Marvin is leaving this plane. With Glenn's current perception, it is sure to be felt.

"Hide up?"

"Play assassination with me?"

The shadow prince smiled disdainfully.

Who is he?

He is the king of assassination!

Fernando 6 Oriental Guardian legendary wizard Anthony failed to escape his assassination!

Marvin actually dared to be in the shadow plane, his home, playing assassination with him?

The confidence in Glenos’s heart is even greater.

He sprinkled a little bit of divine power, covering the entire area where Marvin might be hidden with divine power to prevent Marvin from escaping.

This time I came to the wing of the Black Dragon. What he was most afraid of was to let Marvin escape.

After all, Ma Wen’s ascension is also in his eyes. A night lord wants to escape. Once he is allowed to flee to Fernan, the shadow prince is still very difficult to deal with him.

As a result, Ma Wen does not escape. Instead, it was a good news for Glennors.

“Will you hide?” Glenos opened the sensation of God to the maximum, and then the same shape slowly disappeared into the shadow plane.

For a time, this space was caught in a strange silence.

However, in the corner that Glenos couldn't watch. Marvin’s mouth has already shown a smile.

The home of the shadow plane, it really did not choose the wrong!

If the last generation of Glenos was lost in Marvin's conspiracy, then in this life, he is destined to lose in his own strength!

Marvin’s gaze was fixed on a void, and he did not hesitate to move the knife!

The blade of Sodoma made a fierce whistling sound, and one person doubled his knife and blinked his eyes. Then fiercely chopped behind the Glenos!


Double-knife into the meat, the Shadow Prince was almost directly chopped!

If it is not the power of the ancient ancient gods that protects his body, he estimates that the source of God needs to be reorganized.

When Marvin hits a successful one, he is not proud, but instead he retreats and hides in another shadow vortex.

The night of the night!


After a hit, Ma Wen once again hid!

Since it is very difficult to kill Glenos on the front, what about playing yin? Marvin is not the kind of pedantic person.

And he also decided that Glenos would not retreat at this juncture.

He retired, and he will not mix in the realm of the future.

Sure enough, the shadow prince followed in an annoyed way.

He still couldn't find the hiding place of Marvin, and his own concealment was useless in the eyes of Marvin!

Because here is the shadow plane!

This is the matchup between the two peaks of the shadow field rogue!

Ma Wen has only enough shadow power.

But Glenos is different!

He has a lot of natural ancient gods.

For a shadow plane, he is like a lighthouse.

Ma Wen does not have to feel, can be seen directly with the naked eye!

So he has nothing to lose!


However, Glanes is not aware of this!

He went crazy looking for Marvin, but he was always able to find opportunities and then sneak attack.

Once, twice, three times!

Finally, once Ma Wen found the opportunity to take the lead in this shadow matchup!

He cut the body of Glanes into eight segments and completely voided!

If it is not for the shadow prince to hide fast, I am afraid that even the source of his **** will be hurt.

At this moment, Glanes finally noticed that it was wrong.

However, it is too late, Marvin has reached the goal he wants!

The origin of God is to reshape the flesh infinitely, but it takes time!

"I am sorry, I never give the gods time to reshape the flesh."

"Now, you are going to die!"

The blade of Sodoma is like the most ferocious snake, tearing open the protective cover of God's origin.

In the shadow plane, the screams of Glenos are constantly coming.

... (to be continued.)

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