Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 213: Shadow matchup (top)

The Shadow Prince has no longer wanted to be patient!

Since he woke up, he always had a sense of crisis in his heart. At first he thought that he had stolen the power of others. Who knows that with his continuous improvement, he is alive, and the source of the sense of crisis is actually Ma Wen. !

This guy is not dead, Glenos is sleepy!

In fact, he had been dreaming countless times while he was asleep and drifting in the endless universe. ┅`-`-1``-`---```--

Everything in the dream is so real.

He and Ma Wen gave birth to a variety of fierce battles.

Duels always have a win-win situation, but every time!

every time!

In the end of the dream, he died in the hands of Marvin.

He could see his soul leave the body, and then panicked and watched Marvin slowly withdrawing the two **** machete from his body.

His expression is so indifferent, natural, as if doing something that is justified.

This dream, repeated, repeated countless times, until he woke up, encountered an unprecedented opportunity.

He came to a ridiculous world.

But for Glenos, the world is the starting point for his rebirth!


The powerful laws of the gods rushed to the surface and directly crushed the entire plane.


The huge popping sound filled Marvin's eardrum, and the mountain peaks under his feet collapsed, compressed, and turned into nothingness, falling into the final astral world!

A large number of undead mourn in his ear, and countless underworld leaders are nervously on the Styx.

There are too many related forces in this battle.

The Black Dragon Wing, as the place where Marvin and Glenos are dueling, is destined to become a tragedy.

A large backlog of ghosts can easily fall into the final astral with the debris of the plane.

The Heavenly Kingdom is hunting the horrible star beast. If Fernan had such a big thing at this time, it caused the attention of the star beast, and the ambush of the gods is likely to be completely ineffective.

Therefore, although the monarchs of the world of the dead and the gods of the heavenly kingdoms are not in sight, they also dispatched competent depots in time to prevent the situation from worsening.

As for Marvin and Glenos. No one will take care of their battles.

Because almost no one is optimistic that Marvin can survive this battle!

That is the true law of the gods!

That is the supreme power of the destiny to give the gods supremacy.

As a mortal, Marvin can only accept the trial that belongs to him!


Extremely evil hell.

A rough voice sneered: "Dirus, isn't that your descendant? You watched as he was killed by Glenos?"

Diroth walked on the red clouds without hesitation, and smiled: "The waste of Glenos. You can afford him too much."

"I don't care about this kind of thing at all."

"Oh?" The Lord of Evil, sitting on the icy lacquered black throne, showed a playful look: "What are you doing here today?"

"I thought you would need my help. After all, Heaven Kingdom is not alone for you to fight."

"Azeri, I need your help." Dirothy looked at him without hesitation, and then smiled very brightly:

"I want your statue of the infernal angel."

The Lord of Evils suddenly changed his face: "Are you crazy?!"

Dirothy looked at him calmly: "I am not crazy."

"The nine-story purgatory is the time to really unite together. Only in this way can we produce the locusts in the abyss to truly dominate the world."

"Tell you a message that my troops have reached the high forest and reached an agreement with the migratory bird council."

"They helped me find your world."

"The statue of the evil angel will be my first collection. You are certainly not willing to cut love, so you can die."

The next second, he suddenly opened a huge door behind him.

The roaring sounds, thousands of troops, coming from behind the door.


"Is the law of the gods?"

The plane has completely collapsed. Marvin stood in the void, and his mouth twitched with a mocking smile.

The golden light shines through his body and shines on him.

However, the images imagined by others are not born.

Under the suppression of the laws of the gods, Marvin was safe and sound.

He stood there, watching Glenos!

There is also a shiny thing on his chest.

"Your rules are not valid for me!"

Marvin skillfully played the sword of Sodom in a complete state, staring coldly at the shadow prince:

"But it seems that the power of the **** of nature has made you steal a lot."

On the other side, Glenos suddenly widened his eyes!

"how is this possible!"

This is enough to crush the mortal to the law of the gods. This is his core strength. In front of Marvin, he completely lost his effect!

He looked at Marvin in amazement and asked with some hesitation: "You... are you sealed?"

Seal God. Only such an explanation!

Only the gods can fight the laws of the gods!

Immediately he heard Marvin’s laughter.

He has a high-level virtual godhead, he has the aura of the plane of the plane, and all the laws of the gods cannot directly override his life!

This is why Ma Wen dares to fight with Glennors now!

The invalidity of the law of God means that Glennors can't kill Marvin in the most rude and primitive way.

He must kill Marvin himself - but can he do it? !

There are countless waves in the shadow prince's face. But soon, he calmed down.

He had long known that Marvin was not so easy to kill. If he is so dead, Glenos will probably wonder if this guy is using any means to swindle!

"It seems that you know a lot of things."

Glenos looked calmly at Marvin: "A group of idiots in the migratory bird parliament still believe in the ancient gods! He is dead!"

"His strength is my strength!"

"I will let you completely disappear in this universe!"

In the next second, Glanes rushed over like a bullet.

Every time he takes a step, the void will be broken!

The powerful deity of the gods is encased in infinite power, and the shadows and the natural atmosphere are intertwined with each other, making people look scared.

This guy is really crazy!

Marvin did not fight, he knew that his strength in the void could not be completely exhausted. After all, he is not a real god.

But he is not afraid of Glenos.

"Is it a dead battle?"

"If you have the guts, just come with me."


Marvin’s figure disappeared in place!

Glanes went without hesitation.

Even if it is a trap, he has to keep up with it - he knows that the whole universe is watching the battle!

In this battle, he can only win, not defeat!

Can only enter can not be returned!


Two powerful breaths disappeared instantly, and then instantly appeared in another monotonous space.

"You actually decided to fight me here."

Glanes reveals a mocking expression: "Do you really think that you are the best person in the world who knows the shadows?"

"I, Glenos, is the real shadow prince!"

In the last sentence, his voice is almost roaring!

Not far away, in a whirlpool of the shadow plane, Marvin smiled:

"In the last life, I just killed you here."

"This time, the same is true."

... (to be continued.)

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