Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 137: surgery

The appearance of Marvin made everyone surprised!

Hubble’s face was cloudy and he couldn’t help but glance at the corner. E Xiao █▌▊ says ▉ █

There, standing on a man with a look of embarrassment.


It is said that this guy is also Hubble's confidant. The instruction to not accept ordinary people into the city is actually the implied execution of Hubble. However, the appearance of Marvin broke some of his plans. He was somewhat impatient with the relationship between Marvin and Daniela. He has not made a decision.

"Mr. Marvin."

Hubble took a slogan and said seriously:

“This is a very formal meeting. The question about the internal inheritance rights of the Kryland family...”

Ma Wen immediately waved his hand and looked at everyone:

"You just want to tell me, first, you have already made a decision. Mr. Hubble is the heir to the great public. Second, I am not qualified to interfere in the internal affairs of your family. Does this mean?"

Hubble’s face is a very hypocritical person. No matter what the nature of the matter, at least the surface must be done.

This kind of person is definitely a very powerful person in peacetime.

However, in this chaotic era, there are things that are not that important.

This is why Ma Wen is unscrupulous.

Throughout Lavis, no one except Daniela can compete with him.


The rest of the people listened to Marvin’s words, but they showed a sneer look.

One of the elders stood up and scolded: "Since you already have self-knowledge, what are you asking us?"

"Daniella? Did she send you here?"

"The secret location of the family is dare to disclose it, she will be subject to family sanctions!"

The rest of the people should also speak out!

Throughout the dense cave, everyone has blamed Daniela for its absurdity.

After more than two minutes, their nonsense stopped.

Ma Wen sat quietly and sneered and asked: "Is it enough?"

There was a sudden jump in the heart of Jaster. He had an ominous premonition and subconsciously stepped back.

The rest did not feel this way.

In their view, although Marvin is a hero who is declared outside, it is said to be a legendary figure. E Xiaoyu said that the Internet www.shu▉ but on their site, absolutely not afraid to mess.

Here is the core of the Clyland family, how can there be no legendary masters sitting in town! ?

If Marvin dares to come, they will let Marvin pay the price of the Cleland family!

Hubble took a deep breath. Looking at Marvin: "Mr. Ma Wen, no matter what, Lavis and the White River Valley are good allies. Do you want to destroy this relationship?"

Ma Wenxi laughed: "You, your self-feeling is too good, right?"

"Only with you guys. Can you also represent the Clinde family?"

"To be honest, I am really ashamed of Clayland’s emergence of your scum."

During the conversation, Marvin suddenly stood up.

The next second, he burst into a terrible devil atmosphere!

Everyone changes instantly!

That is the breath of the Molten King!

Marvin experienced in the Scarlet Wilderness, and the blood in his body was stimulated by the great devil Balkh to stimulate the blood of a certain melting king. Although this blood is still weak, there is no way to release any strength, but the quality and breath are already terrible.

This time, everyone is shocked.

"Those who say that I am not qualified to participate in the Cleland family affairs have probably forgotten what it is?"

He shook his wrist, and the mystery of the ancestors seemed extra dazzling.

Hubble glanced at Marvin's wrist. At this time, he actually showed a hint of greed.

There is only a trace of regret in Marvin’s heart.

"[Mystery of the ancestors]!?"

"Who are you?! Are you not Marvin in the White River Valley?"

"How come you have the blood of the devil?"

The elders are very surprised.

Marvin showed a pitiful look, and the information of this group of people was too lagging. Or, Dagong did not have to raise his information.

So he raised his head slightly, deliberately revealing a sense of pride:

"I am the descendant of Dirothe, the holder of the mystery of the ancestors."

"I have the blood of Cleland in my body. Dagong has already confirmed this when he signed a covenant with me. That is to say. I am also a part of the Clinde family."

"As for whether I am qualified to make irresponsible remarks, the blood of the Molten King, I don't know Felhala and even the whole Lavis. How many people can compare with me?"

The rest of the people face each other. ▊ E Xiaoyan said that █ network ww.e█ did not know what to say at once.

The news that Ma Wen brought to them was too shocking.

The blood of the Molten King, that is no less than the bloodline of Daniela's ice angel!

If it is provoked, it is definitely a strong man!

Recalling that this Marvin had already demonstrated the combat power of the level of the gods, they suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Haber’s face is cloudy and uncertain. Just want to say something, Marvin has put the words down:

"I. Marvin Cleland, on behalf of the White River Valley, also represents myself, fully supporting Daniela as the Grand Duke of Lavis."

"In my opinion, except for Daniela, no one else has any qualifications to inherit the position of the Grand Duke."

"I hope that everyone here will consider it."

Everyone was silent and didn't know how to answer it.

However, at this time, Hubble suddenly said:

"They don't have to think about it, things have been decided."

"My sister will not refuse my request."

His tone is very firm.

He looked at Marvin's eyes and became a bit bad: "Mr. Marvin, although you also have the blood of Clyland, but your grandfather Dyros has stolen family treasures, has been expelled from the family, so you said There is no point in it."

"Now, please leave here immediately!"

"The future grand brother of Lavis is me. If the White River Valley still wants to cooperate with Lavis, please pay attention to yourself!"

Marvin showed a fascinating smile, and he looked at everyone:

"You mean this too?"

His eyes are a bit strange.

The elders looked at each other and finally remembered Hubble’s promise last night, and suddenly he gnawed his teeth:

"We can't make a woman become the new duke!"

“Hubble is the best person!”

"Even if you have your support, we also choose Hubble!"

Marvin suddenly laughed.

Everyone felt strange: "What are you laughing at?"

Marvin converges with a smile. Showing a hint of pity:

"Do you know? Daniela has beaten me and must give you a chance."

"She is still too soft."

"At this point, even Ibrahim who is more lazy and disregarded by the world is much more decisive than her..."

Hubble’s face suddenly changed: “What do you want to do?”

"Do you want to be an enemy of the Clyland family?"

However, in response to him, it is dark!

In an instant. The entire secret hole is swallowed up by the shadows!

Advanced virtual godhead starts!

Field - [Shadow] is on!

Marvin’s lazy voice came from the darkness:

"I just helped to clean up the locusts."

The next second, the breath of death began to hover in the dense hole.

Everyone lost sight and they started to mess up!


Outside the secret hole, a savage figure fled to the mountain road insane!

"The madman! He really did it!"

Jester was not scared, he advanced high.

"Be sure to spread the message. Daniela, the woman, is a hangman!"

When he thought about it, a girl appeared suddenly on the mountain road ahead.

He looked a little familiar.

The girl slowly pulled out, and it was a pair of shining stars.

This is the last time that Zoster has seen the stars.

Isabel silently cut his head.

The fourth-order warlock is too weak for the legendary assassin.


In the dark, some people are breathing, some are fleeing, some are mad at blood.

However, death will eventually find them.

The action of the murderer is as smooth as the flow of water. Without any emotion, precise and delicate, it is like doing an operation.

After half an hour, the shadows dissipated, leaving only one body in the cave.

Marvin wiped the knife off his hand and slowly exited the cave.

Subsequent things, naturally someone will be responsible for cleaning up.

In a troubled world, if a force wants to survive, it must clean up its own cancer.

Daniela is obviously very aware of this too, so tonight. She secretly transferred all of Felhala's legendary powers to a secret meeting. After the secret meeting is over, they will be there, and the demon army will attack the king, Hubble and others again. Dereliction of duty.

This group of people will get the proper burial.

Then, no one on this land can stop the future Snow Queen from blooming.

Lavis, and even the North, is destined to usher in a new era!

Marvin knows that even if he doesn't have it, Daniela will definitely start.

It’s just that it’s a torture for her. I did it for her, which is equivalent to returning some of her feelings.

After all, she did more for herself in the White River Valley.

After this battle, the relationship between the two will become more intimate.

"Let's go. The long-distance transmission array should have been re-tuned. It's time to go home."

On the mountain road, Marvin greeted Isabel and walked up the hill.

The girl responded and looked back.

The city below the mountain is still sleeping quietly. Most mortals simply don't know what happened tonight.

Perhaps this is also a kind of happiness.

The order of the top of the mountain is burning, and the rare refuge in the world is extra quiet.

The two entered the transmission array, and Daniela’s cronies opened the transmission.

The night of the Northland passed by them and eventually disappeared into the chaotic time and space.


Darkness is a paradise for dreams.

In the long night, most people struggled in the dream outside the Baihe Valley refuge, a beautiful girl is light.

Her nephew is beautiful, as if the pearl is bright.

"Even the dream guards have not been able to kill you... this time, I will not look down on you anymore. Marvin."

"I will take it myself, don't give me any chance."

She smiled softly as she spoke to herself, and her body slowly merged into the shelter.

And the light of the refuge that should have been repelled, but rarely did not launch her.

Instead, she slowly embraced her.

In her hand, she held a smooth feather.


The transitional plot is almost finished, and the next wonderful story will start a new paragraph. Please continue to support the Dark Knight! Thank you! (To be continued.)

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