Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 136: Brother and sister

Chapter 136, brother and sister

The conversation between Marvin and Daniela lasted for two hours.

When the door of the reception room was opened, the maid outside the door glanced curiously.

Daniela's face looked very bad, and even the smile seemed to be stubborn. On the contrary, Ma Wen, a calm and self-contained look.

"Your proposal, I will consider it... let me think about it."

Daniela said so.

Marvin shrugged easily.

This kind of thing, he has done it once, and there is no psychological burden.

He nodded and said: "You can inform me before the official start. I know that you have a hard time making up your mind, but sometimes we always need to make some involuntary choices."

"Well, I am going to [Little Black House], after all, one month has arrived."

Daniela nodded and the two left the reception room and went to the depths of the castle.

Before Dagong disappeared, he gave all the authority of the castle to Daniela, so she was the only one in Lavis who could sneak into and out of the castle.

The little black house is the place where Marvin and the big convention are set, extracting the origin of the devil's head, and the core of the entire Clyland family.

After he entered the dark house, he immediately took out the mystery of the ancestors and the head of the devil.

With the demonstration of the last big man, Ma Wen also learned how to squeeze this poor demon monarch.

In the evening, he walked out of the dark room, looking a little tired, but with some excitement in his eyes.

This time, he successfully extracted the origin of the three-point god!

The origin of God is a very precious thing. The reason why Marvin's advanced virtual godhead evolved successfully was because he had absorbed the origin of his **** after killing the **** of the wilderness. Before that, the source of the **** he received was wasted on the book of Naru, and now he will not waste such precious items on the books of some evil.

He injected two drops of the source of the **** into the high-level virtual deity, but this time the advanced virtual deity did not react.

He looked at the data panel, and the data on the cultivation of the virtual godhead is very clear:

[Advanced Virtual Godhead (First Step) (Convergence 13%)]

[Re-advanced demand: the source of God 2/10]


Seeing this data, Marvin could not help but sigh.

The advanced virtual godhead is simply a bottomless pit. How much resources do you need to cultivate this gadget!

You know, this is not a cabbage! This is the origin of God! It is not necessary to say more about the preciousness of the origin of God. Marvin estimates that every time he kills a servant, he may not be able to obtain a little source of God.

In comparison, the level of sentiment required to advance the night's dominance level is easier to obtain than the source of God!

But he is not discouraged.

He knows that this is almost the only way he can break the limits of the human body.

Cultivating a high-level virtual godhead, through the forcible stacking of a large number of resources (the source of God), raising the level of the virtual godhead to a high enough level may trigger a chain reaction. At that time, Marvin is likely to break the limits of the human body, not only can the property break through 30 sensitive points, but also get very powerful power.

This is how the elf told him to break through the limits of the human body.

While the migratory bird council also provides a way, Ma Wen always feels that relying on ultimate deformation to break the limits of the human body is not a reliable way. Although like the wrath of the sky, turned into a bronze dragon, although you can get the bronze dragon-like attributes, get rid of the human body, but the ultimate deformation is just a kind of deformation, can not essentially break the shackles of human beings.

As for the knife-based master Kang En or Pan Yunyi to seek a breakthrough from the martial arts, it is also a way, but Marvin does not have enough time - in fact, he has doubts about whether he has such understanding, so even though he He also practiced the Desperate Knife, but he still did not put the treasure in this respect.

"Comparing all these promotion methods, it is really the best for me to cultivate a high-level virtual godhead."

"The origin of God is indeed very precious to others, but I can get at least 1 to 2 points of fixed God's origin every month. In the future, the conflict between me and the gods will be more or less, and more hunting. God servants, maybe you can make up the rest."

Marvin knows that he will eventually embark on a path opposite the gods.

In the future, it is not that oneself is destroyed, that is, countless **** servants and voters die in their own hands.

This is a battle of interest, cognition, and faith. No one can stop this from happening.


When he walked out of the dark room, Daniela was still thinking about it.

He looked at the sky and smiled. "The meeting you said will soon begin."

Daniela sighed: "He is my brother."

"Please give him a chance..."

Ma Wen nodded.

Immediately, his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Daniela watched Marvin leave, and the stunned eyes disappeared and became tough.

She returned to the study and began to deal with related government affairs.

As for the meeting tonight, she will not go to participate.

Because someone will replace her.


Snowy mountain cave.

Against the backdrop of the candles, the shadows are blurred.

This is the secret place of the Clyland family, and it is also the place where the Council of Elders meets throughout the year.

The elders' parliament has many things, and most of them are used to restrict the power of those in power.

The Presbyterian Parliament of the Clyland family is mostly composed of a number of elderly elders.

It is a pity that for the people of Lavis, most of them only know that the power of Lavis is the Grand Duke of Kryland, and what the elders' assembly is, they don't know!

This is because the warlocks are a group that highly respects force.

Dagong himself was too strong, so that the elders' council, which was used to restrict his power, completely lost its role, only for a display.

When Dagong was there, all the decisions were made by him alone. Basically, he would take a form to let the elders serve as staff officers, but everyone knows that Dagong simply did not let them intervene. They also resigned very interestingly. Behind the scenes.

But now, the times are different.

Turalyon died and Dagong disappeared.

The elders' parliament, under the call of someone with a heart, suddenly found that it still has a certain status!

Can't restrict the power of Dagong, restricting Daniela, who is young and shallow, has no problem?

Under the instigation of Hubble, overnight, the members of the Elder Council suddenly fought with the blood of the chicken.

They opened a meeting and finally made a secret decision:

They want to choose Hubble as the new Grand Duke. As for Daniela, she is a woman after all, and she has a good relationship with Hubble. I believe she will not be willing to violate her brother's meaning even if she is not happy.

How to soothe Daniela, they also think about it, just let Hubble give her a spare job.

This woman's combat power is still very strong and worth staying.

Deep in the cave, six elders are sitting in danger, and several others stand by, including Hubble in robes.

"Daniella hasn't come yet? Time is up!"

An elder looked at the hourglass on the side and suddenly shouted: "This little child is too ignorant of the rules!"

Hubble smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my sister may have been delayed by official business."

"Oh... Dagong didn't specify who is the real heir before he left." The elder said with dissatisfaction: "What kind of official work is busy now? The internal affairs of our family have not been properly done, I really don't know how!"

"She and Tulayan are indeed one of the heirs appointed by the Grand Duke, but now, whether it is the Elder Council or many families and officers in the city, they support the successor of Hubble. She is good, and the war is over. Directly taking advantage of the wartime regulations, I am arrogant and arrogant, and it seems that she really did not put our old leaders in my eyes."

Several elders talked a lot, and time passed by, and they became more and more dissatisfied.

Hubble smiled and looked at the winner.

He asked himself to know Daniela very well. My sister is very smart and a ruling person, but there is a fatal flaw, that is, I believe in myself.

The two are brothers and sisters, but Daniela was born with great attention, and he could only work as a supporting role.

Although on the surface, he pretended to be very similar - for so many years, Daniela did not even suspect him. Even at the age of seven, the Hubble was the most likely to start, but was directly excluded from the possibility by Daniela. Eventually this account was placed on Turalyon.

That incident caused the anger of Dagong, Daniela was more strictly protected, and even Hubble did not dare to start again, for fear of being discovered.

The embarrassment in his heart has become more and more deformed.

He envied her talent. The two are obviously brothers and sisters. Why is the gap so big?

He is the noble blood of the pearl black scorpion, and he has already surprised everyone in the family when he was born.

However, when the ice angel was born he was immediately taken into the cold palace.

This gap made him feel collapsed.

Especially in Turalyon, he also lost the opportunity after showing the blood of the fallen angel.

He can only retreat behind the scenes and continue to play the role of the amiable brother.

However, he has been operating secretly, one day, when the opportunity comes, he can grasp.

God does not seem to abandon him!

"Today, it is my chance!"

"Daniella will not refuse my request! I will make her my deputy, she is my sister, she should do this!"

Hubble’s eyes are full of desire for power.

Outside the snow-capped cave, there was a gentle footstep.

"You are finally here, my dear sister..."

Hubble laughed loudly.

However, the next second, his smile solidified on his face.

"why you?"

Ma Wen came into the cave and walked steadily on a chair, laughing and watching Hubble:

"Of course it is me, dear brother."


[Notebook hard drive burned, blood collapse. Tablet typing, backache and painful eyes. However, all this can't stop me! There is one more in a while! Daily pull recommendation]

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