Night Ranger

Chapter 79 Deep Pool

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 79 Deep Blood Pool, Gone with the Wind

In the sky, the crown gall is flying very fast, flashing directly over an Orff acid arrow from Balkh!

The side of the spell on this wand is instantaneous, but the properties of the crown lion are too retrograde. Under such a close distance, Marvin can easily dodge.

And the other person thinks of himself as a druid, and Ma Wen is happy to see it.

After all, the ability to transform this creature into a crowned gryphon is, in most cases, a mastery of the rare ability of the Druids of Advanced Metamorphosis.

The altar shines with gloom, and the magical dragon looms around the altar.

This creature does not provide immediate combat, but its role is similar to that of the altar, providing Balkh with endless magic and magical gains.

Just the acid arrow for another flying beast, I am afraid it will be a direct hit!

However, Marvin did not dare to care about it now.

As of now, the situation is still uncertain. Balkh is geographically located. The altar of the demonic wizard is terrible. He is not willing to come close to him.

So in his order, six shadow dragons rushed to the altar!

He will destroy the altar forcibly!

The demonic wizard who lost the altar will become less terrible!


A golden shadow flashed across the sky. Marvin paid great attention and did not fly very high.

Because of the arcane interference and space-time cracks in the sky over the promenade, it is very easy to get caught in the air.

Before he gave the shadow dragon command. It is also to make them feel low.

Rao was so, and almost a shadow dragon was sucked in by the cracks of time and space.

Fortunately, the shadow creatures are already extremely resistant to these time and space traps, Marvin ordered. It broke away in time.

The shadow dragon’s large body resembles a large dark cloud coming to a small canyon. Under Marvin’s order, they rushed wildly to the altar!

However, at this time, the devil wizard holding the sheep’s head wand suddenly a stern call sign!

This call number is accompanied by a powerful deterrent, and even the Crown Griffin has not been immune to this will test!

Marvin only felt stiff and almost fell from the air.

Fortunately, this state lasted only half a second, and Marvin adjusted his body instantly. Continue flying at low altitude.

However, those shadow dragons are not so lucky. In Balkh’s low chanting, the six corners of the altar are radiating in a grey light!

[Legends of Sorcery – Dead in the Dark]!

Six deadly light hit a six-headed giant shadow dragon. These shadow beasts are not particularly resistant to immediate death spells. In a flash, three shadowed dragons collapse directly!

The other two shadow dragons are also in a state of struggling and their bodies seem to begin to dissipate. Wolverly from the sky, fell to the ground, unable to move!

Only the last shadow of the dragon survived the destructiveness of the death of the underworld and whistled to the altar.

Ma Wen sinks in his heart.

Balch is even harder than he imagined!

This shadow dragon is absolutely impossible to break the altar defense.

Because demonic altars, like wizard towers, have a variety of facilities, the previous six deaths in the Underworld are just one of them.

Balkh certainly has other defenses!


Sure enough, watching the shadow dragon is on the altar. A flash of horror flashed on the altar!

The emptiness seemed to open a door, and a large amount of blood fell from the sky and poured wildly on the shadow dragon’s body.

Be filled with these bloody waters. Even the shadow dragon as a low-conscious creature actually sent out a painful mourning.

Under Marvin’s gaze, the shadow dragon was melted away!

Those blood fell on the altar and fell on Balkh’s body. He himself was safe and sound.

Every tile in the altar is greedily absorbing the blood and water as if it were the most nutritious delicacy in the world.

Marvin can even feel it. The energy of the demonic altar is even greater!


“Deep blood pool!”

“This guy actually has permission to open a deep pool of blood!”

Although Balkh seems to have been a bit tired, after all, opening the blood pool in the depths is a burdensome thing for him. However, Marvin’s heart was sinking to the bottom.

Deep Pool of Blood is a very powerful pool of energy. Its nature is somewhat similar to the sea of ​​evil spirits in the world of evil spirits, the kingdom of evil in nine layers of purgatory, and the original universe of the devil. Unlike other energy pools, the deep pool of blood is where all the devils come from. Each egg of the devil is born from the blood pool.

There is a total pool of blood in the deep pool of blood, but there are also some blood pools, but all are controlled by a powerful demon lord.

In this world, there will be no more than ten demon lords who have authority over the depths of the blood pool.

Ball’s father is certainly a well-known demon lord, but he is definitely not in it.

Marvin’s eyes glimpse, and in this case, where did Balkh get the power of the Abyssal Blood Pool?

To know that blood in the depths of the blood pool is equivalent to an endless pool of magic. These bloody waters can melt away all non-monster life, and at the same time add an extremely powerful force to demons. If they are demon altars, they will be recharged.

It’s no wonder that Marvin just felt the power of the altar became stronger.

This is Balkh and he is ready to play a protracted battle with himself.


Shocked by the depths of the blood pool, Marvin, the incarnation of the crown lion, dared not approach too close to the altar.

He knew that now is the time when the blood pool is full of energy, he rushed up and there was absolutely no good end.

The six shaded dragons are directly buried. The power of this demonic wizard is powerful and heinous.

No wonder so many strong people in the Eisengel camp are unwilling to take over this task.

It seems that Balkh has some other attachments in addition to his father.

Marvin once heard that, just as the sea of ​​evil spirits has intelligence, the blood pool in the depths also has some innocent will.

These will will select some demons with superior potential and give them different treatment.

This is similar to the Apocalypse of the Financiers of the World. They are all people who are at peace.

It is such a “celestial election demon” that Balkh can not be implemented.

However, anyway, Marvin’s task is to get rid of Balkh, or he will only be able to carry out new patrols.

Although the matter is tricky, it does not exceed Marvin’s ability.

He pondered for a moment and decided to dive. The crown lion rushed down!

“Find death!”

Balkh sneered and began to wave his evil sheep’s head again.


A dead end of the underworld shot directly!

However, in mid-air, the Crown Griffin burst open with feathers!

One of the shadows of a vigorous figure fell to the ground, a few tumbling, and disappeared into Balkh’s eyes!

… (to be continued)

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