Night Ranger

Chapter 78

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 78, Gone with the Wind

At the entrance to the canyon, a lot of demonic atmosphere is being released.

Marvin opened the shadow form of the magician and wandered around the canyon.

Not far away, the bodies of several devils hang on wooden stakes.

The devil’s body is like a nasty skin, hung on a pile, it is particularly disgusting.

The shadow shape of the magician warlock is obviously resistant to the negative buff attached to the fog at the entrance of the canyon. At least Marvin’s body will not show a lot of rash or corrosive damage.

The devil’s breath is the real provocation.

Marvin had the devil’s inheritance and this breath cannot be concealed.

And it is well known that the devil and the devil are dead!

No matter where you are, a superior demon and an advanced devil meet each other, and both sides will come to an endless battle. Of course, under normal circumstances the demons are relatively rough and straight, and the devil is more short and short.

Marvin released the breath of his devil, the purpose is to attract Balkh’s attention.

Although he did not know what was going on in the valley, a bad premonition was always lingering in his heart.

It is obviously not a wise move to rush into the land of a demonic wizard.

He is trying to draw a snake out of the hole and if it can anger Balkh, it would be better.

Unfortunately, half past day, there seems to be no movement in the Demon Valley.

Marvin could not help but frown.


Near the altar, horror experiments are still ongoing.

Balkh stared coldly at the struggling man, his eyes whitened, his mouth foaming, and he struggled constantly.

This is the new demons of the devil’s egg that are about to occupy this body.

This result made him very unhappy.

What he wants is a clear-headed, physically strong person. A talent that can lead a war, not a pile of devils who know nothing about killing and killing but do nothing about tactical strategies.

The latter is in the abyss. Almost everywhere; while the former is completely missing.

The claret’s tip was directly ignored by Balkh.

As a self-professed demon shaman, Balkh has never been a fan of this so-called “enemy” relationship.

If the man with the devil’s descent wants to break in, interfere with his experiment, and challenge his majesty, then he does not mind to kill the other person.

But to deceive oneself from the valley, this method may be applicable to most demons, but it does not work for Balkh.

He simply said to his pet: “Continue surveillance.”

“If he is ready to be tough, inform 29 to prepare for the fight.”

The French dragon nodded and immediately asked, “If the 29th defeated?”

Balkh sneered, “Let the man come to the altar to find me.”


A scream. He shouted from the side of the man’s mouth, his eyes suddenly cleared up!

Balkh’s eyes are happy, attention has suddenly shifted from the past!


Valley entrance, Ma Wenhao for a long time, still no movement.

In the darkness, he could feel as if there were a pair of eyes monitoring his own movements. For a moment he thought that Balkh was coming out. However, the other party always does not move. This surprised Marvin.

He readjusted his assessment of Balkh in his heart.

This guy is not an ordinary demonic wizard.

He actually drove down the demons and the devil’s deadly enemies, which means that honor and dignity are not particularly important to him.

This guy is either a genius or a pure madman.

Either way, it’s not good news for Marvin.

Balkh is not hooked, so Marvin’s plan to lead the snake out of the hole has failed.

He may be monitoring his behavior or even assessing his strength. Then stay for a long time. I am afraid it will be very dangerous.

At this time. Marvin has only one way left, that is, it is a positive rush!

In essence, Marvin is actually a person who likes to be lazy. You can never steal a chicken, you can never play with a gentleman, but from another point of view, Marvin is also a very decisive and fierce person.

His first plan obviously failed, and he would soon use the second set of tactics.

The next second, he instantly released the shadow form.

The fog in the valley seemed to be perceptible, and it actually ran a little out.

Marvin sneered.

These fogs are obviously controlled by someone. Even if it is not Balkh, some other demons are helping.

However, according to the information provided by the camp, Balkh is alone, except for the fact that one never had to leave as a pet. The rest of the demons rarely appear next to him.

It was not Balkh himself who was controlling the fog at this time, it was the magical magical dragon.

This type of creature is a pet that the wizards dream of. They can provide a large amount of bonuses in spell strength and casting speed.

Only this race is living in a very remote and rare plane. Few people can capture a magical dragon as their own pet.

The Balch’s spectre, most likely a coincidence, was simply captured by Bald, his old demon lord, using his own resources or powerful force.

In any case, no one can be overly cautious about playing against a demon wizard who has a magical dragon and an altar.

The next second, Marvin instantly opened his legendary skills call – Shadow Dragon!

Huge portals have taken shape.

Only this time, the double efficiency of his legendary expertise has not been successful. It appeared in the canyon with only six shadow dragons.

However, for such a small Devil Canyon, Marvin thinks it is enough!

When Long Sheng sounded from the portal, it declared the beginning of a positive storm.

Marvin did not want to leave too many reaction opportunities for the other party.

While summoning the Shadow Dragon almost at the same time, he opened his latest Transfiguration ability to High Transfiguration – the Crown Griffin!

In a surge of hot natural forces, Marvin’s body began to crazily distorted and distorted.

In a flash, he turned from a human to a lion cub!

This gryphon is very different from an ordinary gryphon. His head is like a crown. All are golden wings, with a golden layer of gold!

Marvin subconsciously reviewed his current basic data:

Crown Griffin (Legend Biography Template)

Source: Advanced Metamorphosis

Ability 1: War Aura Your unit has a (Comrade +5) trait

Ability 2: All evils do not invade all negative effects of immunity

Ability 3: Bloody roar made a roar. Perform will determination on all local units and the loser enters a state of shock


On the data bar, the large number of replacements left Marvin in a dazzling view.

He did not have much time to look at it. He glanced at it, and he came to a conclusion in his mind: Strong!

Crown Lion is indeed the most powerful gryphon, all kinds of strong ability of the Guards, the migratory birds Congress really spent the blood, it seems that the demigod Minsk is really very important to them!

Marvin didn’t think much about it. After being transformed into a gryphon, he directly launched a bloody roar!

In the roar of the gryphon. The fog that had been raging in the air was actually a bit thin. Marvin directly saw the valley’s structure!

This valley is not very big, at a glance you can see the bloody evil demon altar in the distance!

Marvin whispered and passed through the fog directly, rushing into the air with six shadowed dragons!

Those horrible fogs can have a terrible impact on humans or other living creatures, but the Crown Lion scorpion is forced to immunize against negative conditions, making the use of fog completely transformed into furnishings. The shadow dragon is a shadow of life, it is difficult to be eroded and cursed this kind of thing.

The six giants stormed into the valley one after another, causing the entire valley to whisper with great trembling.

Marvin’s speed quickly saw the tall devil next to the altar!

Balkh is indeed different from other demons.

He even used disguise on his appearance to make himself look more gentle and gentle.

But the madness and killing scent of his body could not be concealed anyway. This is definitely a genuine devil!

“What is he doing?”

Marvin had some doubts in his heart.

Beside the altar, there is still a human man who is convulsing!

“This guy actually experimented with mortals!”

Marvin was grossly conscious. Deep in the canyon. There are actually many cages!

The cages are filled with all kinds of human beings and are strong. There are also weak, male and female, old and young!

These people have no anger in their eyes, as if they had lost hope for life.

Until the roar of the lion’s roar, they woke them up!


After incarnateing the crown lion, Marvin can still whisper, he yelled at the big devil: “It’s time to end your evil experiment!”

Six shadowed dragons swirled around in the sky, completely blocking the retreat of Balkh.

Because the canyon was a bit narrow, Marvin did not let them down.

Before breaking through the fog, he needed a shadow dragon as a cover, but with a frontal fight, he could try it out first.

Balkh, who was disturbed by Marvin, was obviously very upset.

He raised his head suddenly and the horrible lion’s claws had been caught on his head!


Marvin mercilessly hands down, Balkh’s head is shredded!

“has a problem!”

Ma Wen’s heart sank, sure enough, and Balkh who had been shredded by himself instantly completed the resurrection inside the altar!

“Abyss is really scary.”

Marvin sensed his own claws and he started to irritate!

This is the crown lion that immunizes against all negative effects. If you use the human body, you must be physically festered if you do not touch it!

“You dare to challenge a demonic wizard with an altar?”

“Isn’t your teacher taught you basic knowledge about the abyss? Young Druid?”

The Balch in the altar raised coldly the staff of the sheep’s head and aimed at Marvin in the sky.

… (To be continued.)

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