Night Ranger

Chapter 68. The Withered World Tree

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, The First Volume The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 68 The Withered World Tree, Astronomy

In the dense jungle, a black shadow is raging at the speed of glimpses.

Its short body is easily incorporated into the shadow of a place.

At this time in the morning in Northland, Chaoyang was born and there was some dew on the torso of the tall trees.

The dark spots were covered with dew, but they were not stained with half marks.

It seems as if it does not belong to this world at all.

It proudly and vigilantly observed everything around them. These are all important intelligences. After returning to the army, they will surely be rewarded.

The group of damn druids would not have thought that their semi-open refuge and devils could secretly infiltrate.

As soon as I thought of it, my heart’s complacency became stronger.

Suddenly, however, a powerful hand grabbed its crucial point!

It tries to use its own speed advantage to escape, but the other side seems to know it’s like, and tightly sealed its key, so that it can not escape.

Ma Wen looked with interest to this creature that was similar to a mouse.

This stuff is rarely seen. The creatures of hell make magic, even in the nine layers of purgatory, are rare.

This kind of creature does not carry the atmosphere of purgatory. It is small, fast, and stealth. It is a natural scout.

In fact, if it wasn’t for Marvin’s chance to go to hell once, the body of the Hell Corps contract resonated, and he couldn’t find the hell hell.

Hell makes the devil’s combat power low. Once he is found, he has no ability.

Especially now Marvin. Already the strongest player of the legendary level, controlling a hellish demon is not a big problem.

He looked into the enchantment’s eyes full of curiosity and whispered:

“Little guy. I know you understand me.”

“Now tell me who you are loyal to?”


Deepest in the jungle.

Emerald City.

Several tall figures stand on a platform formed by an extension of a giant wood, overlooking the druid’s home.

The people were silent. A leaf slowly fell from their head.

“Another piece.”

“The world tree is constantly dying.”

“We can only wait for this to continue.”

One of them looked dignified and looked at the fallen leaves and said low.

If Marvin is here, he must have immediately recognized the person present.

Several of the highest levels of the migratory bird parliament. The most powerful big druids in the north have gathered here.

The wrath of the sky, the mother of all things, the blue moon.

There is also a wrinkled old man.

The old man looks very old and old, as if he could leave the world at any time. But in his eyes, there is still vitality.

“So something, we have to figure it out.”

The old man said very slowly, the next second. His palm suddenly burst into glory.

In the brilliance, a dark green sea suddenly mixed with a little shadow.

Everyone saw that shadow and a hint of haze appeared on his face.

“Since the Marquis entered the interior of the World Tree, the world tree has seen such a situation.”

The old man shook his head: “And as far as we know, his strength has surged in the near future, even if he has emerged from his outburst, and his strength is still progressing rapidly. From an obscure teenager to a strong man who can slaughter God. …”

“Anything that does not conform to the laws of nature may be flawed.”

The remaining three big druids are all in disgust. If you want to say something, you don’t seem to know what to say.

Eventually, the mother of all things stood up: “I treated once for Marquis Marvin. At that time, he was almost assassinated by Glennos and nearly died from the curse of dusk. We contacted for a while, I personally do not Too sure he is a man who steals the power of nature.”

The wrath of the sky was also annotated, saying: “I once fought side by side with him, and Lorant also did not believe he was such a person.”

The old man said slowly: “But we all know that the field of Viscount Ma Wen is [Shadow].”

As soon as this statement was made, the big druids were frowning.

This is where they are most puzzled.

The northern Druid wants to be the guardian of the world tree. They guard the order and tranquility of the northern forest. However, recently, they found something wrong.

The world has always been very dense tree. Even withered!

This is not an ordinary thing.

Throughout the history of Fannan, the world tree has not faded.

The Grand Druids searched through all the books. They did not see the relevant records, and the decline of the world tree grew rapidly.

Especially before and after the gods attacked the universe.

However, the Druids are very clear that the world tree and the universe are not related to the magic pool, they can easily ignite the order of fire, the entire film to the high jungle are blessed, it is because the power of nature is powerful.

It itself has the effect of partially resisting chaos magic.

Even if the entire universe was demolished, the might from the sleeping ancient gods was still blessing the land.

The world tree will not be affected either.

Then the reason must be saved.

The migratory bird parliament attached great importance to this matter and repeated investigations. Eventually it only alerted the Lao Shuren, who was a long sleeper.

After the old tree man regained consciousness, he used prophecy for the first time.

Nature’s prophecy does not rely on the universe’s magic pool, so it is not affected.

As a result, they saw the scene just now.

The ancient god of the ancient force was actually stolen!

And that person is madly drawing this force. This is the root cause of the world tree’s decline.

Because of the limit of prophecy, they can only see that it is a shadow.

According to the interpretation of the old tree, this is very likely to be a strong person with a “shadow” field or simply a god of related priesthood.

The Shadow Prince, who is most likely to commit crimes, has already been blown away by Marvin.

According to the message from heaven. The shadow prince is self-proclaimed in the kingdom of God and is immersed in an eternal slumber. Obviously. Glanos is now impossible to steal the power of natural ancient gods.

The remaining people seem to be very limited.

At this time, Marvin entered their vision.

At that time, it was Marvin who called for the migratory birds to deal with the phoenix. The old tree man learned from the anger of the sky that Marvin once had a message inside the world tree, and he immediately became interested in Marvin.

Marvin’s intelligence was continuously sent to the Supreme Council.

All the great Druids saw that even if they had always been good friends with Marvin, they couldn’t help but some reasons were not shaken. Marvin’s progress over the past few months. It’s simply impossible to use speed to describe it!

Five months ago, he was still a second-order walker.

Five months later. He became a plane destroyer, dragon killer, butcher God!

He created the White River Valley, the first territory in the troubled world that lit the order of fire.

He destroyed the black dragon of Fernan with his own power, which means that he is hot and dismal.

This growth rate of strength. It seems that the thief is completely in harmony with the forces of nature.

The old tree man did not have the first time, it was because of the anger of the sky and other people’s opinions.

After Mingfeng died, he quickly took measures.

The endless ocean thing is just an excuse. Although the big Druids are corrupted, they will not treat their fellow countrymen as such.

His goal is still Marvin.

“If it was really him…what would you do?”

The mother of all things whispered.

The old tree’s eyes looked into the distance, where a juvenile carried an enchanted hand and was slowly approaching them.

“It’s not him.” The wrinkles on the face of the old tree people are denser.


It is different from the White River Valley. Druids have the support of the power of the world tree, so after they ignited the order of fire, they did transform the highest jungle into a sanctuary.

But this refuge. It is not a fully enclosed type like the White River Valley. This is a semi-open refuge.

Everything related to chaos magic will be expelled.

This is one of the reasons why Marvin chose to sneak into the high jungle. Otherwise, even if this piece of land cannot enter, he does not need to hide his own trace.

After he caught only the hell of the demon, he naturally interrogated.

It is a pity that the reason why Hell’s enemies were loved by the demons of Hell’s devils was because of their strong confidentiality.

Each hell hell is dead. Hard temper, eaten too much pain. It’s hard to force them to spit a message.

Marvin was not in a hurry. Although Hell didn’t say anything, Marvin had already guessed something.

The Hell Corps contract on him will resonate, which shows that this guy is most likely from hell where Di Roth is.

It is even possible that it is the exclusive enchantment of his grandfather Di Roth Cliland.

“Has he already got the original devil lord? Or did the devil princes get him?”

Regarding his grandfather, Marvin was still very interested. In Ravis, he got part of the truth. However, Marvin thinks Dagong may not be right. What happened to Di Roths? This is what Marvin looks forward to.

If this visit to the North can still see the relative who is suspected to have become the devil monarch, Marvin is still willing to assume that the location is not a battlefield.

Everyone knows the importance of the world tree. Hell and the abyss are trying to climb from the inside of the world tree to the heavenly kingdom and conquer the gods.

Fernand’s world tree is one of the most accessible entrances.

If the devils are interested in the world tree, it is normal.

At this thought, Marvin suddenly realized some problems.

After he entered the high jungle, he did not seem to feel the shock of the first time he stepped into the high jungle in the previous games.

It stands to reason that the forces of nature that are scattered all over here are the first time that one feels himself, and there should be a will to do so.

Marvin looked at the data panel subconsciously, but found that the will exists, but the difficulty is only 35, because Marvin’s will is too strong, directly waived.

This is not surprising, Marvin of the world is indeed much stronger than the little rookie who has just entered the forest in the game.

But he clearly remembers that the difficulty of the highest natural strength in the jungle is [60]!

This high-level data, he definitely will not remember!

“Is it a problem with the world tree?”

Marvin first sneaked into a Druid village and asked for information.

Soon, he got a message of his own testimony.

The latest orders of the migratory bird parliament allow all druid villages living on the edge of the forest to continue to migrate deep into the forest.

… (to be continued)

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