Night Ranger

Chapter 36 Strong and Contradictory

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 36 Strong and Contradictory, Gone with the Wind

Ibrahimovic’s strength exceeds everyone’s expectations!

The Elven Nine Swords gave a happy long bow in his hands.

The Queen of the Sea Elf did not hesitate to remove the artifact-level sea king’s scepter. Her relationship with Ibrahimovic was strange, but at least nominally, Ibrahimovic was her man.

The person Ibrahim wants to protect is the person she wants to protect.

The reason is so simple.

As for Jessica, it is too lazy to speak with these gangs.

The eyes of the young girl who had obtained the 鈥渟trength鈥?imprint of the heavens had never been able to rub the sand.

She merely held Marvin’s magic eggs in her arms and quietly used the power of apocalypse to perceive Marvin’s condition.

The only thing that gratified her was that Marvin’s physical condition did not seem to be as bad as it once was.

The moment he caught the hell eggs, she almost thought that Marvin was dead!

Because his breath has been completely cut off.

Only the large amount of chaos magic still surging from the void, reminding her that Marvin is still tenaciously alive.

It is much better now.

She can feel the majestic vitality that erupts in the hell eggs.

This is bred a new life.

With the mutual induction of the Awakening, she had a hunch.

If Marvin can survive this sudden death, his strength will surely go even further.

He now has the strength to be close to the guard. If he goes further, what will happen?

This man, who is still a teenager from an age, can go exactly where?

Jessica, who has always been very confident with his talent and strength, is also very much looking forward to this point.

So she will not allow Marvin to die here.

Ibrahim, Ibrahim, was too lazy to say.

She just hugs Marvin and slowly looks up.

Suddenly, the power of a terrible apocalypse broke out in front of Connor!


The thrilling thunder column tore the top of the heavenly sky tower, appearing in the hall out of thin air!

Rao was a well-informed superpower and was shocked by Jessica’s vicious and straightforward attack.

If it weren鈥檛 for him to react quickly, forcibly moving two or three positions, I鈥檓 afraid we鈥檒l be picked up by this Lei Lei!

Despite his legendary laws and tough body, this Tian Lei may not be able to kill him, but it will definitely hurt him!

In an instant. A cold sweat came from behind his ridge.

The rest of the feenan strongmen sucked in a cool air.

Jessica’s decisiveness was even more frightening for some people!

Even the gods of the heavenly kingdom are also disguised.

If you say that you are hands-on, you are really not afraid of the civil disturbance in the south of the country.

Unfortunately, they do not know. In Jessica’s dictionary, there is no such thing as a bow!

The power of the apocalypse gave her undiminished power.

She will use this power to sweep away all things that look unpleasant.

In fact, she is very restrained by this mine column.

If it weren’t for Marvin to be seriously injured, over-invoking the imprint of the Apocalypse may cause resonance in Marvin’s body, causing some unpredictable changes. She is afraid that she will kill Conner directly!

In spite of this, this kind of savagery that did not lose men also shocked most of the people present.

Elf Wu Sheng, Queen of the Sea Wizard, Apocalypse Warlock.

There is still a silent, but in fact has been expressed in terms of level guardian dragon!

Can any one of the legendary strongmen who attempted to step forward be set to die in an instant?

Perhaps they have embraced and indeed have the opportunity to snatch Marvin.

But some of them will certainly die!

The more powerful ones, the more they fear death.

The servant of the gods is such that the legend of Fernan is even more so.

The scene suddenly became paralyzed.

The people are not willing to leave easily, but Marvin鈥檚 injury seems to be improving a little. This is a bad signal for many people.

Their heart is very tormented.

Hands-on. Still not hands?

They looked at each other, but one by one was fox-like and indifferent, waiting for others to do it first.

In the hearts of all the people, they secretly deceive others and they do not know that they are one of them.

Seeing this scene, Jessica revealed a shameless smile: “It’s a group of cowards.”

“Clearly, the fate of the stone drools, but it does not dare to come up.”

Jessica’s sarcasm has left many people with a big heart.

But what she said was not wrong.

They are really scared.

After the battle of the TianTian Tower, the strongman of Heavenly Kingdom of God for the first time appeared on the stage of Fernandi for a long time.

However, they did not expect the situation to be broken.

Instead, it was taught by the human side.

Especially Marvin.

Complete the holocaust of God’s official group alone, killing the molten king of fire…

All this is enough to constitute a legend.

The heart of the villain is the same.

One of the ants he thought was ready to die suddenly became a fierce tiger. As he rode over his head again and again, he would start to fear his tail.

He will start to fear.

In order to overcome this fear, they surrender and submit to the gods of their faith.

But the power of faith does not make them stronger.

They are actually more timid than anyone else.

Jessica shouted. There is nothing wrong.

In the hall of the Tongtian Tower, there was a dead silence, and there was only one breath of the legendary power that could hardly suppress their destiny.

The entrance to the virtual world is again transparent.

The shadow of the mortal world is raging at the other end of the space.

That huge body made people look at it.

They are impacting the seal of the void!

Although the imprint of the heavenly truth is pure and powerful, it is not the truth itself!

No one knows. When will it last?

Once the devastating twin snakes break the seal, I am afraid that the people present may not be able to eat.

Someone has begun to retreat.

As long as they want to leave the Tongtian Tower, they can always go.

A personal shadow disappeared one after another.

All that remains is unwilling.

Conner looked at Marvin’s body unwillingly, bit his teeth, and finally was ready to leave.

However, at this time, a petite figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The appearance of that individual was so unexpected.

Even Ibrahim and Ibrahim showed a dignified look.

It was a girl with three sacred swords behind her back.

Her eyes looked firmly at Marvin, and her intentions were already overflowing.

Oh! All three Holy Swords issued a slight resonance.

The strong inheritance from Valkyrie really needs to be treated with caution.

What’s more, she is not alone.

Behind her was a small commuter-like man. The latter smiled slightly at Ibrahim and others and shrugged: “She said that as long as I helped her kill Marvin, she would let me go.”

“So, sorry.”

Jessica yelled violently:

“Eve! What do you want to do?!”


[Scheduled update seems to be a problem, and quickly come up with manual release, point girl is really drunk] (to be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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