Night Ranger

Chapter 35 Loss of Territory Noble

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 35. People’s Hearts, Gone with the Wind

If they were shocked by Ma Wen’s powerful strength before, now Marvin has been devastated by two snakes!

The strongman of Fernan is indeed very top, and in the legendary field, it is elite.

However, the two fists are difficult for the four hands!

In order to facilitate the connection, among the people of Fennan, there is even a senior guardian of the level guardian Conn who stays outside.

In this situation, the heavenly kingdom of God and the strong forces from other forces in the plural universe naturally began to stir.

The threat of killing the twin snakes was temporarily lifted.

Although it can be seen by discerning people, the imprint of the heavenly truth that emanates from Marvin can only stop the annihilation of the twins for a moment.

But as long as they give them time, they have a chance!

That is the destiny stone!

It is Marvin’s weakest time now!

As long as he steals Marvin from Jessica, the destiny stone can be attributed to his Lord God!

The supreme glory and strength will follow.

Although the fourth stone of destiny is a game of face-consciousness between Lance and Fernan, the pieces in the game do not have this consciousness.

In fact, even if Marvin tells them, even if they believe it, they believe it.

Reims used Yangmou.

Destiny slate does have the power to make one person or even one god reborn!

At the time of the Third Age, numerous gods have proved this.

Some fragments are enough for mortals to cover God. Then a whole piece?

No one can resist this temptation. In addition to hiding the old fox who has lived for years without knowing it, the rest of the people are afraid that even if they know that the stone of destiny needs to be unlocked, they will harden their heads.

This is the terrible aspect of the human heart.

“The rumored fourth destiny slate is the great Rance God used to understand his life’s knowledge and rules to create the supreme treasure.”

“Since this thing came to Fernan, then it should be due to belong to Fernan, not the nine purgatory people.”

The strongman on the West Coast spoke up.

Especially when he saw Jessica and Ibrahimovic were expressionless, he was even more proud.

Marvin’s image in the hearts of the people is not as big as it was before.

A battle with the Molten Majesty has thoroughly confirmed his Hell descent.

Formerly out of his strength, no one in Fernando’s strongman pointed this out.

But it’s different now.

A live hell magic eggs so show in front of everyone.

At this time. Who else can say that Marvin is not related to purgatory?

“He is clearly an out-and-out hell devil! Di Roth’s blood! He must be unhappy.”

“I hope that the strong people of Fernan will get destiny, not other people, especially the so-called hero who disguises us as the people of Feinan.”

The legendary strongman said with triumph.

He is usually relatively low-key, but many city-states along the coast of the Bobo Sea are under his control.

This change of fate and stone, he used to have a friendship with Professor Chi copper dragon. Smoothly joined the Fannan camp.

In the previous melee, he basically did not contribute so much, he smoothly mixed into a blue stone.

He did not feel bad about Ma Wentuo.

Only one of the older legendary strongmen, as long as the mind is a little narrow, watching the rise of such a young generation with a rocket-like speed. And in a short period of six months, after taking a chance that he wouldn’t be able to beat his entire life, the psychological situation is inevitably somewhat out of balance.

And when he saw Marvin become the devil eggs, there was an excuse for all this imbalance.

Marvin is not a pure blood human.

So he is not qualified to get a fate stone.

This logic is very ridiculous, but in his mouth, he speaks righteously and righteously.

The entire top of the Sky Tower was quiet.

Everyone’s eyes remain in the solitary center, the slightly creeping magic eggs.

The chaotic magical power of terror came from all directions and it was stiflingly fast.

They can all see that Marvin’s vitality is recovering at a speed that is visible to the naked eye!

No, he is self-repairing!

In an instant. Most people are aware of this!

The scenes of Marvin’s hardships before and after the demise of the world were shocked by many people.

They only dare to start when he is weak!

If Marvin smoothly revives, even if there is only a trace of strength, will they have the courage to continue to ask for destiny?

Most of them silently answered a negative answer in the bottom of my heart.

Especially the god servants of the kingdom of heaven.

Because from the gods, they have got the gods.

If Marvin is in a healthy state, it is easy not to touch him.

A month later, there will naturally be a powerful god of war to pick him up.

Now he has progressed to the point where the servants can only look up.

So be quick!

The strongman on the West Coast is also aware of this.

He frowned and said, “Mr. Professor, you know my character. I’m respected on the West Coast. It’s not because of my legendary strength.”

“I have no guilty feelings about the stone of destiny, but do you really think that it is a proper move to put a stone of destiny into the hands of a hellish devil?”

The heavenly kingdom of God’s people are on the sidelines.

Under the temptation of fate and stone, the people in the Fannan camp finally experienced civil unrest.

Apart from the professors, Jessica, and the Ibrahimovic, the rest of the legends from other places and Marvin did not stand up to the strongman on the West Coast.

Their meaning is obvious.

At least not let Marvin swallow the piece of destiny.

And in this case right now. They feel that they have great opportunities.

If they are taught not to compromise, then they will face half the strength of Fei Nan and the siege of Heavenly Kingdom!

If this siege is only four of them, it would be better.

But now Marvin is already a burden.

As long as it focuses on the man who protects Marvin, the other party will definitely show flaws.

The master moves. A flaw is enough to die ten thousand times!

Especially when faced with opponents with a score of several tens of calculations and one level of their own.

They have no choice.

The mouth of the strong man from the West Coast is slightly upturned and feels that the winner is holding.

However, at this time, a slightly mocking voice sounded:

“Connor, who gave you your blue stone?”

The person who spoke was impressively hand-held Ibrahimovic.

The legendary strongman of the West Coast, Connor, suddenly showed a faint look because he suddenly remembered that his blue stone was forcibly removed from the chaos and lost to himself.

Without Marvin, he could not enter the Tongtian Tower at all!

“You don’t feel blushing?” Ibrahim looked at the people with a sneer, and the sword in his hands stirred up, pointed at them, and said in a word:

“Even if you don’t feel blush…”

“Whoever dares step forward, just die!”

… (To be continued.) For mobile phone users please visit

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