Night Ranger

Chapter 130

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 130

Marvin froze there.

At that moment, the mark of his palm suddenly began to burn.

Before he thought it was an illusion, he now turned his hands and saw a miniature version of the truth and heaven!

He knows the power of the God of Truth. As an ancient god, once her strength recovers, she can hardly measure her with the existing methods of measuring God’s power.

If it became her guardian knight, most of the gods or devils in the world would not dare to bother him.

This is a great temptation.

However, he shook his head and refused Jasmine’s invitation.

His answer is very simple.

“I just guard people who need my guardian.”

“I am a person without faith. The truth is precious, but I am sorry that I still do not have the ability to believe in one thing.”

This answer does not seem to surprise Jasmine.

She just nodded and smiled sweetly.

“If that’s the case, it doesn’t matter.”

“Thank you very much for protecting me when I was weakest. Griffin was my paladin and he was inspired by me. But you can do this and I am really surprised.”

“Anyway, if you need my help, you know how to find me.”

She blinked playfully.

Marvin’s spiritual truth was suddenly lost.

Marvin was thoughtful.

“You have to go?”

He looked at Jasmine and Griffin.

Jasmine nodded:

“I have left the world for so long. I don’t know what it is like now…”

“I will find some people…”

“I will go to some places to see … In short, I believe we will have a good day.”

Her voice became lighter and lighter, and the brilliance of the heavens of truth gradually converged. Marvin saw that the two were gradually blurring and disappearing in this space under the illumination of golden light.

In the final scene, Marvin saw Griffin nodded at him.

The paladin with a sense of justice can resurrect and Marvin is very happy.

This master is a servant. What kind of changes will happen to the world after it reappears in this chaotic world?

Marvin is curious.

You know, in the past game process, there is no god of truth to resurrect this thing!


“They are gone. We should also leave.”

Minsk said easily.

He came here to try to stop the resurrection of the wild God.

The god of the wild has not only failed to live, but also witnessed the reincarnation of the God of Truth.

“Everything here, please don’t disclose it.”

Vaniaia whispered: “The return of the God of Truth will inevitably set off huge waves. No one will notice other aspects. I hope you can keep this thing secret.”

Marvin and Minsk both nodded.

Hathaway directly lost the grip of cold light.

The Moon God is also unambiguous. Using divine techniques, the night flower is peeled from the grip of cold light.

The flowers of the night are incorporated into the pot of the imaginary spirit. Finally, the last piece of the jigsaw of [Hymn’s Scepter] is also handy.

Marvin moved his heart and released Isabelle from the blank space.

When she got Bandard’s witch curse, she couldn’t act. After she got the flowers of the night, she wanted to remove the curse naturally.

Isabel regained freedom.

Ma Wenyi does not stop. The poor winter assassin was also released.

After all, this guy was completely lying and gunning. Hathaway was surprisingly good and spent a great deal of effort to lift the curse of the assassin in the cold winter.

He transformed himself from a ridiculous whisper into a middle-aged assassin.

“Rely on! It’s been so many years… I was finally back to life.”

Winter assassins tears.

Isabelle gave him a look, but she didn’t say anything more. The winter assassin did eat too much pain. No one could understand how he spent so many years in the boundless darkness.

I’m afraid I’ve gone crazy. If he can survive, he has proved that his heart is very tough.

“This used to be your weapon. Now it will be returned to you.”

Faniyaya waved her hand, and the coldness of the moment flew into the winter assassin.

Marvin gave a slight glimpse of Miss Yinyue, whose atmosphere was weak on the ground: “What about her?”

Moon God showed a bitter smile: “She does not need this thing.”

“There is no real resurrection of the gods. Bandel’s obsession has influenced my judgment. This time almost caused a disaster.”

“Although her soul has regrouped, it will not last long… at most … there are fifteen minutes.”

All people are silent.

Some things are really helpless.

The boundaries between life and death, sometimes even the greatest gods are insurmountable.



A weak voice rang from the corner of the side.

The thin soul fire is almost extinguished. However, he still floated hard and flew to Miss Silvermoon.

Miss Yin Yue slowly opened her eyes.

“Give them a little time.”

Marvin and others left with great interest.


Light City. On the southern hills.

“It’s time to return to Fernan.”

Marvin looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance and suddenly felt some emotion.

He experienced a full eight days in the bloody wilderness, but for the people of Fernand, it was only a long time before.

This time and flow rate made him wait for more time to practice here.

But the appearance of the guardian of dreams sounded the alarm.

This is a bloody wilderness. It is not Fernan. It is not safe enough. It is still very dangerous for Marvin to encounter the top servant. He has many opponents in the multiverse, and after the shock of the return of the God of Truth, perhaps the dragon god Hartson or the demon lord Balkh’s men are already at the source. Keep coming.

Anyway, Minsk has been found. It would be better to return to Fernan sooner.

Before leaving, he invited Hathaway to contain the heart of the dungeon in Regis’s remains.

There are always magical ways for the Anzai witch. She peels the heart of the gigantic dungeon from the ruins of Regis and puts it in a white jar.

This pot is different from the pot of the imaginary, but it does not have much magic in itself, but it is a very good thing to store things.

Ma Wen rough estimate that the internal space of this stuff is almost equal to a half plane.

Hathaway was generous and Marvin naturally won’t be embarrassed.

Before leaving. He gave her the [Evil Eye] previously obtained from Balch.

The devil’s eye is a witch-specific treasure. It is very sharp. I believe that in the hands of the Witch King, it will certainly shine.

Hathaway did not refuse. The two now have a unique understanding.

Regarding the past, they did not mention it again.

They know it is different now. Ma Wen is the owner of the Baihe Sanctuary and the one who is valued by the God of Truth; Hathaway is the Queen of the Ashes and hopes for Anzai’s future.

Both have their own way forward. Perhaps one day they will have the opportunity to come back together.

But in the process, they will encounter many hardships and obstacles, and more often they must face it alone.

Hathaway left, not dragging water. She has the ability to go through space directly and disappears directly in front of everyone.

The rest are not so easy to handle.

They must build portals. Fortunately, the migratory bird’s legislature had expected this for a long time. The tool kit for Marvin contained fixed-point plane transmission arrays.

After the cold winter assassins regained their freedom, they said that they must relive the world.

He threw the grip of the cold artifact on his disciples. The patted butt blew away.

Isabel did not give up, but she was hesitant again and decided to return to Fernan with Marvin.

She knew that her mentor had his own things to do.

And it was time for us to fulfill the oath we had before.

The portal is very fast.

Minsk, as the son of the natural ancient god, is very knowledgeable in all aspects, especially the knowledge of witchcraft, law and other aspects, almost comparable to the legendary shaman.

Thirty minutes later, the miniature plane lighthouse was lit.

Far from the distant flames, the old trees who had been waiting in front of the gate saw the light of fire and suddenly ordered:

“Bring them back!”


Returning Finan to Marvin. Such as worldly.

In fact, he left Fernan at an entrance from the Emerald City at midnight.

When he revisited the old man’s smiling face, it was only the next morning.

The original plan for his mission was two weeks, so he sent a letter to the White River Valley.

I didn’t expect such exaggeration to be accomplished.

And thrilling experiences along the way. It also made him a little scared.

A few days in the bloody wasteland, he suffered a situation that he did not know how many times it was extremely dangerous.

This is almost impossible to imagine in Fernand.

This made him fully realize that his strength is not strong enough!

He is not yet ready to face up against the gods.

At this moment, besides the universe, there are countless new gods who are eyeing themselves and the White River Valley.

He must continue to frantically promote himself!


This bloody wilderness trip. Marvin also had a good harvest.

In addition to the two original leaves previously agreed upon from the migratory bird parliament and the secret to breaking the limit of the human body, his own strength is also leaps and bounds.

The Night Sovereign advances to level 2 and the advanced virtual deity is successfully activated. It also gets a strange object that can be transformed into a druid.

Most importantly, he found Isabel.

Isabel, who is now a teenage girl, has a terrible assassination ability.

She has made it clear that in the coming days she will always follow Marvin.

This is a great news for Marvin and the White River Valley.


Marvin’s side completed the task with great joy. However, the migratory bird’s parliament seemed to be somewhat embarrassed.

They did find Minsk, but the son of the natural ancient god could not contact the natural god.

The world tree is still withering.

However, the people sent to the “Green Sea Wonderland” have not responded yet. This makes the old tree people worry.

They organized the second team, led by Minsk, ready to visit Green Sea Wonderland again.

The old tree man originally wanted to continue to ask Marvin, but this time Marvin quit.

Before he could fight against some gods, he said he would never leave Fernando.

Before he felt powerless in the wilderness, he did not want to experience it again.

The old tree man desperation, can only watch Marvin leave Isabelle.

“Adult, where do we go next?”

On the way to the emerald city, Isabel, who had always been silent, asked a rare question.

Marvin pointed to the southwest with a smile:


“That’s my father’s hometown…”


[ps: two more completed, seeking votes] (~^~)

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