Night Ranger

Chapter 129 Resurrection

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocrat Chapter 129 Resurrection, Gone with the Wind

When that sentence was spoken from the mouth of Jasmine, the entire soul of the universe had a hint of incitement!

Heavenly Kingdom of God, nine layers of purgatory, bottomless abyss, sea of ​​evil spirits.

Fernan, secondary plane.

All the powerful creatures see such a picture:

In the boundless darkness, the golden light gradually shines.

A quaint scorpion appeared before their eyes.

The sky is pure gold. It is carved with mottled and complex patterns. It flies out of the void and flies to a distant world!

In a flash, everyone’s attention is focused on that world.

Scarlet wasteland!


In the Regis ruins, Marvin and others watched this scene stunned.

The Sky of Truth flew from the sky and eventually suspended on the top of Jasmine.

As we all know, the Truth of Truth is the exclusive artifact of the ancient truth. In this world, there is only one person, the God of truth, who can fully control the deity of truth and heaven!

Under the repression of the golden light, the god of the wilderness who bore into the body of Miss Yinyue suddenly mourned endlessly.

“You’re back……”

The soft voice came from outside the sky. Faniaia ended the confrontation with the king of the dead world and returned to Regis’s remains.

Everything just happened, just a short moment, and she immediately understood what happened.

There is no doubt that Jasmine contains the power of terror. However, because of the powerful curse, even Vanniya did not find her true identity!

“God of truth…resurrection!”

The mouth of Minsk is full of words.

We must know that the priesthood of truth has always been vacant because the God of Truth had fallen too long and long, and some people doubted that even in the First Age, the God of truth would no longer exist. There are also fragments of truth in the stone of fate scattered in the Third Age. The piece of truth fell into the hands of the wood elf. Marvin had seen it before Ibrahimovic.

At that time, he also felt that the god of truth should be dead and could not be resurrected in any form.

did not expect. She really revived in such an alternative form.

The jasmine at this moment is very different from before.

There was no change in appearance, but it was still the appearance of a little girl, but she was carrying a unique dignity.

She looked at Faniya: “I almost will never be able to return.”

Vanniya asked sensitively: “The curse?”

Jasmine’s face was a little bizarre. She pointed to the god of the wilderness: “All eaten by him…”

A happy smile appeared on her face: “I know someone will be against me, but I didn’t think there was such a powerful curse in the world that could mobilize my own strength and continue to hurt myself.”

“For so many years, I have been suppressed by my own strength. Is this ironic?”

“I lived on earth in an unfathomable manner. I died many times. Then I was resurrected countless times and spent my days in pain in the cycle of life and death.”

“I didn’t expect that I could get out of the curse in such a way…”

The god of the wilderness of Miss Yinyue suddenly opened her mouth and her face was bitter.

Everyone hears it all.

The reincarnation of the God of Truth is no problem.

There are also rumors in Fernan about the reincarnation of the deities, but most people regard them as some absurd quirks; but Marvin knows. A lot of powerful life can indeed have all sorts of ways to let their own lives continue in a reincarnation.

In the first battle of wildness, the God of Truth was seriously wounded. He chose this method to restore her strength.

Just did not expect, in the later process, she was subjected to a strong existence of the plot.

That curse. She has been suppressed from ancient times until now.

If nothing special happens. She should have died quietly in a corner of the universe.

Think of the power of the person who imposed the curse. Marvin felt that it was behind him.

Even the reincarnated bodies of the God of Truth can’t get rid of the curse. How powerful should this be…

Only in this world, there have been some accidents.

The appearance of Griffin, the samurai who had always believed in the truth, freed her from the initial threat. He guarded her from the secondary plane of birth to the bloody wasteland.

But in fact, if there is no god of wildness, she will still be killed by the curse, and then continue her life.

This is a terrible fate.

However, the unique ability of the wilderness god helped the jasmine inadvertently.

He devoured her and wanted to devour the power of the God of truth. He must first swallow the curse.

What is the wilderness god?

The entire multiverse, there is no thing he dared not, or can not swallow!

A vicious curse, eat directly!

After the curse was eaten, the origin of the God of truth was finally inspired!

In the era when the God of truth was rampant, the wilderness was still a small vine in the wild!

After the curse was lifted, she immediately realized everything.

And her guardian knight, Griffin, is also revitalized under her resurrection, releasing her from the body of the wilderness!

This is roughly the essence of things.

This made it difficult for Marvin to express his feelings. It is difficult to explain this worldly coincidence.

The re-emergence of the God of Truth is a huge blow to the entire multiverse!

Even the gods who are fighting outside the Universe Movila have all cast their sights here!

This ancient god is not as good-tempered as the deities of Faniya.

In some very rare accounts, the God of truth is described as a very arrogant god.

Her resurrection means that the forces of the heavenly kingdom may face a new round of reshuffling!

At this time of troubled times, the situation will undoubtedly become more subtle.

But for Marvin, the resurrection of the God of truth instead of the reincarnation of the wilderness is undoubtedly the best news.

The ancient gods and the new gods were originally two different living entities.

Although there may not be natural opposition between them, for the new gods. It’s definitely not a good news.

The man who can cause trouble to the enemy, Marvin hopes that as many as possible.


“So many people are watching. It’s disappointing.”

Jasmine smiled low. The sky of truth above her head suddenly burst into a bright light.

Wherever the aperture is, it becomes dark in the eyes of the rest.

Only before losing sight, they all saw the situation in Regis’s remains.

The most dazzling is no doubt the God of truth.

No way, the truth is very conspicuous. As one of the most powerful artifacts in the universe, it naturally attracts a lot of people’s attention.

Followed by the Moon God Faniya.

The two ancient gods appeared in one place at the same time. What does this mean?

Did the ancient gods who had been silent for a long time started to re-enter the central stage of the multiverse?

Many people are caught in thinking.

There are many speculations inside the gods who are attacking the universe.

The third person who was noticed was not someone else. He was shocked by Marvin.

“It’s that guy again!”

Cosmos outside the pool. A low-level god could not help but exclaim: “How come every time a big event has his figure?”

The three major gods in the new god revealed an unexpected look.

As for the dawn and guardian god Grant, he shook his head.

About Marvin, he knows more than other gods!

When Hartson had tried to get back his original source of God, the boy seemed to have taken the lead in the nightmare.

Only when he was busy confronting Hartson, he didn’t have time to deal with this guy.

First destroying the world of evil spirits and destroying the evil spirits Lord Digone; then they simply slaughtered the gods and the poor souls. He was killed by Marvin without knowing how many times, and eventually he was miserable and degraded. At the beginning of the Cataclysm, he was also the first to stand up and set fire to order. The White River Valley he founded is one of the most powerful shelters that the gods have been eyeing.

Today, he also appeared in a unique space with the two ancient gods in the bloody wilderness.

It seems that he is very close to the newly born God of truth.

This makes Marvin’s identity suddenly become suspicious!

This guy is really just an ordinary human being?

Many gods secretly thought.


Regis remains. Closed the other person’s interruption. The atmosphere has become easier.

With the help of the God of Truth, Fanania completely drove the god of the wild out of Miss Silver Moon’s body.

She originally planned to continue sealing the god of the wilderness. After all, she did not find a way to completely kill the god of the wild, but it is now different.

The God of Truth is a god more ancient than her. The reason why the truth is feared by the people is because this artifact itself has the power to blaspheme God!

Not to mention the desolated wilderness of this wilderness, even the god of the wilderness in its heyday, in front of the truth and the heavens, only to escape!

The process of killing the god of the wilderness is extremely simple. The golden light erupted in the heavens of truth directly evaporates the scarlet blood, and the imprint of the god of the wilderness is erased. In this world, there is no such thing. God.

After all this, everyone was relieved.

And Vaniaja herself was somewhat complex and looked at the coma of Miss Yinyue’s god.

The god of truth shook his head and she slowly walked towards Marvin.

“Jasmine… Oh no… I think… I don’t know what to call you now.”

Marvin smiled awkwardly.

This kind of identity change completed in a flash, he really does not quite adapt.

Jasmine smiled slightly:

“Call me Jasmine.”

“This is my name. The resurrection of the ancient God is far more complicated than you think. The God of Truth is my identity, but it is not my name.”

Marvin nodded.

In Jasmine, he did not feel the coercion of the rest of the gods. But Hathaway and Minsk are a bit different on the side. They seem to have been greatly affected and have been using their own strength against the coercion of the gods.

“Do you want to be my guardian knight?”

Jasmine smiled and asked:

“This time, it’s official.”

… (To be continued.)

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