Night Ranger

Chapter 123 Past (top)

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 123 The Past (Top), Gone with the Wind

that person?

Marvin took note of Fania’s wording.

When she said [that person], she paused.

“His Royal Highness, I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

“【that person】?”

His face was full of doubts.

Marvin’s past life and Fanyiya didn’t deal with it, but according to some female players who had succeeded as priestesses of the Luna, Fannyia was a very good-tempered deity. She had mercy on her life, but for some reason she seemed to Can not interfere too much with the operation of the Funan.

Among all ancient gods, her reputation is also good. So Marvin is not afraid that she will be against her.

“There is a great existence. There have been some things mentioned…”

The Moon God’s voice is very calm: “The protagonist of these things is [that man]. That is you, Marvin Clyland.”

Marvin’s mind suddenly set off a huge shock wave.

What is the situation?

Can the Moon God call it a great existence. Even a fool can guess who it is?

The Witch God Lance!

Is it true that there is a relationship with the mysterious and supreme god?

The horseman looked at the moon god and looked forward to her going on.

Hathaway and Minsk look to Marvin’s eyes somewhat differently.

However, Faniya did not linger on this topic for too long. She just said indifferently:

“This is a long time ago. You can think of it as a prophecy. Since it is a prophecy, it is uncertain.”

“The great prophet can’t see every future, because the future is always facing people’s choices.”

“Whether humans or gods, their future is selected by their own hands, and no one else can interfere.”

As she said here, her voice suddenly turned:

“You must be surprised why I’m here.”

“Speaking of that, I haven’t left Tianguo Kingdom for a long time. It will take us some time to complete this ceremony. During this time, let me tell you a story.”

The rest looked at each other.

Lunago tells himself a story?

This kind of thing. I am afraid that no one will believe it?

Marvin and others naturally dare not say no.

In fact, Fannya did not give them the opportunity to refuse. She spoke directly and slowly began to describe a story about the story.

After listening. Ma Wencai finally understood the cause and effect.

His eyes fell on the statue of Miss Yinyue. Everything must be said about her.


Distant Tertiary, the most chaotic period.

With the advent of destiny, Fernan was caught in an unprecedented war.

Many people take this to become heroes. Become a lord, king, even a god!

However, as soon as the achievements will become more and more important, more people will be tragically killed in the land.

At the same time, the initially established bloody wilderness has also staged fierce fighting every day!

The gods, sons, and angels of the heavenly kingdom are at war with demons, evil spirits, and devils.

At that time, human beings were relatively weak and unable to occupy a place on their own, but also depended on the power of heaven. Can survive on this land.

However, the wizarding civilization in ancient times still spread a part of it.

One of the most embarrassing is the Regis Master School!

This is a group composed of a group of genius mages. They condense the wisdom of ancient mages and love to study various monsters.

Their leader is a genius wizard named Bandell!

This group of genius wizards was particularly interested in biological transformation until one day they found a special vine.

When they discovered it, it was already on the verge of death and was curious about the unknown. They transplanted this vine into their own base.

In fact, from that moment, the scourge is already brewing.

However, wizards know nothing about this.

They are happy to study this particular vine and it has a strong ability to rejuvenate and attack. If these forces are extracted and transformed into witchcraft, it is undoubtedly a leap-forward improvement.

The person responsible for this research is naturally their leader. Genius Wizard Bander.

Their efforts soon achieved some results. The activity of that vine increased a lot. Although it swallowed a lot of Arcane energy, it still looks very weak.

Although some elderly wizards have warned of the danger of this vine, the project is still allowed to go through high-level hazard ratings.

Bandel and vines get along day and night. He did not make any progress in the study of the vine itself, but it was striking that an accident made him discover that this vine actually has self-consciousness!

They started to communicate.

Bandell first had serious vigilance. However, after the vines had thrown many novel spells and rituals, these alertnesses gradually disappeared.

If he is treasured, he begins to study these novelties.

His behavior became bizarre. He began to alienate his peers and often studied alone.

The root vine was also carried by him.

With the help of the vines, he learned many spells he had never imagined before. His power was a thousand miles away. Later, even the best servants in the bloody wilderness were not Bandel’s opponents.

The young wizard is very proud.

He feels that he is the protagonist in the mortal fiction. He possesses unreliable treasures, and his strength can be raised without limit.

He honored the vine as his own mentor, and the latter was indeed like a division commander, who responded to every question of Bandel without hesitation.

However, it proposed a condition for Bandel.

Don’t let anyone else know about their existence.

Bandel agreed and the two parties cooperated very happily.

However, the picture is not long.

The emergence of a young girl completely ignited the potential crisis.

That girl is Miss Yinyue.


Miss Yin Yue was once a mortal woman and she traveled in the bloody wilderness. In the process, she became acquainted with the young Bandel. The two were very much in love and in love with each other.

They became private partners.

However, due to Miss Yinyin’s identity, she knew that she could not stay in the bloody wilderness.

Eventually she made a decision and she would confess to her mother, the great moon god Vanya.

Bandel is very calm about this. He sent Miss Yinyue back to Heavenly Kingdom.

Because there is a more exaggerated proportion of time-velocity flow in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Scarlet Waste Land, Miss Yin Yue’s departure is more than a decade.

It was during this time that Bandal started to study vines. At the same time it becomes a little weird.

And when Miss Yinyin returned to heaven from the Kingdom of Heaven, she was pleased to tell Bandel that her mother had agreed to meet Bandel. At that time, the vine finally showed his own minions!

ancient time. When the gods of the wilderness fought against the gods, they were eventually defeated by the witches’ gods, and there were only a few parts of the body.

The root vine is one of them.

With the resources of the Regis Mage group, his energy began to recover, but he was not satisfied with it.

Only draw more power. He can restore the strength of the evil god.

He helped Bender, just to better implement his plan.

The appearance of Miss Silvermoon made the wilderness god ecstatic.

When the two met and were affectionate, the wilderness suddenly appeared in its ontology and displayed its own domain!

The entire Regis Master Base is in turmoil!

The power from ancient evil gods filled the minds of wizards and they began to bombard everywhere.

Nearby creatures also begin to alienate.

A few determined wizards are also difficult to escape because of being attacked by their companions.

All this happened so suddenly, Bender was stunned.

He wanted to ask what happened, but the god of the wilderness was not ready to give him this opportunity. He used his magic to control Bandel. Then he used a dark spear that was passed down from ancient times and pierced Miss Silver Moon’s heart.

In an instant, Miss Yinyue became a stone sculpture. All her strength was forcibly removed by the god of the wild.

Bandel is distraught, but he is unable to resist!

He forcibly endured the pain and still honored the god of the wild as a mentor.

The god of wildness seemed to enjoy Bandel’s flattery, but did not kill him, but took him away.

He began to kill everywhere, and Bandel became his accomplice, very soon. The power of the god of the wilderness has recovered by 45%.

And at this time, Fannyia was shocked by her daughter’s fall and finally found them!

After a fierce battle, Vaniaia defeated the god of the wild, but she did not kill him!

that time. Rance is said to be still busy in outer space fighting some of the more terrifying creatures, so Vanya can only rely on herself.

After the wilderness god fled, Bandel showed his identity and told all of what he knew about the wild god.

The Moon God did not vent his anger at Bandel, but the latter was caught in endless pain and grief. He vowed to resurrect his lover and send the wilderness to a place of no time.

Vanniya knew that it was almost impossible to resurrect a god, but under Bandel’s plea, she agreed to some of his demands.

The two are temporarily separated and each is doing their own thing.

Bandel began to seek the resurrection of the deity, and Vanninia began to study the restraint of the wilderness.

Time is a wonderful thing. Sometimes the day is long, and sometimes it will be hundreds of years in the blink of an eye.

Fernan’s Tertiary close to the end.

A guy called the Winter Assassin began to shine in everyone’s eyes.

At this time, Vanniia finally found the only thing in the multiverse that could restrain the wilderness.

That is the “night flower” of the Anzei witch!

So she personally visited An Zedi, who had already taken advantage of the time and had achieved a secret agreement with the then Witch King.

At the same time, in order to seal the god of the wilderness, Faniyaya needs an artifact that has experienced the divine divine power of the wizard.

So the unlucky winter assassin became the target of the Witch King.

… (To be continued.)

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