Night Ranger

Chapter 122 Curse of the Spirit

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Vol.1 The Lost Aristocrax. Chapter 122. The Curse of the Spirit, Gone with the Wind

Listening to such a second line, Marvin also secretly shook his head. ◎,

This William, probably a disciple who had followed Mingfeng for a long time.

His strength is not weak. Legendary wizards, who are willing to walk where they are, are worth looking for.

Unfortunately, in this era, legend is just the starting point.

It can be seen that his talent is not high, although it seems to be only 30 years old, but Marvin easily perceives this guy’s age at least a hundred years or so.

The legend that lived for a hundred years is generally terrible.

But he did not feel that dreadful. In addition to the appearance of the line is not difficult to judge this guy is completely defiant apprentice.

Marvin is not afraid of him.

Because in the past life, only one William had a certain reputation in Fernan.

That is the old immortality in the kinship party.

As for this William, I am afraid it will not be long known when it was used as a scapegoat.

For example now.

In the sound of thunder, Marvin remained motionless.

William’s field is thunder and lightning. He uses lightning spells with a great deal of bonus.

However, Marvin has the expertise of the “enemy of enemies,” and he wants to test the true effect of this feat in actual combat.

For Marvin, William is using his hands to practice. Only phoenix is ​​the enemy worthy of his attention!

The terror of lightning continued to sway on Marvin’s body, and the clothes on him were all coke!

A strong current surged into Marvin, but it was quickly absorbed.

Chain lightning, according to theory. Can produce more than three seconds of paralysis on the enemy.

But for Marvin, this time was reduced to 0.5 seconds.

The spell resistance of the Night Lord is inherently high. Coupled with the expertise of night walkers, Marvin is very satisfied with this result.

The other side. William thought that Marvin was paralyzed by his own spells, and a sneer came to his lips.

The next second, a lot of lightning balls appeared in his hands!

“go to hell!”

He roared.

The whole sky has become gloomy, and a lot of dark clouds are pressed down!

Legendary Witch Thunder Purgatory!

However, at this time, Marvin’s figure suddenly disappeared in place!

William stumbled, knowing it wasn’t good enough to immediately inspire a spell on his scepter!

[Resist ring]!

This is a force field spell that can keep enemies away from their own bodies!

Although the legendary wizard is powerful, but faced with the legendary rogue without a trace. There are still natural disadvantages.

They have lethal damage!

Once it is cut, it is a dead end.

Although William was arrogant, he did not dare to think so much.

However, in the next second, Marvin lazily sounded in his ear:

“Your teacher didn’t teach you. When playing against the legendary rogue, don’t use spells that last longer than 2 seconds.”

Thunderstorm, standard singing time is 2.6 seconds. In Marvin’s opinion, this guy has an empty mana but doesn’t have any sufficient fighting experience.

William breathed a breath. A sense of terror crisis enveloped from beginning to end!

“And, your resistance ring was early.”

Marvin gave a sneer sigh, the green leaves machete take advantage of the situation!


Devil effects take effect.

The leaves directly shattered the defensive field on the edge of William’s body and slammed into his neck!

However the next second. His body suddenly began to stiffen and hissed and he became a scarecrow.

not far away. The wizard on the magic carpet wiped his sweat coldly.

However, Marvin’s figure is like a skeleton!

Night’s Song!

“This layman’s release is still a bit of a level!”

In the humming sound, Marvin is still a mediocre attack!

Green leaf machete itself is the best in legend. Even without any skills, it can be a terrifying effect on the legendary wizard!

“What the hell!” William sweated. Clench your teeth throw out a glowing yellow ball!

In a flash, the magnetic fields in this space are all distorted.

Even the Marx readers even have a little control over the trajectory of Aoba!

Taking advantage of this moment, the magic carpet suddenly accelerated, William once again throw off Marvin.

But he did not look back, was beaten by Marvin’s two ghostly attacks, he actually chose to escape!

“There is no fighting experience…”

Marvin is also speechless.

This kind of person is simply wonderful. Who gave him his confidence. Did you just say that?

The embodiment of lightning is to escape?

Doesn’t he know that the most taboo thing is to run away while fighting?

This guy has completely exposed his back to Marvin!

Although the speed of the magic carpet is fast, it is not as fast as Marvin’s breakthrough in the shadow plane.


Marvin made a sudden effort, jumping in the shadow vortex, his body tearing the air and suddenly appeared behind William!

Devil knife surgery!

Marvin hit a knife and directly split William into two!

Bloody spray, the magic carpet suddenly lost its spirituality and landed on the ground.

Poor William, the god of the future magical god, died in Marvin’s hands.

Perhaps before coming out to fight Marvin, Mingfeng also promised other benefits in the future.

Unfortunately, there is no way for the dead to become God.

Marvin looked at William’s body and shook his head secretly. What do you want to do?

She even sent her own disciples to death.

Does she want to directly seal God! ?

As soon as this idea came up, Marvin was scared by himself.

However, the more he thought, the more likely it was!

In the past life, Ming Feng did not choose to seal God in the early stages of the Cataclysm. There was only one reason: Glenos!

The shadow prince is also active in the mortal world. If he is wise, he can take the opportunity to attack.

She dared not seal God when there was such a threat.

In this world, everything is different. Not only did the time and space remain in the hands of Inheim, Marvin made a rocket, and Grenos, who played directly, closed the kingdom of God and floated and slept in the endless universe.

The biggest threat to Hades has disappeared.

The Cataclysm has just happened to be the most severe barrier faced by wizards!

“She thought of the moment when the universe’s magical pool collapsed.”

Marvin suddenly suddenly!

However, at this time, the direction of the black coral main island suddenly came a roar!

A huge cloud of smoke rises from the top of a mountain, followed by a terrifying fire!

“volcanic eruptions?!”

Marvin was a little worried.


In a flash, the volcanoes on the main island of the black coral broke out. A large amount of lava blasted out and the whole sea area shook.

At the same time, a silhouette is fleeing from the main island of the Black Coral!

Shadow thief!

When Marvin met William, he secretly went to the main island of Black Coral!

However, he is now being hunted down, it is a blurred banshee image!

“Music Lady?!”

Ma Wen frowned slightly and was ready to help.

… (to be continued …)

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