New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 99: Sky Mothership

Following the instructions, Wesley found the parking lot. The agent headquarters should not think about road signs or the like. That is impossible. Otherwise, wouldn't the intruder find the location where he wants to go?

Under the leadership of Maria Hill, Wesley visited all the way while recording the route. Apple executed it perfectly. However, some places are not accessible under Wesley’s current authority, such as the huge underground factory. The first aerospace carrier should be being built there.

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s first aerospace mothership was played in the Battle of New York, which triggered the plot of Captain America 2. The next three ships were controlled by Hydra, and they fought a battle over Washington, and finally all was destroyed.

Wesley’s arrival will inevitably change some things. Now it’s up to him whether he can extract all the Hydras in the headquarters, if not all of them, the main personnel must be taken out, so that the rest is a mess of sand. However, Hydra hides deeply. There are many in the American TV series "Agents of S.H.I.

I visited the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. and then followed Maria Hill for identity registration. If you want to operate in most areas of the headquarters, then his ID must be re-registered. For example, the elevator uses voice control, so your voice print needs to be recorded.

Arriving on the first day was a series of formalities, permissions issues and so on. Wesley felt the atmosphere that the New York branch could not feel.

"It's really complicated, it's much better than strengthening in New York!" Wesley followed Maria Hill behind, while talking, admiring her beautiful back.

Maria Hill wears a professional suit, but not a skirt, but trousers. Her straight legs are covered, but her twisted hips are also very attractive. Wesley felt that today's biggest gain was appreciation. After all, it was not Phil Coleson who took him around, it would be boring to death.

"Of course, this is the headquarters, everything is very strict, and you have to consider your identity, otherwise it will be more troublesome."

"Oh? Is identity useful?" Wesley asked strangely.

"Of course, if you want you to betray, how much does it cost?"

Wesley understood in an instant. Indeed, if he wanted to buy him, the money paid was huge, and the family who wanted to kidnap him threatened him, and the life paid was also an amazing number. Only Carlos wanted to capture him. It's very difficult. There is still a super murderous girl in the family, and the original "Black Sir" is there, and an army may not be able to take it down.

Finally everything was done, Wesley was also relieved, and then followed Maria Hill to see Nick Fury. The director's office is on the top floor, and the entire headquarters covers a large area, including an underwater factory.

"Wesley, you are finally here, how do you feel about the headquarters?" Nick Fury stood up and greeted Wesley who entered the office.

"It's great, much better than the New York branch, but what exactly do I do?" Wesley did it on a solo sofa. Maria Hill sat opposite him and Nick Fury gave it to him. It poured a glass of Coke.

"I hope you can help design a program this time." Wesley was taken aback by Nick Fury's words and asked to design the program by himself. Even if it is to conceal his true intentions, shouldn't you get such a job?

"What procedure?" Wesley asked.

"We have a weapon that can be completed soon, but its procedures have not been completed, so I hope you can help fix it, I don't know what you mean?" Nick Fury looked at Wesley and said.

"How did you think of letting me do such a job? I didn't work as a technician at the beginning, and you can't afford the salary of a technician!" Wesley didn't speak big words, just like Tony Stark, if not. He is a free consultant, so SHIELD cannot hire him. Building an aerospace mothership and paying a person’s salary are two different things, especially Wesley and Tony Stark, both consultants and agents are interested, of course Wesley has some other purposes, but more People don't know these.

If they are paid according to their earning rate, then SHIELD really cannot afford it.

"Of course we know this, but I hope you can help." Nick Fury didn't have the slightest embarrassment. Anyway, his face was dark enough that he couldn't see it even if he blushed.

"To be specific, if I am interested, then you can." Wesley thought it was an aerospace mothership, and Apple asked him to agree to it in his mind. This time it is not just a procedural issue, it also involves There are many technologies in this world, technologies that cannot be found on the Internet.

After coming to this world, Wesley didn't let Apple download anything. The design technology of "Jazz Arms" came from Tony Stark's memory, as well as the heroes of League of Legends. Apple can only rely on the power of technology to imitate some, unless it can absorb the energy of the universe's Rubik's Cube, and this energy has magical elements, otherwise Wesley can only rely on technology to strengthen himself.

"If it’s an aerospace mothership, agree to it. Your melee weapon needs some denser metal. If you get help from S.H.I. Technical Information."

"Yes, let me try it. If it's not an aerospace mothership, it won't be necessary. Only this kind of large-scale equipment involves the most comprehensive technology." Nick Fury spoke when Wesley was communicating with Apple. "Let's go, I'll take you to see."

The three of them went straight down again, but this time using the authority of Nick Fury, they took the elevator all the way down to the lowest floor. The elevator door opened. Even though Wesley was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the breadth of this place. This is not what we felt in the movie. Only by standing here can we feel our own insignificance.

An aircraft carrier with open wings, lying quietly in the center, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s first sky-sky carrier, Wesley held the railing and stared at it, the first time he had such close contact. Big equipment, and the air-sky mothership is about to be completed, and many workers are painting.

There is no way for this kind of equipment to test sail. It can only be built once, and then driven out to collect various data. Only then will there be the next three ships, and at the same time the three used by the Hydra.

"How? This is the weapon that requires you to design a program, the S.H.I.E.L.D. air carrier, a flying aircraft carrier, the only one in the world, even if the U.S. military does not have such technology."

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