New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 98: transfer order

Carlos was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You are a little wronged."

Wesley smiled, "I am twenty-six years old and have a job that I like, and you are retired, you need a vibrant home."

"Well, when you grow up, I will discuss with Hannah. The wedding will be over. We don't have any relatives, and Hannah has very few relatives. We can just find time to visit. "Carlos said.

"You decide this for yourself, and you have to tell Mindy, but I think she will be very happy."

"Yes, Mindy has been missing a mother."

The next day was the weekend. Wesley volunteered to take Mindy to the playground. The flower shop on the weekend was very busy. Although there is no need to make money, this is the favorite place of Carlos and Hannah. They enjoy the place. environment.

Everything returned to peace again. Wesley still sent Mindy to school every day. Carlos moved quickly. Within a few days, he went to register his marriage with Hannah, and Hannah also officially moved into this home. There are now four people and a cat inside.

However, the days of gathering did not last long. Wesley received an order from the headquarters. At the same time, the league game company's league was about to start. Wesley will be very busy next.

The New York branch has basically stabilized, and Wesley’s time for heading to Washington headquarters is approaching. He didn’t plan to bring anything to go, but the sports car was going to drive away. He also drove this car for almost a year. Yes, the maintenance was done by Carlos for him.

Wesley decided to return the Chevrolet Suburban from S.H.I.E.L.D., so that they had three vacant parking spaces at home. Hannah needed a new car, and Wesley decided to give her one.

At dinner in the evening, "Hannah, what kind of car do you like?" Wesley asked.

"Oh, no need. Carlos and I send Mindy to school every morning, and then go to the flower shop. I don't need a car." Hannah didn't shook her head. She was not greedy for Carlos's money, but two of them. She has a common hobby, and she also has some small money. After all, after the death of her ex-husband, she sold the house and shop.

"It will always be needed, and you can't always open the shop so late." Wesley said, the morning is also the peak of the flower shop. Buying a bouquet of flowers for the woman you like is something that many white-collar workers like to do in the morning. .

Carlos nodded, "Yes, it's okay to buy a car, after all, there are three parking spaces at home suddenly empty, buy an SUV."

Wesley originally wanted to buy a sports car for Hannah, but after Carlos finished talking, Hannah agreed, saying that housewives driving wagons and SUVs are the best, which is convenient for sending children to school and also convenient for going. Supermarket shopping.

The transfer order was due in three days. Wesley had no intention of breaking the rules, so he sent Mindy to school early in the morning, and then ran to buy a car. Mindy was very upset about Wesley's going to Washington. Her brother should send her to school every day, but she was very sensible and agreed with Wesley to come back to see her and Annabel frequently.

Wesley considers Hannah's safety issues, and she may often have to pick up Mindy, so Wesley considers safety issues more. In this way, there are not many options, and a large car dealership is needed. After all, only there are the most types of vehicles.

"Mr. Welcome, don't you know what you need help?" A sales manager greeted him.

"A safety-oriented SUV, what can I recommend?" Wesley said directly.

"Of course there are a lot of this. The best is the Presidential One produced by Cadillac, especially the bulletproof extended version. Mr. President's car is an extended sedan. You must have heard of the bulletproof capability." The manager did not mention. The price issue.

"Oh, it sounds good, I want an SUV, don't lengthen it, because it is driven by a lady, it is too long for her to control, there must be cameras and distance warnings at the front and rear, and the bulletproof capability should be the best. "

"No problem, the quality is absolutely satisfactory to you. I don't know where the vehicle will be delivered after it arrives?" This type of vehicle is already in the category of special vehicles. There is no fixed spot, and it has always been produced now.

"This is the address, a flower shop, for Hannah Gibson, if she is not there, then it can be handed to Carlos Gibson." Weiss wrote down the address of the flower shop with a sticky note, and then paid the money, the value was more than For millions of dollars, his personal funds are running low.

The vehicle was fixed, and the next day Wesley drove away in his own sports car, and drove all the way on the highway, arrived in Washington in less than two hours, and then went to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., which he wanted long ago. Here, there is only a chance today, Maria Hill still covets this beauty.

Navigating all the way to the headquarters, the location of the headquarters is a bit special. It is surrounded by water, and there is only one bridge connecting the outside. Wesley parked on the other side of the bridge for inspection.

The certificate of a Level 5 agent is not considered a senior agent at the headquarters, at most the level of an intermediate agent, so his car was thoroughly inspected once, and Phil Cole did not come out to pick him up, and did not let him. He looks very special. But having said that, his job as a special agent as the chairman of a company is attractive enough in itself.

And before Wesley came here, Phil Coleson told him that his information belongs to the kind of confidentiality and then confidentiality. Only two people know his'mind-reading' ability, and he can only count three people. That's it, Maria Hill didn't know.

In order to ensure Wesley’s secrets, Nick Fury consumed a lot of resources. He pushed all the New York affairs to Phil Coleson, showing that he was for his subordinates, and then went to check the New York branch. Yes, a series of problems were subsequently discovered. For this reason, more than a dozen members who were not Hydra were also arrested, but instead of sending them to jail, they were turned into secret missions.

At the same time that it took so much time and effort, Nick Fury also found some doubtful people, all of which need Wesley to distinguish. After the inspection, Wesley drove to the bridge, and on the other end of the bridge was Maria Hill who was waiting for Wesley.

"Hey, is the beauty going to take a ride?" Wesley put the car next to Maria Hill, then opened the window of the co-pilot and asked, Maria Hill smiled slightly, opened the car door and sat up. , Then said: "You finally came, I'm still waiting for your dinner."

"No problem, and I'm homeless tonight. I hope someone will take me in. How can I go now?"

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