
  Chapter 981 Anti-Magic Equipment

Thinking of the upcoming battle, there are still a large number of golems and puppets , Elon predicted that the power of Sau City on the surface alone would not be able to resist the upcoming offensive, so he had to put his sight on Rowlin who was not far away.

After this period of accumulation, a considerable number of corpse witches have been formed. This is already the strongest power in Sao City, but the use of this power requires Rowlin's approval.

After all, once these corpse witches were added to the battlefield in advance, causing the destruction of the plan of the undead mage, Aaron could not afford this responsibility, so he had to get Rowlin's advice.

Apart from this, Rowlin's ability to cast spells is enough to change the situation of a battle. Aron understood that speaking from a certain perspective, Rowlin symbolized the will of the undead mage.

After walking quickly to Rowlin's side, Aaron whispered a few words and asked him to let the corpse go into battle.

Without waiting for Rowlin to respond, new changes took place on the battlefield.

Leading the undead mage under his command and cooperating with the undead creatures controlled by the undead mage, the centaur leader greeted the black robed man who had invaded the city of Sao.

The body of the Death Knight makes the centaur leader not have any fear, even though the actions of these black robed man have already seen their extraordinary skills, the centaur still rushes in the midst of many undead creatures. Foremost.

As they approached, the centaur leader shot arrows one after another, but it failed to achieve any results. The group of black robed men in front seemed to be able to detect the trajectory of the arrows in advance and dodge in time. Even though their positions were relatively dense, the arrows failed to hit anyone.

On the contrary, the few archers in this group of black robed man responded to the centaur leader's move with the long bows in their hands, and the arrows that arrived at high speed were easily pierced. There are many bodies of undead mage beside it.

The dead undead mage did not cause much commotion, and the companions beside them quickly accepted their undead creatures and faced the group of black robed man in front again.

Although the arrow shot by the centaur leader did not hit any black robed man, after the arrow was shot in the air, it would always return immediately to the centaur leader's hand. The flashing luster also proves that it is not extraordinary, but in the case of not being able to hit, everything seems to be in vain.

As the distance approached, the longbow in the centaur leader's hand disappeared instantly, replaced by two heavy battle axes.

The cloud of death, unleashed by the undead mage, began to spread across the battlefield, but with little success.

Before the battle started, these black robed men had already been blessed with multiple damage reduction spells, and even the magic that hit them directly could not achieve any effect. It is a rare anti-magic equipment.

If Rhodes were here and noticed this happening, they would have been extremely puzzled in the heart.

Among all the equipments, anti-magic equipment is the rarest existence. Each piece can be counted as a separate treasure, which is more precious than ordinary treasure. The second only to the wandering and confirmed Divine Item widget.

Similar to dragon scales' ability to resist magic, the principle that anti-magic equipment takes effect depends on the nature of the equipment itself to weaken the spell effect of hitting anti-magic equipment, and even the material of many anti-magic equipment is Made of dragon scales.

This level of equipment is no longer available to ordinary existences. Even the great lord in Erathia can't come up with so many anti-magic equipment at the same time, let alone one.

Because of the existence of these anti-magic equipment and the offensive spells cast by the low-level undead mage, it is difficult to cause any damage to these black robed man, and those who are really threatening damage spell, in these black robed man's Under keen perception, it will immediately dodge.

Perhaps due to the situation in the city, the real damage is extremely high, and at the same time, it can spread to a wide range of spells. The existence of undead creatures.

In the face of the many undead creatures that were led by the centaur leader, the black robed man did not panic. Clean up undead creatures around you.

In a seemingly chaotic battle, the black robed man side is advancing in an orderly manner, and a large number of undead creatures have died under their blades. The combat capabilities of the two are not at the same level at all.

In this brief moment, the numerous undead creatures in the city can't play any role at all except to drag the black robed man forward a little.

A strong explosion, accompanied by mana fluctuations that belong only to magic above the fourth rank, suddenly emerged from the black robed man's formation, and the fire instantly engulfed the surrounding black robed man, along with a large number of undead creatures. also involved in it.

Looking at the undead mage that happened in this scene, I didn't feel any distress for the undead creature in my heart. Instead, after seeing this spell appear, I stabilized the slightly flustered expression. They knew that it was the high-level undead mage in the city who performed this magic.

However, when the firelight dissipated, revealing the scene, the undead mage was completely stunned for a while.

The black robed man, who was originally under the violent explosion, was covered by a dark barrier, saving a lot of damage, only a few people were slightly injured, it seems that the large-scale spell just now , did not have much impact on it at all.

The appearance of this scene deeply shocked the undead mage in the field. Under the circumstance that the undead creatures under his command were killed one after another, the undead mage raised a sense of irresistibility in their hearts.

With the control of spiritual imprint, the combat ability of undead creatures will not be affected by morale, but the undead mage will, in the face of an invincible enemy, in order to save its own life, the undead mage often Lots of crazy moves.

Except for a few undead mage, who still lead the undead creatures under their command to hold back these almost impossible black robed men, the overwhelming majority of the undead mage have the intention of retreating and pay them back. practices.

Just when the victory was hopeless and the undead mage was about to collapse, a cloud of death that was extremely pure, even the most critical undead mage could not pick out any flaws, began to spread in the field.

These undead mage were stunned to find that a large number of corpses had emerged in the original underground quiet room in the city, and they were still moving outwards continuously, without any tendency to stop, and these clouds of death, It was released by these corpse witches.

(end of this chapter)

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