
  Chapter 980 Enemy Attack

Looking at the teleportation monument just built in front of him, Rowlin felt Heartfelt joy.

As requested by Rhodes before he left, Rowlin had kept the space gem on himself until then.

The space gem is the most powerful space calibration, which can mark an accurate position in the vast and boundless space.

Rowlin recalled that Rhodes once said to himself that once he sensed danger on his side from his bloodline perception, he would immediately cast the gate of time and space, following the trajectory of space calibration, appearing in the around yourself.

Rowlin doesn't know if Rhodes' mastery of magic has reached the level of choosing the position of the gate of time and space at will. Perhaps his this remark is just to comfort himself, but when he hears Rhodes' promise , Rowlin still felt a burst of relief in his heart.

The space gem was not left, and Rowlin took the initiative to use it for the establishment of the teleportation monument in the city of Sau.

Rather than keeping the precious space calibration in hand, Rowlin knew that the best way to maximize its value was to apply it to the establishment of teleportation monuments, so that the door to achieve many things.

This is one of the few Rowlin who did not obey Rhodes' arrangement, but her will is also to hope that the city of Sao will become stronger.

The area where the teleportation monument was built was chosen by Rowlin in the first half of the inner city, and the castle behind it was still in its infancy.

Rowlin believes that when Rhodes returns and sees the teleportation monument, and the castle under construction, he will also feel joy in the heart.

Thinking of this, the face behind Rowlin's veil couldn't help but show a slight smile, but under the veil, no undead mage could discover this.

At this moment, the formation force fluctuated, accompanied by a violent rumbling sound, which came from not far away.

Aware of this change, Rowlin took the initiative to suppress the smile on his face and stared at the area where the abnormality occurred.

Under the shroud of the Dark Sky Curtain, a group of humanoid creatures also dressed in black robes, holding weapons such as swords and longbows, came to the city wall outside the inner city at some point.

The originally large city wall failed to act as a hindrance as it should. Perhaps it was a dress very similar to the undead mage, which brought them a good cover until Rowlin noticed this happening. Later, the drawbridge at the entrance to the inner city has been lowered.

Rowlin could not see the faces of these creatures under the shroud of the large black robe, but he understood their purpose.

From the sudden attack of these creatures to the capture of the drawbridge, it was almost a split second. Facing the undead mage in the city, this group of creatures showed good cooperation and cooperation ability.

Just looking at the number of undead creatures around, there are ten times more than the group of humanoid creatures in front of them, but they can't play the slightest blocking effect. This group of humanoids, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, killed all the surrounding creatures, and was moving rapidly in the direction of the space monument.

Some undead mage tried to use spell to attack these creatures in the forward line, but before they could cast spell, spell came first.

Among the creatures dressed as black robes, there are also mages, but it is not known whether they are undead mages who defected in the past, or the existence of other forces.

The sudden attack was unexpected by all the undead mage in the field. At the same time, Elon's voice also reached the ears of all the creatures in the field.

"As you can see, the victory in the last battle with mage brought us a comfortable period of development, but mage will not let us go."

"The ones who came to attack were the advance troops of the mage side. Behind them, there were many reinforcements from the mages, those golems that had no Soul Fire, but could be controlled by the spiritual imprint."

"Now, when the town we live in is attacked, it's time to teach the intruder a lesson."

Hearing Elon's words, the centaur leader at the teleportation monument was the first to have When he acted, he only shouted a few words of reconciliation, and then he led some of the surrounding undead mage to meet the enemy not far away.

Watching the centaur leader lead the undead mage to fight, Elon's worries did not diminish.

Eron had anticipated the arrival of the mage counterattack ever since he heard that the Legendary mage had come to garrison here from the territory of Bracada. Not only Elon, but the undead mage in the city more or less expected this.

What Elron originally wanted to tell the other undead mage was information about the mage's attack, but he didn't expect that the mage would arrive at the node where the teleportation monument was erected.

From the previous information from his subordinates, Elon already knew that the enemies who came to attack were far more than the ones in front of him.

The group of mage that originally belonged to Bracada, stationed in Werning, has long since had an irreconcilable conflict with the undead mage following the death of the high-level mage Witt. Until now, they have finally acted.

After this period of rest, under the full force of the golem factory in Werning, mage has accumulated a large number of golems, and at this time, these golems have come to Sa Not far outside the city of Europe.

For the rampant undead mage in Werning, this time, the mage decided to no longer tolerate it and launched a massive offensive. Elon can predict that once the battle fails, no matter which side Pay a heavy price.

The only thing that makes Elon puzzled is that as the vanguard, those black robed men who captured the drawbridge, are they really mage?

Most of these black robed men use swords. Among the remaining few, there are many good bows. For some reason, except for a few people, Aaron has not seen other black robed man cast spells. Instead, it was the sword technique of Major Perfection in their hands that caught Elon's full attention.

The knowledge I once learned in Erathia made Elron understand that this level of sword technique cannot be mastered casually, let alone mastered by mage who is not good at close combat, even if It was the former Aaron who did not have this level of sword technique.

Looking at this group of sturdy black robed men who have no undead mage for a while, and who can threaten them, Elon only hopes that they are the powerful mercenary who are invited by mage and cooperate with them to launch an offensive. group , not the existence of any other force.

Because it borders multiple regions at the same time, the environment in Verning has always been complicated, and it is not uncommon for multiple forces to fight at the same time.

Elron believes that once the mage belonging to Brakada sends an invitation, and under the leadership of the Legendary mage, many other forces are willing to join the battle, such as the expedition lords of Erathia, who are Don't mind getting a foot in the battle of other factions.

(end of this chapter)

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