
  Chapter 974 Transformation

Since from the very beginning, I am not sure about the combination of Titan's arrows. In the process of placing the Divine Item parts, Rhodes placed the four Divine Item parts into the four corners of a quadrilateral according to the common placement method in mysticism.

Before picking up the Titan Sword, Rhodes noticed that the surfaces of the four Divine Item parts were shaking violently, but they didn't merge as he expected.

Obviously, if Rhodes did nothing, the four Divine Item parts in front of him wouldn't have assembled by themselves. In order for the combined Divine Item to really take shape, Rhodes had to do something with the Divine Item part in front of him.

After picking up the Titan Sword, the tremor from the sword did not decrease, but became stronger. At the same time, Rhodes could clearly perceive that there was a wave of attraction in his hand. The direction it came from was exactly the three Divine Item parts that were still placed on the ground.

This attraction is not strong, and Rhodes can easily resist it without any effort, but the appearance of this force undoubtedly allows Rhodes to find a direction to try.

Following the incoming attraction, Rhodes brought the Titan Sword close to the other three Divine Item parts on the ground, but when the distance between them reached a certain level, the original attraction was reversed. Turning to repulsion, the Titans moved towards the direction away from them.

It seems to have noticed something. In order to keep the Titan Sword horizontally balanced instead of swaying left and right, Rhodes took the initiative to adjust the position of the three Divine Item parts below. The pattern of the parts has changed from a quadrangle without a mouth to a triangle.

I tried holding the Titan Sword upside down again. This time, Rhodes had more power from the Titan Sword in his hand. At the same time, Rhodes noticed that the three Divine Item parts below, generated The trembling became stronger, even causing the ground to vibrate slightly.

Finally, at a certain height in the center of the three Divine Item parts, Rhodes seemed to sense something, and a certain premonition in his heart made Rhodes take the initiative to release the Titan Sword in his hand.

The Titan Sword did not fall downwards after being released, but was suspended in the air under the action of an inexplicable force.

Next moment, a bright blue light flashed on the sword of the Titan Sword, followed by a strong current that began to spread to the all around area.

The sudden and drastic change Rhodes had not expected. What made Rhodes very concerned was that the strong currents all around did not cause harm to him, but instead brought him a sense of affinity.

Although the indication of the current from the perception is the same, in order to prevent accidents, Rhodes took a few steps back, away from the center of the Divine Item component that was changing.

During this process, Rhodes' eyes were always on the center of the change. Since he was still in the acid mist, Rhodes was not worried that other creatures would notice the abnormality happening here.

The current followed the Titan Sword and spread to the other three Divine Item parts. Under Rhodes' gaze, the other three Divine Item parts began to emit a strong white light, even in the In the acid mist, the white light was so dazzling that Rhodes had to avoid his sight.

Multiple lightning bolts fell from in the sky one after another, hitting the Titan Sword in the center, followed by a dull sound of thunder.

The blast from the lightning strike forced Rhodes to distance himself from the center of the transformation and inflict a thaumaturgical spell on himself.

As for the Divine Item part struck by lightning, Rhodes isn't worried.

The indestructible attribute is destined that the Divine Item can only be destroyed by things of the same class, such as other Divine Items, and the rare immortal hero's will can also do this, apart from this, then It's the Divine Item widget itself that won't be destroyed for any reason, let alone provoke these lightning bolts.

The lightning strikes in the clear sky, and the dull thunder, these anomalies in the sky are bound to attract the attention of other creatures in Titania, but at this time, shrouded in the periphery of the lake of plague Instead, the acid mist became a barrier for Rhodes to avoid detection by other creatures.

Among the Divine Item parts in the field, the most drastic changes are the other three parts except the Titan Sword.

However, even Rhodes, who was watching all this happening, couldn't tell which of the other three Divine Item widgets changed first.

The strong white light has long since dissipated, and the generation of white light seems to activate a certain characteristic of the three Divine Item parts. When the white light dissipates, the three Divine Item parts below, A very peculiar change begins to take place.

The small white light spots began to gather from the position where the Divine Item parts were placed to the center, and three bright passages were drawn in the air.

As the current surges, the number of light spots does not decrease, but increases sharply, and the speed of collection is getting faster and faster. What follows is the Divine Item component originally placed below. It has become illusory, and it may not be long before it will disappear completely.

And the Titan Sword located in midair, after absorbing the surrounding light spots, the blue light emitted on it is more dazzling, and the sword body also becomes slender, a power that only belongs to the real Divine Item, Start spreading all around.

During the drastic changes in the Divine Item parts, Rhodes could feel the presence of magic elements at all times. Even with the Grandmaster Level Wisdom, and the mastery of magic elements in previous lives, Rhodes still had a hard time understanding these. Magical elements, in what way are they working.

This is a special ability that belongs only to the Divine Item component, Rhodes cannot explore and understand all of this in his own way.

Just like when Rhodes was on the Soul Evocation Tower before, he saw the transformation of the cursed armor with his own eyes. At that time, Rhodes, in addition to feeling the fluctuation of death energy, still could not get anything from the transformation process. reward.

Rhodes figured out the transformation steps of the Titan Arrow through his own attempts. Rhodes was very satisfied with this and no longer cared about the process of Divine Item transformation.

The transformation process of Divine Item was the most intense at the beginning, and then gradually calmed down. After Rhodes' perception, there was no more natural phenomenon, which also announced the completion of Divine Item's transformation.

At the center of the transformation, a sword body is constantly twisting and twisting, like a number of lightning symbols in mysticism connected end to end, and the whole body exudes a bright blue light blade. At this time, it is suspended here, and the rest of the Divine Item The parts are long gone.

Rhodes knew that the thing that appeared in front of him was the Divine Item that he had been collecting, the Titan's Arrow.

(end of this chapter)

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