
  Chapter 973 Collection completed

Recalling that after entering this town hidden in the acid mist, From what he observed, and what he knew in advance, Rhodes probably realized what was going on here.

In Rhodes' view, the cause of the drastic changes here, that is, the cause of the acid mist, is most likely because the experiments carried out by the sorcerers got out of control.

According to Rhodes' knowledge of the sorcerer, the sorcerer in Titania will naturally study the most characteristic things in this area.

And in the eyes of the sorcerers, Titania deserves their attention. Apart from the alien creatures themselves, there are only things related to poison, whether it is a conventional poison or a corrosive one. The acid is all under the research of the sorcerer.

The experiments carried out by sorcerers are always full of uncertainty, and the consequences are relatively more serious. There is no shortage of sorcerers with formal ranks who die at the hands of alien creatures created by fusion ceremony, and the same is true in other aspects.

Maybe it was an accident in an acid research experiment that caused the acid mist produced to go out of control, eventually covering the entire area, or maybe it was the backlash, a powerful xenogeneic creature that was fused, in Rhodes. It seems that these may be the reasons for the formation of this place.

However, all of these reasons are just Rhodes' own guesses, and Rhodes can't confirm the authenticity of the guesses without more information.

Seeing that he can't perceive more things from the surrounding environment, plus the Divine Item parts he wants to collect are right in front of him, Rhodes no longer waits, and prepares the spell. cast.

Rhodes one-knee kneels on the ground, leaning down and placing his palms on the ground, begins to perform earth thaumaturgy.

A crack appeared on the ground in front of Rhodes, and spread rapidly into the distance. The block that could no longer be corroded by the acid mist began to fall towards the bottom, and the surrounding acid mist quickly filled up. The space under the crack and spread with the crack.

The sound of the noise kept coming, but Rhodes didn't care. After confirming that there were no other creatures in the acid mist, Rhodes' attention was already attracted by the Divine Item parts that existed here.

The cracks under the feet stretched continuously until they expanded enough to accommodate one person. The falling lumps were squeezed into the ground on both sides under the action of spell, and finally appeared in front of Rhodes. It is a gentle road extending downwards.

After getting up, Rhodes slowly walked down the road that appeared in front of him. At the end of the road, there was the last Divine Item that Rhodes needed, the Titan Sword that was stuck on the ground.

Perhaps because he didn't come into direct contact with the acid mist, Rhodes could hear a loud si si sound coming from the passage, and when Rhodes settled down, the sound was even worse.

Coming to the last Divine Item piece, Rhodes reached out and pulled it up, not as hard as expected, and without even much effort, Rhodes pulled it out of the corroding ground.

The Divine Item parts are indestructible, and even in this special environment, they cannot have any effect on them. What appears in Rhodes' hands is the Titan's sword intact.

As part of the Divine Item "Titan Arrow" set, the Titan Sword in Rhodes' hands is also the last Divine Item part he collected.

The Titan Sword is extremely heavy to start, and even with Rhodes' power attribute at this time, after picking up the Titan Arrow, it feels a little difficult.

There are raised rock walls on both sides, the environment in the tunnel is relatively dark, and the sight is blocked by the poison mist, although Rhodes can rely on the gestures in the perception to detect the position of the Titan Arrow , but cannot see the full picture.

After holding it in his hand, Rhodes did not rush to check its attribute, but followed the original path, escaped from the narrow tunnel, and returned to the ground.

In Rhodes' perception, the perception ability of the Titan Arrow Divine Item parts that he obtained from the inheritance task did not disappear when he collected all the Divine Item parts. After the sword started, it became stronger.

The space ring that holds the Divine Item parts is shaking violently, even making Rhodes' hands tremble uncontrollably.

After arriving on the ground, Rhodes immediately took out all the Divine Item parts one after another from the space ring and placed them in front of him.

From the Guardian God's Shield collected in Valen City in Dia, to the Thor's Helm obtained by agreeing to Elron's conditions in Silver Bluff City, Brakada, and In the European city, the Titan Battle Armor obtained from the Els exchange, looked at the Divine Item parts that he had collected, and Rhodes also had a lot of feelings in his heart.

Recalling on the Soul Evocation Tower, Sandro placed the cursed armor parts and the fusion process of the Divine Item parts with each other, looking at the Divine Item parts that had been collected in front of him, Rhodes was lost in thought for a moment.

Inheritance quest rewards, although Rhodes shows the position of each Divine Item part, but there is no hint for the order in which Divine Item parts are placed during the fusion process.

Even in the previous game, Rhodes only heard about the existence of the Divine Item combination, and didn't really start to collect it. Rhodes didn't know the slightest about how to place the Divine Item parts.

For this reason, Rhodes had a momentary difficulty, staring at the scattered Divine Item parts in front of him.

Although I don't know the correct arrangement, the strong resonance Rhodes feels from these four Divine Item parts can't be faked, and there is a special connection between them.

The positional indications about the Divine Item parts coming from the perception became more apparent, but Rhodes was unable to derive any useful information from them.

Recalling all the scenes about this Divine Item at the last moment of the inheritance mission, Rhodes can be sure that the main part of the combined Divine Item "Titan's Arrow" corresponds to the exact same Divine Item. The last Titan sword he collected.

All Divine Items in combination will take one of the Divine Item parts as the main part in the real form after the combination is completed.

Just as the main part of the Ghost King's cloak is the former vampire cloak, the main body of the cursed armor, it is the torso bone of some kind of creature, like a breastplate, the main body of the Titan's arrow, it is It is this heavy Titan sword.

Rhodes believes that the combination process of the Titan's Arrow will definitely be dominated by the change of the Titan's Sword, but how to guide this change to make the Divine Item components complete the final fusion, at this time Still haunting Rhodes.

Just looking at these Divine Item parts and thinking about it will definitely not be able to come up with the final result. At this time, Rhodes no longer waits, pick up the Titan Sword and start his own attempt.

(end of this chapter)

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