
  Chapter 952 Titania

Above the full-speed ghost dragon, Rhodes at this time , is gradually moving away from his territory in Verning.

After completing the test with Rowlin, Rhodes believed that, relying on the corpse witch kings he had left behind, he could accumulate a lot of corpses during the time he was gone. Wu, while meeting the needs of the next battle, can also attract the attention of other undead mage.

Rhodes did not deal with the Legendary mage who came to Verning. Although Legendary mage is powerful, there is only one person. With the accumulation of corpse witches, the creatures in the territory may not be able to compete with it.

Rhodes has more important things to do than kill the Legendary mage.

At this point, Rhodes' own attention has been placed on another thing, and that is the last Divine Item part of the Titan's Arrow.

Relying on the rewards of inheritance tasks, in Rhodes' perception, the position of the last Divine Item part is on the edge of the continent. According to Rhodes' understanding, it should be where Titania is located. Area.

Under Rhodes' signal, the ghost dragon is moving towards this position and flying rapidly. Because he can always perceive the location of the Divine Item parts, Rhodes saves a lot of time to identify the direction.

Tetalia is located at the very edge of the continent, bordering the savage Crulod, which has been enslaved by the Mage Empire Bracada for a long time, even dating back to the days when the sorcerers were rampant. .

According to Rhodes' understanding, Titania's environment at this time also has an inseparable relationship with the former sorcerer.

The appearance of the sorcerer brought great changes to the original Mage Empire. Even if it was finally expelled by the Magic Guild, this change still deeply existed in Brakada.

When the magician himself was expelled by the magic guild and forced to enter the underground world, how to deal with the creatures created by the magician through the magic ceremony also troubled the members of the magic guild.

There are different types of creatures created by the magic ceremony. Some of them are violent and bloodthirsty, they are not humanoid, they only know the existence of killing, and there are spiritual wisdom and soundness. They combine the specialties of multiple species. An extremely perfect existence.

The easiest way to deal with it is to rely on the existence of spell to erase the lives of these creatures, along with the traces of existence, together with the magician. Under the spell cast by Legendary mage, these levels A low-ranking alien creature has no resistance.

However, the mage at that time did not want to see this situation appear.

Extremely ugly and perfect creatures are also the product of ceremony. Mage naturally cannot treat these creatures equally.

Mage has shown great tolerance for these alien creatures created by sorcerers, not depriving them of their lives, but only banishing them from the territory of Bracada.

Among them, the alien creatures of the overwhelming majority, in the exile of the surface world, eventually point to a small area at the edge of the continent, which is the target of Rhodes' trip, Taitali. Asia. It is precisely with the arrival of these alien creatures that Titania has gradually developed and grown from the original Barbarian Desolate Land.

According to the players in the previous life, some sorcerers who were unwilling to enter the underground world also followed these alien creatures and came to Titania, carrying out their own plans, trying to one day, Able to launch a counterattack against the mage empire.

At the same time, this area is also where players first discovered the existence of underground passages.

The underground passage is directly connected to the underground world, and is the most common way for the creatures of the surface world to enter the underground world. Most of the underground passages in other areas will not appear in the underground of various forces until the third expansion period, but in Titania, they have existed from the very beginning.

The existence of the underground passage undoubtedly proved to the players at the time that there was a very close connection between the sorcerer and this area.

Under the supervision of the Magical Guild, the sorcerer may not be able to establish his own power in Titania with great fanfare, but some small actions are inevitable.

In Rhodes' impression, Titania's environment is extremely harsh. Although the terrain is relatively flat, the interior is full of poisonous swamps, and the threat posed by various flies and insects is far more than any other area. , and this is the change that the original sorcerer made to this area.

Because of this extremely special environment, the alien creatures in Titania are also more or less contaminated with some poisons. attribute to weaken, while some poisons will directly cause a lot of damage.

To survive normally in Titania, the special skill of resistance is essential.

Resistance can provide excellent resistance in the face of some special conditions, such as poisoning, and even completely immune to less strong poisons. At the same time, the special skill of resistance can also be reduced Damage taken from direct hits by spells.

Before that, Rhodes had acquired the special skill of resistance by consuming skill points.

Rhodes' resistance, although only at the primary level, is stronger than not having this special skill at all.

The formation of a special skill often brings extremely significant changes. Whether or not the special skill has resistance can completely change the player's own state in the Titania environment.

Due to the special environment inside Titania, some extremely precious refining materials only grow in this environment.

apart from this , some biological materials with special effects are often obtained from alien creatures in Titania.

In the territory of Titania, there are very few pure-bred humans, and most of the existing ones are some alien creatures that have adapted to the environment.

On the poisonous swamp, lizardmen and werewolves built a fortress here, fighting for the most primordial survival. These alien creatures are of different rank, and it is counted among Titania, the largest number. huge presence.

Stronger creatures than these two creatures abound in Titania.

The giant dragonfly lurking in the weeds above the swamp, ready to attack the surrounding creatures, is enough to terrify any creature, not to mention the petrified giant lizard that roams around the poisonous swamp. The bipedal wyvern that eats food, and lurking in the deepest part of the poisonous swamp, the once Peak creation of the sorcerer ceremony, the Hydra.

Compared with these ordinary alien creatures, Rhodes is more concerned about the existence of a kind of animal trainer in Titania.

Rhodes believes that, on this trip, he has to deal with this special existence.

(end of this chapter)

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