
  Chapter 951 Departure

Rhodes recalls that in the game of the previous life, if you did not rely on the eye of perspective, The existence of Dao Spell, just through its own observation, it is actually difficult to judge which players are taken over by the system after going offline, and which are the aborigines in the game itself.

The characters taken over by AI will not only be able to perform simple hang-up activities, but will truly live in the game like the aborigines in the game.

On the contrary, the players who control these characters, if they do not deliberately hide themselves, the behavior is obviously different, which is actually very distinguishable.

In Rhodes' impression, before the player goes offline, he can make certain requirements to the AI, and set the general behavior to be done in the process of character hosting after he goes offline.

In the process of completing the player's request, the AI ​​will make judgments based on the player's own behavior pattern, so as to make a decision that is more in line with the player's own control.

Even in some occasions where battles are required, the AI ​​will even do better than the player, and the player may face a situation where it is difficult to exert its strength, but this is not the case with AI.

According to the player's existing special skill level, AI can fully display the effects of these special skills, which will not be higher than the existing level, nor lower than the level it should be. It is the strength corresponding to this level.

Including the treasure held by the player, and even any magic scroll, are also under the detection of AI. For the judgment of battle, AI can also see the direction of the battle better than the player. any error occurs.

It can be said that in the process of controlling the character battle, AI also needs to suppress its own control ability in order to reach the level of the player itself.

Players don't pay much attention to things, but they can turn the tide of the battle. In real battles, AI will probably not choose to use them, but choose the battle method commonly used by players.

AI's combat control of characters is only quite satisfactory, and players cannot rely on this method to defeat enemies that they could not defeat before.

According to the true computing power of AI, it is not difficult to use all the things that can be used on the body to maximize the strength of the existing panel and defeat an enemy that is several times stronger than itself. thing.

But unfortunately, this does not exist in characters that are taken over by AI. On the contrary, this ability is only reflected in some high-level creatures.

AI's ability to take over the character can only be reflected in the player's offline, maintaining the character to make a series of actions, and when the character is transformed into Death Knight after death control.

In Rhodes' impression, AI seems to have a very unique understanding of the hero's will. Different from the player's own understanding of the hero's will, AI needs to make a special judgment on the existence of the hero's will in addition to detection.

According to the conclusion drawn by the players at the time, when the player's emotional fluctuation exceeds a certain threshold, and after being tested by AI, it has reached the standard of awakening the hero's will.

However, perhaps due to some scruples, the players in the game cannot directly awaken their own heroic specialties by condensing their will like the aborigines, and must rely on killing three. A heroic way to achieve this.

Due to the particularity of the player itself, from the very beginning, it is considered to have a hero template, but it does not have the heroic specialties of conventional heroes, so killing characters controlled by other players in the game, It also counts as killing heroes, which can meet the conditions for awakening heroes.

However, the only players who can be transformed into Death Knights are those who have hero specialties. Ordinary hero templates, without the blessing of heroic will, cannot meet this condition.

According to the information that Rhodes has learned, in the previous game, due to the existence of a large number of players, the existence of Death Knights is not rare by converting players into Death Knights, even if it is a few. Undead mage players with weak strength can also control some Death Knights transformed by players.

However, at this time, Rhodes could not use this method to complete the transformation of Death Knight.

Because there are no other players, even if Rhodes wants to transform Death Knight, he can't select this type of object, and can only start with the existing heroes in the game.

In Rhodes' view, if he wants to get a lot of EXP, he can only rely on the existence of Death Knight.

The transformation of Death Knight is also something Rhodes has always cared about. In Rhodes' perception, one of the Death Knights he controls still stays in Dia. When he returns to Dia again, maybe can contact him.

Relying on the power of the Divine Item, Rhodes can turn the corpse witch king he transformed into and hand it over to his subordinates, Death Knight and undead mage. The witch's ability, this, is impossible for other undead mage to have anyway.

The creatures killed by Death Knight will be fed back to Rhodes in the form of EXP. In Rhodes' opinion, this is undoubtedly the fastest way to increase EXP.

However, due to the lack of a large number of players who can be transformed into Death Knights, Rhodes cannot rely on this method to greatly increase his EXP. If he wants to transform Death Knights, he can only find other suitable ones. biology.

Putting his thoughts on Death Knight aside, Rhodes raised his hand and transformed the remaining corpses around him into the corpse witch king of sixth rank after thinking for a while.

After being transformed, these necromancer kings did not move as Rhodes had seen before, and Rhodes did not use spiritual imprint to control them.

The purpose of Rhodes' transformation of these undead kings is to use them as a unique undead creature to be controlled by his important subordinates, such as the original centaur leader and Aron.

In Rhodes' view, these corpse witch kings can be used as a special ability, giving their subordinates the ability to transform a large number of corpse witches, even if they are not in the city during this time, they have these corpse witch kings. The existence of his own subordinates can also complete the transformation of the corpse witch.

At this time, there are different types of undead creatures around Rhodes, including the corpse witch king of sixth rank, the ordinary corpse witch of fifth rank, and the Resentful Soul of fourth rank. These undead creatures surround Rhodes. And existence, even without the existence of spiritual imprint, Rhodes can control it.

Looking at the undead creatures around, Rhodes has completed the layout of the city, and finally glanced at Rowlin, Rhodes plans to leave the city of Sao to find the traces of the Titan Arrow Divine Item parts.

(end of this chapter)

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