
  Chapter 949 Transformation

Rhodes himself will not have any problems with the transformation of the Witch King , it can be achieved only with the help of the Divine Item itself. What really bothers Rhodes is how to make Rowlin have this ability as well.

Once this unique way was figured out on Rowlin, Rhodes was able to apply it to the other undead mage to ensure a smooth campaign.

In order to verify the idea in his heart, Rhodes first asked Rowlin to transform the undead creature, but the result did not seem to be ideal, even if he could also feel the abnormal death energy emitted by the Ghost King's cloak, Rowlin could not The Corpse Witch King was transformed.

On the contrary, Rhodes, under the blessing of Divine Item, can transform into a corpse witch king at will, not limited by the original Soul Evocation Technique.

Seeing that the traditional transformation method could not make Rowlin complete the transformation of the Witch King, Rhodes did not hesitate for a long time, and planned to let Rowlin try a new method.

In Rhodes' perception, the area where the Ghost King's cloak exists will always leave a large amount of death energy. Difficult to be controlled by ordinary undead mage.

Before getting the Ghost King cloak, Rhodes with the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique could only faintly perceive the existence of this death energy and could not do anything with it, which undoubtedly shows that this kind of death The uniqueness of energy.

The previous Rowlin, under the direction of Rhodes, completed the transformation of undead creatures through these unique death energies, but it seemed to have little effect, and the transformed undead creatures did not change much. Should it be a skeleton soldier or a skeleton soldier.

Just when Rhodes was going to let Rowlin try a new transformation method, the corpse witch king in the field caught Rhodes' attention.

Rhodes did not immediately apply spiritual imprint to the Witch King after completing his transformation.

The original Rhodes planned to transform into a certain number of corpse witch kings before leaving. With the existence of these corpse witch kings, the city of Sao could also develop faster, so there was no Apply spiritual imprint.

Rhodes noticed that the Witch King transformed through the Ghost King's cloak seemed to be very different in nature from traditional undead creatures.

The corpse witch king in front of him did not show strong hostility to the living like ordinary undead creatures, whether it was the undead mage around or the skeleton soldiers with the undead mage spiritual imprint , did not attract its attack.

For this reason, even if Rhodes didn't control it, the Witch King didn't do anything, just sensed everything around him.

The undead king with some unusual behavior undoubtedly caught Rhodes' attention immediately. At Rhodes' cue, Rowlin quickly got the Witch King under control.

Rhodes discovered that the two skeleton soldiers before, were also undead creatures controlled by Rowlin. When facing the existence of the Corpse Witch King, they had a slightly uneasy tendency, constantly swinging their skeletons. , wanting to move closer to the position away from the corpse witch king.

Compared with the reaction of the skeleton soldiers, the corpse witch king's actions were much normal, without any interference from the skeleton soldiers, standing motionless in place.

Rhodes could feel an aura that was homologous to the Ghost King's cloak from the corpse king in front of him. An equally special death energy that cannot be used by conventional undead mage just radiates from the body of the Corpse Witch King.

Rhodes had sensed this from the Witch King when he was in the Tomb of the Dead. Due to the lack of time to check carefully, Rhodes at that time, only considered the existence of this aura because of the transformation of Ghost King's cloak, but now, Rhodes feels that it is not so simple.

Without waiting for Rhodes to make a gesture, Rowlin, who controlled the corpse witch king through spiritual imprint, first felt something abnormal from the corpse witch king.

As if to get Rowlin's signal, the corpse witch king in front of him turned sideways and raised his skeleton-like palms.

The strong death energy was released from the front of the corpse witch king, but it failed to form the cloud of death, which is commonly used by corpse witches, but directly affected the display in front of it. on the corpse.

In order to verify the efficacy of the Divine Item and to transform a sufficient number of corpse witch kings in the city, Rhodes specially let his undead mage bring a lot of corpses.

Since Rhodes did not limit the types of corpses and their corresponding rank, most of the corpses in front of them were preserved in the form of skeletons. .

With the movements of the corpse witch king, the skeletons in the field, in this brief moment, seemed to be stimulated by some kind, while trembling, they wantonly absorbed this unique death Energy, a special transformation, begins to take place on these bones.

Perhaps because of the large number of skeletons, the death energy released by the Witch King was completely absorbed by the surrounding skeletons in a relatively short period of time, but it still could not meet the needs of the entire transformation process.

Rhodes felt a very familiar aura from the transformation process that took place on the skeletons in front of him. It was the aura of Rhodes' transformation before that.

The scene in front of him undoubtedly made Rhodes realize something, and soon, the situation changed.

With the completion of the transformation process, these original skeletons stood up one after another in a new form.

Under the transformation of the corpse witch king, the skeletons in front of them were not transformed into ordinary undead creatures, but into fifth-order corpse witches, which also crossed the order of these corpses before they died. bit.

What appeared in front of Rhodes was such a group of corpse witches.

What Rhodes didn't expect was that the transformation method he wanted to explore actually existed in the transformed corpse witch king.

Relying on this ability of the Ghost King, even if Rhodes no longer transforms himself, there will be continuous corpses to supplement, which greatly extends the transformation ability of the Ghost King's cloak.

Looking at the appearance of these corpse witches, Rowlin on the side also seemed a little stunned, until he received a signal from Rhodes, and then performed spiritual imprint to control these corpse witches.

What makes Rhodes a little puzzled is whether the corpse witches transformed by the corpse witch king still have the ability to transform undead creatures and improve their rank.

Once even these corpse witches have the ability to transform undead creatures, the effect of the Ghost King cloak will undoubtedly be brought into full play.

At this time, Rhodes also began to understand why in the second expansion of the previous life, players would face endless corpse witches, and it was obviously difficult for Sandro to transform alone. .

(end of this chapter)

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