
  Chapter 948 Test

After finishing dealing with the city, Rhodes has no plans to be in Sao Long stay in the city.

In order to get back to Dia within a limited time, Rhodes needs to complete the collection of Divine Item parts of the Titan Arrow as soon as possible. If the delay in Sao City is too long, it will inevitably have some impact on future opportunities. .

Rhodes has one last thing to take care of before he leaves town, and it's the key to the smooth running of the second expansion.

Somewhere in the city, Rowlin is following Rhodes' instructions to transform undead creatures.

Relying on the Soul Evocation Technique performed by Rowlin, one of them was provided by the undead mage of his subordinates. I don’t know how long it has been dead, and only a skeleton remains. After absorbing enough death energy, At the position of the pupil in the skull, there was a flash of rays of light of deep green, and then he climbed up from the icy ground.

An undead creature made of bones just appeared in the field, as long as you give it a weapon, it can become a qualified skeleton soldier.

All of this happened under Rhodes' gaze. A low-level skeleton soldier was transformed in front of Rhodes' eyes without any accident. According to Rowlin's rank corresponding to the senior undead mage, The transformation of such undead creatures can be completed with no difficulty.

However, Rhodes seemed to have found something about the occurrence of this scene. He frowned his own browsers, and seemed a little dissatisfied. At the same time, some confusion also occurred in Rhodes' heart.

Rhodes recalled that in the previous life's Shadow of Death battle, the Ghost King's cloak was extremely powerful for the creation of corpses, which was not only shown in Sandro, but also on other undead mage reflect.

Not only Sandro himself, but under the action of Divine Item, can transform dead creatures into corpse witches, some of his undead mage, for some reason, also have this ability, as long as A dead creature can be transformed into a corpse witch.

It is precisely under the action of these undead mage that a large number of creatures who died in battle were transformed into corpse witches and rejoined the battle in a very short period of time. smoothly.

If only Sandro had this unique transformation ability, he would not be able to take into account all the scenes in the entire battle, and the number of corpse witches transformed was still limited. Existence, they can still resist the invasion of the undead mage in the way they are good at.

According to what the players said at the time, Sandro seems to have selected a lot of undead mage regardless of rank, and granted them the ability to transform corpse witches, so as to ensure the smooth progress of the battle, but in the previous life. Rhodes of , has not confirmed this, and does not know what method Sandro uses.

Similar to Tanan's handling of the forbidden magic ball, Sandro also uses his own way to make the effect of the Divine Item work on most of the creatures in the force.

Even with the Ghost King cloak in hand, Rhodes didn't get any hints on how to grant the ability to transform the ghoul to other undead mage. In the case that the information in the previous life cannot be of more help, Rhodes at this time can only try this.

Rhodes believes that Sandro's handling of the Ghost King's cloak will never be the same as Tanan's handling of the forbidden magic ball. Other creatures can also use the effects of the Divine Item, but will use other means.

Because he couldn't get any hint from Ghost King's cloak, Rhodes could only let Rowlin cooperate with himself to transform undead creatures and explore on his own.

Rowlin's transformation results did not exceed Rhodes' expectations. Most of the skeletons of an ordinary creature can only be obtained by undead creatures such as skeleton soldiers, and only under the action of the Ghost King's cloak. , these transformed skeletons can surpass their own limits and become more powerful undead creatures.

Seeing that Rhodes had no other orders, Rowlin kept moving, continuing the transformation of undead creatures.

Soon, in front of Rhodes, another skeleton soldier climbed up from the ground, seemingly unaffected by the Divine Item at all.

The inability to apply this ability to other undead mage will undoubtedly limit Rhodes in the subsequent battles, and cannot rely on the existence of other undead mage to promote the progress of the battle.

Thinking of this, Rhodes' expression became more complicated for a while.

Rowlin was not allowed to continue the transformation of the undead creature, Rhodes raised his hand and performed the Soul Evocation Technique by himself.

With the arrival of a special death energy, a skeleton displayed here suddenly began to tremble violently, black air lingering around the entire skeleton, a visible change of naked eye, occurs on the skeleton.

The Soul Fire ignited, and what appeared in the eye sockets of this undead creature was not the common deep green rays of light, but an extreme scarlet. All the surrounding death energy seemed to be caused by this name. The undead creatures appeared and gathered.

The undead creature that appeared in front of him, although it looked more like a normal skeleton soldier, was not a low-level undead creature like a skeleton soldier, but a corpse of the genuine, even more than the average undead creature. The corpse witch is more powerful, reaching the level of the corpse witch king.

In terms of rank, the Corpse Witch King's rank far exceeds that of Rhodes and Rowlin. Naturally, there is no need to say much about the strength he possesses.

Seeing the appearance of the Corpse Witch King in his eyes, Rowlin's expression also showed a hint of shock.

Even though I already knew from Rhodes that he had obtained a complete Divine Item in the previous mission, and was able to rely on the power of the Divine Item to directly convert the corpses of ordinary creatures into sixth rank's corpse king, when Rowlin saw this happen with his own eyes, he would still be extremely shocked.

Rowlin knows that the existence of Divine Items and their effects are far beyond everything in the world and cannot be measured by common sense. produced under the action.

In front of Rowlin's eyes, a skeleton with little value that can only be transformed into a skeleton soldier by the undead mage has become a real high-level creature, the corpse witch king of sixth rank, and this, Relying on the power of Divine Item.

From the corpse witch king in front of him, Rowlin could feel the strong suppression from the energy of death, as if the energy of death controlled by the undead mage was not worth mentioning compared to what he had on him.

Rhodes' transformation of the Witch King has brought a huge shock to Rowlin, who can only transform skeletons into skeleton soldiers. Rowlin deeply understands how much this ability will bring to the undead mage. promote.

(end of this chapter)

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