
  Chapter 917 The Powerful Potential

For Rhodes, the professional skills possessed by God Seekers, More of an opportunity, Rhodes is confident that he has the ability to obtain a large amount of EXP, so that his attribute can reach a unimaginable level.

After successfully progressing to God Seeker, Rhodes swept over the attribute panel and saw that 22wEXP remained, and immediately chose to upgrade the character level again.


"Consumes EXP 200,000, and the remaining EXP 20,000. The occupation level is upgraded to Level 5 God Seeker Level 2..."

"Get 2 free attribute points, 2 skill points...”


Rhodes noticed that the amount of EXP consumed by the Godseeker leveling up, and the number of level-up rewards earned, Both are twice as high as regular occupations.

This point is also mentioned in the professional skills of God Seekers, and the multiplier should be related to the number of Divine Grade special skills possessed by Rhodes.

After feeling the bonus of the attributes of the God Seeker to him, Rhodes realized that if he has more Divine Grade special skills in the future, will this multiplier be increased?

Thinking of this, Rhodes hooked the head. Relying on the bonus of racing achievements and the existence of Divine Item, Rhodes is worthy of upgrading Soul Evocation Technique to Divine Grade. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to upgrade a special skill to Divine Grade again, and it is almost impossible to achieve it.

Having a hunch that in the next war, the spirit attribute that he used to control undead creatures might not be enough, Rhodes allocated all the free attribute points to his spirit.

After assigning attribute points, Rhodes checks for another important thing, the existence of skill points. Combined with the additional skill points obtained from the previous racing achievements, at this time, Rhodes has accumulated a total of 9 skill points.

Without any hesitation, according to the previous plan, Rhodes used these skill points for the improvement of Earth Element magic.

After consuming 6 skill points, Rhodes raised his Earth Element magic from the original primary level to the expert level in one fell swoop.

Due to the need for 5 skill points to upgrade the Grandmaster Level from the expert level, Rhodes is temporarily unable to upgrade the Earth Element magic level again.

Looking at the remaining 3 skill points, Rhodes did not redistribute them, and planned to save them for the upgrade of Grandmaster Level Earth Element magic after level 1 again.

Any skill that reaches the Grandmaster Level will have a qualitative change in the effect it can produce.

At this time, although Rhodes has mastered the expert-level Earth Element magic, he still cannot control the gate of time and space, and cannot rely on his own ability to lock the space calibration far away in Verning, so as to directly back to their own territory.

Maybe the Earth Element magic of Grandmaster Level has such ability, but the current Rhodes has not mastered it due to the lack of skill points.

At this moment, Rhodes once again felt the power of the God Seeker's specialty. If it weren't for the skill points that this class was rewarded with, he would have to go to Level 5, Level 6, to successfully master the Grandmaster Level Earth Element magic. .

Rhodes realizes that the Godseeker's job is better at lower rank.

When Rhodes took the job of God Seeker, he was already a level 5 professional. If he can successfully upgrade to the capped level 7 and level 10, he will get 30 free attribute points and skill points. It is a basic attribute, which is enough to open a big gap with regular Tier 7 players.

At this point, Rhodes couldn't help but think that if he could take up this powerful profession at a lower rank, such as fourth rank, the attribute points he would get might be even higher.

However, Rhodes also realized that the condition required to advance to the God Seeker, that is, the existence of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, is a condition that ordinary players cannot meet anyway.

Even Rhodes has the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique thanks to the blessings of various rewards and Divine Items, and other players cannot replicate this experience at all.

What Rhodes is very curious about is that when he is in the 4th level, he can rely on the existence of the Divine Rank Soul Evocation Technique to advance to the special profession of God Seeker, then when he advances next time, or It is what kind of occupation can be advanced by relying on this special skill when it is promoted to a higher rank.

After the promotion of the rank, in Rhodes' perception, along with the indication of bloodline perception, Rowlin's existence gradually became clear, even if it was separated by a very far distance, Rhodes could clearly perceive her The presence.

As if realizing something, Rhodes took out a sealed parchment roll from the space ring, opened it and checked it briefly.

This parchment scroll in Rhodes' hands records the secret technique that Lich Stephen used to keep his face unchanged and not eroded by the energy of death, and is of great value.

Before returning to Verning, Rhodes intends to take a look to see if the secret technique works. Rhodes quickly mastered the secret technique with the knowledge of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

On the parchment scroll, there is a secret technique for taking life energy. The object of taking life energy can be an unrelated innocent creature or an undead creature under his own hands.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that the secret technique emphasizes that the absorbed life energy can only be used to resist the erosion of death energy, and must not be used for other purposes, otherwise it will be extremely unstable. Life energy will produce a purification effect similar to the undead killer, causing heavy damage to itself.

Observing the secret technique in front of him, Rhodes somehow thought of Sepp who he had seen in Wallen City.

In Rhodes' impression, Sepp at that time, by some means, accumulated a lot of life energy of other creatures in his body, and eventually died because of these unstable energy explosions.

Thinking back to what happened to Sepp, Rhodes realized that perhaps he was drawing life energy in a way that was somewhat similar to this secret technique, rather than from Bracada.

As far as Rhodes knows, there is no such secret technique in Brakada, which directly captures life energy. Like undead spells, this is also a forbidden study.

It's just that Rhodes at this time has no way to verify this, and can only wait until he sees Stephen later to find out about these situations.

After confirming that the secret technique is feasible, Rhodes put it back in the space ring, and turned his attention to his attribute panel.


[Name: Rhodes

Hero Specialty: Peeping Eye (2/3)

Rank: Level 5 God Seeker Level 2 (0/400000)

attribute: strength 27, speed 24, physique 32, knowledge 41, spirit 17 (46), control spirit 0 (66), remaining skill points 3

Health: 210/320

Mana: 56/360

Stamina: 320/320

EXP: 20000

Common skills: spiritual imprint (strengthening), powerful bat transformation Lv1, energy secret technique Lv1, heavy slashing Lv3, burst Lv2

Special skills: Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique , Grandmaster Level Wisdom, Expert Earth Element Magic, Expert Sword Technique, High Level Mysterious, Intermediate Scouting, Primary Level Resistance, Primary Level Eagle Eye, Primary Level Fire Element Magic

Common Magic: Teleportation Lv1, Titan Shield Lv1, Death Cloud Lv5, Undead Killer Lv1, Mirror Dafa Lv1, Hell Raging Flames Lv1, Time Gate Lv1, Chain Lightning Lv1, Meteor Shower Lv1, Titan Arrow Lv1

New achievements: Challenger, Perfect Inheritance, Ultimate Inheritance, Hero, Sorcerer's Enemy, Divine Favor, Vampire's Enemy, God Seeker, Beacon Fire]


With the blessing of numerous racing achievements, Rhodes' overall attribute has reached a terrifying level.

A melee attribute that is barely on par with melee professionals of the same level. If you don't control any undead creatures, just look at the panel, and even have the same spellcasting ability as high-level mage, that's Rhodes' current strength.

Since Rhodes at this time has already put away the Divine Item parts of the Titan Arrow, the various basic attributes attached to this powerful Divine Item are not included in the statistics of the system. If these attributes are included In addition, Rhodes will be even more powerful.

After checking his own attributes, Rhodes closed the attribute panel after a long time, and turned his eyes to the direction from which the bloodline perception came, where Rowlin was.

(end of this chapter)

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