
  Chapter 916 Feature 2

When the undead mage is in the middle and lower ranks, there are no other ranks. Comparable combat capabilities, through the control of the undead creatures under the opponent, in the early and middle stages of the game, a formed undead mage pressing multiple players to fight at the same time, it is also a norm.

However, as the game progresses, the disadvantage of players who choose to become undead mage will appear.

In addition to the undead creatures created by the undead mage, there are few Legendary creatures, and more importantly, even the undead mage's own advanced path is also extremely narrow.

There is basically only Lich as the high-level path for the regular undead mage to choose, and there is not even any advanced path, which can make the undead mage have powerful spellcasting ability.

At the end of the game, the strength of the undead mage can only be reflected from the undead creatures under him. The occupational bonuses of various cemetery-level ranks also focus on this point, so that the undead mage can give the undead creatures under him various powerful special skills.

With the increase of rank, no matter how many low-level undead creatures, it is difficult to affect a truly powerful high-level professional, and players cannot accumulate undead creatures for a long time like Lich. , the cemetery department ranks will undoubtedly appear extremely weak in the later stage.

On the contrary, the orthodox mage does not have to worry about this at all. The professional bonuses of high-level and Legendary mage are enough to make their damage reach a terrifying level.

Rhodes is always looking for new progression routes due to a deep understanding of the disadvantages of undead mage in the late game.

Before finding a suitable advanced route, Rhodes did not choose to rush to upgrade his rank even though the EXP possessed by Rhodes had already met the requirements for advanced.

Rhodes knows that when the player's rank reaches the fourth rank or above, he must carefully consider each time he moves up the rank. A long way off.

Rhodes is naturally reluctant to choose the regular undead mage profession when the cemetery department has already proven to be weak in the later stage.

In Rhodes' view, it is undoubtedly a good thing that this new profession can free itself from the limitation of Soul Evocation Technique and deviate from the promotion route of the cemetery department.

Also appearing in the promotion options, there is also the occupation of Duke Vampire, but according to Rhodes' understanding, this occupation also belongs to the cemetery class, and it cannot solve its own problems. the predicament.

Without any hesitation, Rhodes immediately chose to be promoted to the fifth-rank [God Seeker], even if he had to consume a huge amount of EXP.


"Consumes EXP 1,000,000, remaining EXP 220,000. Profession level is upgraded to Level 5 God Seeker Level 1..."

"Get Free attribute point 2, get skill point 2..."

"The fourth-order occupation [Undead Mage] is completed, and the professional specialty of [Undead Mage] can be retained."

"[Undead Mage] ] Occupational specialty: Manipulation Spirit +20. When using Soul Evocation Technique, according to the basic level of Soul Evocation Technique, you will get a certain amount of mana reduction. The current Soul Evocation Technique level: Divine Grade, you will get 100% mana reduction.”

"[God Seeker] Occupational Specialty: Double the EXP of the character's level, and double the free attribute points and skill points obtained each time you level up. Each time you have a Divine Grade special skill, it will double on the original basis. Currently The number of Divine Grade special skills: 1, doubled in total."

"You have obtained the racing achievement [Beacon Fire]."

"[Beacon Fire]: You can take up any position. Tier 5 occupation. The basic rewards are all attribute +2, and all damage is increased by 20% when wearing it."


After seeing the various reminders after being promoted to God Seeker , Rhodes was shocked. Before that, he never thought that the professional feature of God Seeker was so special.

What makes Rhodes most concerned is, of course, that God Seeker can double the free attribute points and skill points obtained when leveling up by relying on the number of Divine Grade special skills.

Although at the same time, the EXP required for the upgrade will also double, but Rhodes doesn't care at all. Compared with the additional attributes, the EXP spent on the upgrade is nothing at all. .

With the game experience in the previous life, Rhodes deeply understands that from the first rank of the game, until they are promoted to the seventh rank, the attribute points and skill points that can be obtained by leveling up are limited. Every player can only get these rewards by leveling up, and the EXP required for leveling up is getting higher and higher.

The EXP required for high-level players to level up to Level 1 is more than 10,000 times the EXP required for First Rank players to level up to Level 1, and the rewards they get by leveling up are exactly the same. 1 free attribute point, 1 skill point.

For this reason, Rhodes understands that spending EXP to improve a character's level is often very cost-effective at low levels, but it doesn't bring much benefit to high-level players, and it doesn't even directly improve the player's own level. Level up your skills faster with EXP.

If it is not for the promotion of rank, the character level must reach level 10. I am afraid that not many players are willing to put a lot of EXP into the promotion of character level in the later stage of the game.

It is also in this situation that the professional expertise of the God Seeker is revealed.

By consuming EXP doubled to obtain doubled upgrade rewards, it is undoubtedly a very rich reward for all players.

Imagine that in the process of raising a character's level by one rank, ordinary players can only get 10 attribute points and skill points, but with this unique professional specialty, Rhodes can get 20 points. The difference between the attribute points and skill points of a point, the point difference of a complete rank, is enough to widen the player's strength by a large margin.

Because every time you go to the next rank, the EXP required for upgrading will become ten times that of the previous rank, twice the upgrade EXP of the current rank, and the upgrade EXP of the next rank. In comparison, it may be nothing at all.

After noticing the special ability of God Seeker, Rhodes knew that with the bonus of this professional ability, he might be able to greatly improve his overall strength.

Rhodes wasn't overly concerned about EXP. Rhodes believes that, when the Shadow of Death campaign officially starts, with the Ghost King cloak, he doesn't have to worry about the amount of EXP at all.

Although Rhodes can't convert the corpse king from Ghost King's cloak, and directly convert it into his own EXP, but the creatures killed by these corpse kings, Rhodes will get their EXP completely. , this, Rhodes had already confirmed it in the previous death tombs.

Rhodes believes that when the Shadow of Death campaign starts, he will gain unimaginable EXP, enough to meet the EXP requirements of the God Seeker.

(end of this chapter)

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