
  Chapter 912 Far Away

A warm feeling came, as if bathed in the warm spring sun , He has healed all the pain on his body. As an undead mage, Videnina has not felt this way for a long time.

After sitting up, he opened his eyes and looked all around. On the dark wall, the deeply sunken lines no longer radiated luster. The fire on the candlestick dispelled the darkness and brought a burst of light to Vidnina. bright.

Vednina realized that she should be inside the Soul Evocation tower, looking at the surrounding furnishings, it should be the middle area of ​​the second location calibration, but the undead mage that was originally studied here has long been. disappeared.

In Vid Nina's sight, a silhouette was standing in front of the tower wall, with heavy armor placed at his feet, looking at the things inscribed on the tower wall, wondering what to think. what.

Feeling the movement behind her, the silhouette turned her head and looked at Vid Nina behind, who was Sandro.

In the process of getting up, it seems that the wound on her body was affected, and Vidnina's face twitched a few times, and at the same time took a deep breath.

Confirming Vid Nina's safety, Sandro didn't say much, but turned around and continued to put his eyes on the wall in front of him, but he obviously couldn't seem to As calm as before.

The pain from the wound undoubtedly revealed an important piece of information to Vidnina.

Just as Vidnina lowered her head and looked at her hands, as if to confirm the changes in her body, Sandro's voice suddenly came from her ears.

"Don't worry, your life isn't over yet."

"How long have I rested?" Vadernina asked, lifts the head.

"About half a day."

"Where's your teacher, Eric? How did that fight turn out? I remember falling from the Soul Evocation tower... ..."

Between questions and answers, Vidnina moved towards Sandro's position and walked over.

"Eric has been beaten back by me, and I have won this battle."

Saying this, Sandro turned sideways, looking at him who had come to him Vid Nina, who was standing, said, "And you were also saved by me."

Looking at Sandro on the side, Vid Nina smiled and said nothing.

"I wonder why you stood in my way when the vampire's attack came. Aren't you afraid of sinking in death? I'm not sure I can't stand it in the armor of the curse An attack."

Asking the doubts in his heart, Sandro waited for Vaderina to answer.

Sandro's words made the smile on Vaderina's face even more. Raising her hand and pointing to herself, Vidnina replied:

"I still have a life."

"I believe that even if I die here, Can be transformed into a Death Knight and stand beside you again."

"And you are different. Only pure creatures who have never died can experience transformation ceremony. Before the mystery, you can't have any mistakes."

Hearing Vidnina's words, Sandro was silent for a while, as if he didn't know how to answer, just stretched out a hand, against the wall in front of you.

It wasn't until a long time later that Sandro sighed, changed the subject, and said, "The power of the Divine Item is so intoxicating."

"It was originally shrouded in The forbidden magic barrier on the top of Soul Evocation tower should also be generated under the action of Divine Item. I have heard that the war in Brakada is related to the Divine Item of this power, but didn't expect it to appear here. ”

“With two Divine Items in hand, I almost forgot that the original purpose of coming to Dia was to explore the truth of the endless night ceremony. Instead, I got lost in the power and wanted to use these two Divine Items. The power is enough to conquer the entire world, and the god of mage is no longer important."

"Now that I think about it, it's not a bad thing to lose a Divine Item."


Recalling the cursed armor that was perfectly placed at Sandro's feet when she just woke up, Vadernina immediately understood the meaning of Sandro's remark, and immediately asked:

"Without the improvement of the Soul Evocation Technique by the Ghost King cloak, how to find out the abnormality in the endless night ceremony?"

Sandroshook the head, looking at the tower wall in front of him , and said at the same time: "Don't worry, I have already got the answer I want most."

Following Sandro's gesture, Vidnina also looked towards the tower wall.

Vidnina noticed that the deeply sunken trajectory on the tower wall just drew a special pattern, which was the ceremony picture of the endless night that she was more familiar with.

However, compared to the regular endless night ceremony, the pattern in front of me is undoubtedly very special, from which we can see a lot of traces of modification, and the effect has also changed a lot.

Vednina was concerned that, from the appearance of the ceremony pattern, she noticed some signs for the ceremony of the endless night that seemed to be added by outsiders.

These special logos do not modify the ceremony itself, but point out the errors in it. I don't know who added it.

With the arrival of a Formation force fluctuation, Sandro began to release the earth-defense thaumaturgy. Under the action of spell, the ceremony trajectory on the tower wall began to change significantly.

In the end, the original revised logos were completely disappeared, leaving only a new ceremony pattern.

Looking at this revised endless night ceremony, Vaderina, who uses Soul Evocation Technique as a hero's specialty, can't perceive anything related to the undead spell at all.

Relying on her own spell knowledge, Vadernina can't judge the true effect of this ceremony, but she understands that this is what Sandro said, stripping away the traces related to the undead spell Afterwards, it is more primordial than the Ceremony of the Eternal Night, full of spells and ceremony of Hex's transformation.

"Next, we only need to go to the underground world, and after meeting with Jedette, according to the knowledge of the magician, we can get the most primordial ceremony after stripping the magic part from the ceremony. "

"Gwen Magnus, your secrets won't be kept for long."

Sandro's words could be heard, but Vaderina still seemed to be immersed in it. Among the new ceremony in front of me.

Recalling the revision marks she had seen before, Vidnina asked, "Who made the revisions to the Ceremony of Endless Night?"

Sandro pondered. After a while, he replied: "When I came here, these modifications were already done. I can't be sure who made the modifications, but I think it should be the same person who took the Ghost King's cape."

Recalling that after the battle, when checking the spiritual imprint of the vampire, some anomalies were found, among which is included Rhodes leaving on the ghost dragon, Sandro said to himself: "I think, we I will meet again.”

(end of this chapter)

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